He knew it was me that day in the dark? Or he subconsciously knew…I mean, he always says he knows how I smell because of Elise’s products, so maybe once he got close…

  I can’t get my head around it. Given how he went off on one when the lights went on, and now he's saying deep down he knew it was me and not Charmaine. That can’t be.

  “I don’t even know anymore.” Dane pushes past me and stalks to the breakfast bar, pulls out a stool, and flops onto it before sagging over the surface and laying his head on an outstretched arm. A gesture of childish defeat. He is still looking my way, yet none of his usual cocky arrogance is present. He seems tired and spent, and I know exactly how that feels.

  “You’re saying you feel something for me? That this is a two-way thing?” I pick out the microscopic sense from the words he has used so far, and he remains still and silent. “What do you want me to say or do? I don’t know what you’re trying to do here, Dane?”