“Don’t you dare hand in your old essays because I will know. I have a photographic memory!...... Besides….Think of it as an opportunity to reflect on your old work and see how you have grown. If you interpret the book differently now you guys have grown some and experienced hormones and dating… How many have matured and no longer think it’s ‘sweeeeet’…..” He mimics a cutesy, gushy girl's voice. “That an older sixteen-year-old picked up a thirteen-year-old minor after one meeting and rush married her before suicide.” He frowns, dumps down his pen, and crosses his arms to watch our reaction. He has always been a cynic on the love story.

  “When you put it like that, sir, it’s kinda gross.” A girl from two rows back chimes in, and I toss Elisa a small smile of support as she uncurls from her hair with the topic of Shakespeare. He’s her favorite author, and she sits up straight. Forgetting her Tyler shame and gets invested in listening.