WebNovelTEEN DRAMA100.00%


  “This isn’t exactly straightforward, okay…. Do I think this is the worst decision ever, and we will both live to regret it… hell, yeah. … Am I sure this is what I want? No… but I know I don’t want not to do this either…… Do I think we probably will make a mess of everything and never be able to fix it? Maybe…. Will I get my ass packed off to London because you cannot lie or act? For sure….. but I’m here. You are what I want. And I’m sorry I didn’t make it all roses and candles and all that shit, but I figured just making it clear to you was more important…. I’ve never had to make anything special for a girl, and I didn’t peg you as one who expected grand gestures and me standing in the rain waving stereos over my head.”

  “Well, for the record…. I like romance. I would prefer a teddy bear to a stereo, and my flower of choice is daisies. I like them. Don’t even question it. I also like chocolates.”