Chapter 13

He picked her up in his arms and walked towards the car..her gown was ruined..she was numb instead of crying..there were many bruises on her neck and face...he made her sit on the passenger seat and held her face with his palms..

Rubel: Love?? look at me??

She emotionlessly looked at him

Carla: Are u going to ask me if he did that ?

Rubel: Keep 2 things in ur mind...if he has touched you then he will see living hell here and it's not ur fault so my love is not going to decrease even if he did that with u..i will still respect u the same either u r virgin or not..

Carla couldn't hold anymore so she hugged him pretty hard and cried out her heart on his shoulder..he made her sit on his lap and she hugged him like a koala..he rubbed her back and assured his presence..

Carla: I didn't even imagined that he is such a jerk..he..he kissed me forcefully and...ah...he bited my neck like a bitch...i feel disgusted by his touch..i am traumatized Rubel.!! his...his touch was so dirty..i..

Before she could speak anything Rubel placed a soft kiss on her lips..his lips moved softly around her lips.. he placed his one hand near her checkbone and neck..other hand was on her back slowly rubbing her back to make her anxiety and pannic down...She was flustered by his kiss at first but then she gave up and kissed him back...she was kissing him like there was no tomorrow..her hands were turning into a fist clenching his shirt..she was still on his lap...they pulled apart after a good kiss which was full of love..

Rubel: The only man whose touch u r gonna remember is me! got that??!!

Carla: Uh..yeah..( she was turning red)

Rubel: Do u wanna continue what was stopped??

Carla: Huh??

Rubel: Our wedding??

Carla: Ohh u were talking about it?

Rubel: What were u thinking??

He said while looking Directly in her eyes staring at her soul..she started moving so that she can stand up from his lap..but it turned him more..which gave him a boner..

Carla: Ah... nothing..haha.. same as u..

Rubel: Stop moving if u don't wanna regret..

He said with his heavy and husky voice..she stood up immediately after she felt something pocking her..Rubel didn't said anything as he don't wanna loose control on her..

They drove off to the ceremony again and Carla was dressed up again in a white gown... finnally she walked towards the asile with her father..he gave her hands to him and Rubel held her hands.. Priest read the woes and they finnally were married..

Priest: U may kiss the bride..

Rubel: We already did..

Carla hitted his arm as everyone laughed there..her parents were also there who were happy just because their daughter was getting married to a wealthy man..Rubels mother was also there.. everyone was congratulating them when a girl dressed red revealing her almost whole body came and hugged Rubel..there was an unpleasant look on his face and he pushed her back..

...?? : U forgot to invite ur bestie..!!!!

Rubel: I didn't forgot Nancy it was on purpose..

Carla laughed a bit which was noticed by Nancy and Rubel's mom

Rubel's mom: Comeon u two..Rubel!! How could u do that look at her how sweet she is..even tho i expected her to stand here on her(Carla) place..

She said to made her embarrass and Rubel spoke up..

Rubel: Watch what u r saying mom..she is the mafia queen now...I have given her authority to cut off anyone's head without even asking from me so think before u speak and yeah u Nancy...have some manners atleast u r hugging a married man in front of his love without my permission...only she(Carla)have this right.. Understand!?

He holded Carla's hand and they both went towards his car...she was smiling like a maniac..there was a dead silence in the car when she said.

Carla: She is ur mom u shouldn't have said that..

Rubel increased the speed..

Rubel: She isn't..

Carla: What do u mean??

Rubel: Can we don't talk about it right now?? i will tell u when its right time?

Carla: Its okay take ur time but atleast reduce the speed it's kind of scary..

Rubel: Yeah..

They drove off to his villa