Chapter 15

Carla woke up and saw Rubel wasn't there..she did her morning routine and started wandering around the house while finding him..

Carla: Heyy Rubel!! where r u??

The whole corridor was silent so only her footsteps were audible..She saw a door which was different from others..

Carla: seems like it's his office..

Carla opened the door slowly and entered there..the room was a whole mess while Rubel was sitting there holding some files..

Carla: Yahh Comeon at least answer..I am finding you from the past 15 minutes ..

Rubel: Sorry i didn't notice..

Carla: come downstairs lets have breakfast i will cook .

Rubel: you don't have to.. there are maids

Carla: I like my food when it's cooked by me so if u want to eat then come otherwise your choice..

She said but she was hoping that he will taste food made by her as last time the cookies incident was still bothering her so it was a way to say sorry..they were eating there breakfast when Rubel said

Rubel: It's delicious babygirl

Carla: Thankiu..uh by the way can i ask u something?

Rubel: yeah sure go on..

Carla: Who was that girl who hugged u like she is someone special..

Rubel stopped eating for a minute and said

Rubel: She is my ex

Carla: Ooo

With that she stuffed her mouth with food..

Rubel: She was selected by my mother for the date..i don't like her from the start..

Carla: wHy diD yoUr moTheR forCed u to dAte?

Rubel: First Chew the food properly then ask.

Carla: I said Why did your mother--

Rubel: She loves Anna so she wants her to be a part of our family but i don't like her..

Carla: why??? she is beautiful

Rubel: Not more than u.

Carla: liar stop buttering..

Rubel: Well for me u r the only girl who is pretty..and about that anna she is a gold digger..she love me because u know i have looks tho

Carla: Haha? looks?? she must be blind

Rubel: Comeon u also admit that i m hot..

Carla: Not at all

Rubel: oooo then who was the girl yesterday night..who was fighting the urge to kiss me

Carla: YAAHHH!!! shut up and eat your food..

Rubel laughed and went for the job..Carla also went to her police station after convincing Rubel..

Everyone was shocked to see her back after ghosting everyone..she explained everyone that she is married now but didn't exposed about Rubel.. everyone was working but something was bothering Carla..

Carla's POV

Why do i feel like that there is something wrong with Rubel's family..he never explained about his mom and dad..his dad wasn't at marriage he alive? should i ask him..nahh it will sound rude..but i think i should..

She reached home but he wasn't was 8 pm already..she asked maids about him but they also didn't know about she called him. After he picked up carla immediately said

Carla: Yahhh where are u its already 8.

Rubel: Missin' me already?

Carla: Uh... it's not like that..why will i miss u..its..i have something to talk about..

Rubel: Okay what is it?

Carla: Come back home then we will talk..

Rubel: I will be there in an hour..

Carla: Why what are u doing in this late hours??

Rubel: Uhoo my possesive wife i m in the meeting..i stopped it to have a talk with i have to go okay babeee..i will be there in an hour..

With that he hung up..

Carla: Tf- whyyyyyy issss he sooo hearttt..wait carla..u can't okayy?? don't fall for him..

She took a shower and Started preparing the meal..she was focused there so she didn't noticed that someone was behind her..she thought it was Rubel..

Carla: Finnally u r home..

She turned around but it was an unfamiliar guy..

Carla: Who are u? and what r u doin here??

Rubel's mother: He is Rubel's younger brother oliver atleast show some respect..

Carla: Oh..sorry mom i didn't saw them on wedding so i didn't know..

Rubel's mom: whatever! can we get some water or u will starve us tonight?

Carla: No no take a seat there i am coming..

Carla was feeling an uneasy gaze from Oliver but she shrugged it of and served them water.. Nancy was also with them. Carla was a bit awkward and was hopping for Rubel to come home faster..she made the dinner for them and everyone was eating..when Rubel's mother said..

Mom: Did u made this.?

Carla: Uh..yes..

Mom: No wonder why u get along with maids well..

Carla: Well atleast its better to do our chores by ourselves as it will help us in old-age..u should also try mom..

She left everyone speechless..

Nancy: Watch ur mouth girl..if u r mafia queen that doesn't means u can disrespect her..

Carla smiled a bit and said..

Carla: Well i didn't disrespect her i m just telling the truth..

Mom: Forget it Nancy..not everyone is like u..

Carla: Yeah... that's why i own the crown..

Mom: Enough!! we r leaving..

Carla: Have a good night..

With that Carla stood up and went to stairs..she stopped and said..

Carla: Maids.. please escort them towards the entrance..

After that she went to her room and one of the old maids went to her room..she knocked on the door..

Carla: Yes??

Maid: Well it's good to see that someone finnally said something against her..

Carla: She was trying to test that's what she got ..

Maid: But she won't stay silent..she will do everything to dethrone you..

Carla: Who he back?

Maid: Not yet mam..

Carla: okay fine..u can go..

It was 10 pm and he finnally arrived..He entered the room after freshing up and having some meal..He saw her sleeping there..but as he sat on the bed she woke up..

Carla: Yah.. thankgod u r finnally home..

Rubel: Woah..u seems releived after lookin at me..

Carla: No i am brain is going to explode due to thousands of questions that i wanna ask u..

Rubel: Okay go ahead i m listening..

Carla: Before that u should know that today your mom was there for dinner..well i tried to control myself but i am sorry..she was comparing me with that bitch so i talked back with her..

Rubel laughed and said with excitement..

Rubel: lol..tell me fast what happened..

Carla explained everything that happened

Rubel: Woahh i am kinda shocked tho..and impressed also..

Carla: Aren't u angry because she is ur mother??

Rubel: She isn't..

Carla: That's the fucking point now tell me everything or i m not going to talk with u forever..

Rubel: It's hard for me to explain..

Carla: Hey..look at me

She holded his face with her palms and made him look at her..His face was still in between her palms..

Carla: Last time u comforted me when i was having a pannic attack..u know each and everything about whole dark i want u to be comfortable with me too..i don't know that what our bond is but still i want u to show ur all emotions which u always hold back form it?

Rubel: Hmm.. okay fine..

Carla: yeah now speak..

They both sat on the bed while facing each other..

Rubel: My real mom dad were killed..this family is not mine..