CHAPTER 4 Hospital

  A dazzling light dawned on me. I blinked my eyes for a couple of times until I finally adjusted my sight to a luminous light. I feel the weight of my body and the pain in my head. I was not familiar with the area where I was, but when I saw the devices next to me, I knew already. It is not clear to me how I got here, nor is it clear in my mind what happened last before I lost consciousness.

  "Cyreese! Thank God you're okay." I looked at the door when I heard a voice from here.


  I did not expect to see her. A beautiful pair of clothes covers her body, and I don't even know, but it's definitely a famous and expensive dress. How is she here? She appeared to hear my question and responded.

  "Levi called Mom when the incident happened. They couldn't go because their flight was early, and I just missed my flight in the afternoon because I'm still finishing a project. How are you feeling? Do you need something?"

  She continued on, obviously concerned about me. I took her hand in mine and stroked it. I can't help but feel joy in my heart; I don't remember the last time someone worried me like this since my mother and father died, so my heart is softening.

  I'm used to Celest being considerate; she treats me like her younger sister, even though there was a time when Celest was really serious and didn't talk or abuse me, and I understand this because it's normal for women.

  Just as he inherited his mother's tender heart, he inherited his father's seriousness. She once told me that she wanted to have a sibling because she was an only child, and she said it was a sad part of her life. In this part of our lives, we got along because, like her, I was also an only child and only one parent grew up with me.

  "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Celest. Don't worry, I'm fine. I can't pay my bill here, so can I go home?" I said it wearily, but she cut me off immediately.

  "No, don't worry about it. Rest first until the doctor says you can go home. For now, Levi will be in charge of you until you get out of here. I have to catch my flight in a couple of hours, so he will take you home. "

  Now that she's mentioned it, my eyes are drawn to a suitcase parked next to the chair. I didn't know that the Solidad family would travel to Manila so soon. They often leave because of jobs, but I don't know how long they will be gone, and now that I have learned that what happened to me became such a nuisance to them, I'm already feeling the guilt. 

  "I'm really sorry, Celest. Please tell Ma'am Mira and Sir Constantine that I'm fine and apologize for going to town." I couldn't look into Celest's eyes as I said that, if I hadn't gone last night, I just had the feeling that I wouldn't have bothered anyone.

  "No, Cyreese, I'm sure mommy will do the same."

  She just shook her head at what I said. At the same time, we looked at the crack of the door, and the man, who was still a puzzle to me, appeared.

  His dark eyes found their way into mine, and I couldn't seem to get away from them. I wasn't dreaming and hysterical last night; he was the man who helped me and brought me here. I don't know; for me, it's impossible to see him there and at that time.

  Sister Celest mentioned his name, and he approached her and said something that I think is ordering and letting go. He just nodded sparingly, and for a brief moment, a dark look passed me by, followed by a cold stare. Celest approached me again and said goodbye.

  I just realized that it was morning and the darkness I experienced last night had passed.

  I was too busy reprimanding myself for lying down here because of my reckless decisions; I'm not even sure if I can call them reckless because this is the first time I've wandered, but I was hurt. I was harassed. And worst of all, who will ever know what will happen to me if Sir Levi isn't there to save me?

  Celest just kissed Sir Levi's cheek and hugged him gently as he left. I just avoided looking at what I saw. What exactly are they? I heard a soft sigh, and when I shook my head at his side, his two hands were tucked into his two pockets.

  He was still wearing the same pants that I saw last night, or not? But now this almost white v-neck shirt no longer matches the polo he was wearing when I last saw him. I could feel his gentle stare at me as if he wanted to throw words at me, but he was still figuring out what I was going to do. Maybe I should thank him and let him know that he is no longer obliged to take care of me because the inconvenience I have caused him is too much.

  Although it was difficult, I forced myself to sit up, and I immediately felt the familiar headache that I felt last night. My eyes also rotated a little, but I still tried hard for the sake of my gratitude to him.

  "Thank you so much for helping me last night. I'll look at that with great gratitude. I'm sorry if I have to bother you and—"

  I took my gaze away from our eyes and moved it to his side of the lip, which was obviously damaged due to a few blood clots. My eyes widened, and I tried to reach his wound, but nothing came out of my mouth, and I just closed it tightly because I felt so annoyed. Look at what you've done, Ava.

  "I'm sorry. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have gotten that. You don't have to do that, so ... thank you."

  I waited for a few seconds for him to say something, but his jaw tightened and he focused sharply on the small window. I could do nothing but bend down and play with my finger and look at the device attached to my hand. If it weren’t for me, nothing like this would have happened, I wouldn’t have been hurt, and no one else would have been hurt. If I had just worked hard on that project, I would not have had to fulfill Oli's favor with me.

  "You rest. We will be needing your statement once you get out of here. We will file a case against those idiots who did this to you."

  I don't know how many more times I will be shocked today, but my ear tingled when I heard that from him. No. He didn't even pay attention to what I said, and I was the one he really targeted. 

  "Case? N-not anymore. They didn't do that much to me. I'm fine, and one more thing, it doesn't matter anymore because I also don't have the money and time ... to be allocated for that. "

  I swallowed the lump on my throat when I met his eyes, which were starring so darkly at me. It seems like I said something wrong that I need to regret, and he will never forgive me. I don’t know how I convinced him not to continue what he was saying, but when I saw myself in the windshield of his car as he drove me to the Solidad’s house, I already knew what he was up to.

  I have a sore on the side of my lip, and it is a different color because of the bruise, but it is not as bad as his. There is also a cast that supports my hand because the swelling in my left arm is so large that the doctor advised me to take a break because if it is moved, it will slow down the recovery and I may not be able to go to school yet.

  I never saw myself sitting in the car of a man who would rescue me, with a man I didn’t even fully know. Now that I can see him up close I can clearly see how delicate the curve of his nose, his jaw, and the neat arrangement of his hair, his tight grip on the steering wheel showed even more the perfect shape of his arm to wrist like yesterday there was an armor watch.

  I would have liked to thank him again for the kindness he showed me, but I was afraid that he might think I was too thankful. Maybe one thank you is enough, because he ignored me before. I was able to deliver my gratitude already. Now, whether he accepts it or not, I will still be grateful. I saw the crack of his lip and his next swallow.

  He cleared his throat and said, "Take your medications. It will take some time for you to recover. Do you study?"

  He turned to me for a moment, and I nodded and smiled sweetly. He just nodded and cleared his throat again.

  "It's better if you stay at home for now."

  He tapped the steering wheel a couple of times and looked at me again. I didn't even take my eyes off him and just stopped at what he said, waiting to see if there was more to come.

  "It's ... according to the doctor."

  I just smiled and shook my head. "I'm okay. I can still write, and I can move my body."

  I looked at the sea, which I could already see, signaling that we were close to the land of the Solidads.

  "And one more thing, I can't miss class because our exam is coming up."

  I said next as I looked along the road where we were. I feel that no matter how much peace the sea brings me, it seems like here I will be okay, and with all the fatigue I have experienced, this is my rest.

  "You are so stubborn."