Hand Over the Antidote

Shi Qian had just taken a step when she stopped and looked at Shang Sizhan seriously. "Master Zhan, stay in the car this afternoon when you come to fetch me."

She knew that Shang Sizhan didn't like people around him. She didn't want people to surround him either.

Shang Sizhan realized she was jealous. His thin lips curled slightly, "Li Feng will drive in the afternoon."

He initially did not like being surrounded by a group of infatuated girls.

He just wanted the young woman before him to do the thing.

"Oh, alright." Shi Qian smiled.

Two figures appeared in the afternoon.

Shi Qian and Professor Song Wenbo came out of the teaching building.

The two were walking in the square when Su Jinxuan suddenly appeared and glared at Shi Qian.

Three bodyguards in black stood behind her. They were here for Shi Qian.

Shi Qian glanced at him and ignored him. She continued to talk to Song Wenbo.