Demon Prince of Lust

The incubus used the singular noun; he referred to himself alone instead of them. "I don't have plans to kill you. You can't touch me; you know that, unless I want to. You can tell your minions to leave us, or you can tell part of yourself to merge with the original," she ordered.

The demon smirked, but the succubi disappeared and only a few incubi remained. Not a single creature defeated me in any game until you came," he commented as he was using his charm on her by smiling at her seductively.

Venus knew that in every demon from the afterlife she defeated, a huge part of her memories would come back to her. She'd read it in the silver book. It seemed that the book was an encyclopedia or Google that had all the answers to all her queries. Still, large part of her memories were still hidden from her consciousness, but at least she made a huge development when she defeated the demon prince of lust.