The High Priestess

She woke up in an unfamiliar room. She looked around and noticed that the room was bare, with only a bed, a small table, and a chair inside. Even the stone walls are bare. On the table was a candle. On the window, it seemed that light and darkness were mingling, but it was obvious that soon darkness will dominate the entire world.

"You're thinking what I am thinking right now. To others, sunset is a beautiful scene, the end of a drudging day, and a prelude for a long rest because they knew the darkness was only temporary and the light always came at the right time. But soon, darkness will have no end." A voice from the door said

She turned and saw an old woman standing there, holding a silver book with her.

"Who are you?" she asked.

The woman smiled and said, "I think you need to ask yourself that. Who are you? Do you remember anything about yourself?" She asked quietly.