Setting up the Cauldron

Haley's cooking skill could give buffs and after the taste testing, it was also discovered that each serving she makes give a random buff.

"I have no control over the buffs but every time a smoked meat is ready, a point or two from my mana gets taken on its own," Haley stated with eyes focused on the next serving that was going to go in the storage for later.

Lucas nodded in understanding, recognizing the significance of receiving buffs while eating. The fact that there might be occasional hiccups or randomness along the way was a minor concern when the rewarding after-effects outweighed any potential worries.

They ate to their heart's content as the buff was not the only good thing, even the taste was better than anything they had eaten in this world.

"Do you see the problem of being vegetarian now? You can't even eat what you made." Lucas said with a chuckle. Haley, Sandra, and Mike had a grumpy expressions.