- wanting more -

~Cleoi, Oxzy's apartment~

The hero felt a pounding headache emerge when he opened his eyes. A blinding light hit his face as he had left his window curtains open in his room, the sun was beaming on the hero, lifting him from his bed. He shifted his body around. Stirring the cat that lay on his legs. Moving away as gently as he could, the cat flopped her head on the bed, still in a deep sleep.

Oxzy shook his head, a smile playing with his lips. Having to move away, the hero got ready for nothing as he traveled to his small kitchen. Even if Cirilla May didn't follow him out, Kamari did with a swoosh of her tail. The rodent was traveling behind her owner in hopes of getting noticed.

Oxzy soon noticed her after washing his face, he shook his head before bending over on her level. "You're not supposed to be out here."

With his words, he picked her up and went back to his room where the kitten stayed in the same position. He set the rat next to Cirilla, seeing Kamari sniff her before settling next to her. They nested close to one another, warm and comfortable, Oxzy turned back to his kitchen.

In honesty, he had no idea what he was gonna do that day. All he had an idea about was that he might have to leave to stop Pierce. If he chose to actully mess with him today. He hoped he could just stay home with the critters in his room.

After swinging down a bottle of water, he walked back into his room, hearing a loud and annoying sound. His phone was on a plug next to his bed, vibrating with a ringing sound from it. He rolled his eyes, knowing he had to do something today.

Picking it up, he looked at the call, gulping, he accepted it.

"Sir?" He asked, sitting down next to the sleeping animals.

The other end was silent before Milo spoke. "I'm sorry to call you so early, Oxzy, but I was hoping we could meet up again today."

Oxzy couldn't help but growl, feeling a headache from which he stayed silent. Milo called for him again, sounding concerned, it only annoyed Oxzy more. "Is there a reason to meet up, or do you just want to hang out with me sir?"

A sharp and embarrassed voice came from the other end. "No-! I mean, kinda! But it's for work I swear!" The quick response came and Oxzy looked to the roof, feeling the urge to hang up on him. All he wanted to do on this day was stay home. Now Milo was calling with no real purpose.

"Look, I got everything settled here at the station so we can talk there. I also got new information about Randy for you to hear."

With him elaborating, Oxzy lifted his eyebrows. He did want to know more about the case as Randy would be a danger to people, so even if he didn't want to do anything, he had to do something. "Arlight. When?"

"Oh, uh tonight at the station!" Milo replied enthusiastically.


"7! 7:00 is fine Oxzy." With his last reply, Oxzy said goodbye before hanging up. He set his phone back on his desk before flopping onto his gray sheets.

~Formay, Police station~

Milo waited for a few minutes till it was 7:06 before debating if he should call Oxzy again. He didn't want to intrude, but he was feeling fed up that Oxzy ditched their meetup. Milo secretly wanted it to be a date, only he knew he had to have some meeting when wanting to see the hero.

The officer went for his phone, only to hear the front door open. His head shot up and met with the hero's gray blue eyes. He felt his breathing stop, standing up abruptly with his back straight. Oxzy came forward, ignoring the eyes that followed him as made his way to the officer.

"Oxzy! Glad you could make it." Milo smiled happily, losing all his anger within minutes. Walking around the counter, he noticed how the hero took a step back when being next to one another, he just brushed it off.

Looking at the man, Milo felt his mind wander. He had urges that were wrong, everything about what he wanted to do was wrong. Oxzy asked the sheriff something, only it went past Milo's ears.

"Sir?" Oxzy asked once again, raising an eyebrow to the blonde male. Milo could only stare, forcing the hero to roll his eyes in annoyance. "Sir!"

Milo stepped back, shaking his head before giving a half smile. "Sorry, you just look… Good today." He decided to say, giving the hero a smile and slight blush on his face.

The hero in turn, gave a side eye, nodding his head with a 'thank you' leaving his lips. Milo could feel the awkwardness in the air, it made the two shift around awkwardly. It was washed away when a new person welcomed himself into the conversion.

"Milo sir! I got the paperwork done." Jayce walked in with papers in his hand as well as Jamison following behind. They walked in before stopping when their eyes fell on Oxzy.

Milo stopped as well when seeing them, moving over so he wasn't as close to Oxzy, he nodded to his officers. "Great, thank you Jayce." He took the papers from Jayce and set them on his desk behind the two.

Jayce looked at Oxzy with a look of realization, a small smile on his face crossed and he put his hand out for the famous man to take. "Your Oxzy right? This is the first time I'm meeting you." Oxzy hesitantly shook his hand. Almost unintentionally, Jayce squeezed his hand. "You look a lot normal in person."

"Sure." Oxzy responded before pulling his hand away.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Oxzy. I didn't expect my men to be done with their work already." Milo shuffled back, nodding to Jayce before noticing Jamisen. The man was looking at him with furrowed brows, a question clear in his eyes.

Milo cleared his throat, standing in between Oxzy and the other men. "Well, Jamisen, can you show Jayce around more and tell him the rules?"

"What will you be doing?" Jamisen questioned back, giving a pointed look to Oxzy behind Milo.

"I have a case I'm working on with Oxzy's help." Milo firmly responded, leaving no room for Jamisen to speak back. He nodded to the two in front of him before leading Oxzy into the back office. He closed the door before turning to the hero who took a seat across from the desk.

When sitting down across from the hero, Milo pulled out some papers before setting it in front of Oxzy. The hero looked around, keeping his body close while the sheriff set everything down. After he finished, he looked at the hero, his mind wandering as he stared deeply into the curly mess of black hair.

"Did anything turn up?" Oxzy started, looking at the papers as he shuffled them around. Milo kept his eyes on Oxzy, wanting to do anything but talk. "Sir?"

His eyes quickly flinched away, he shook his head. "Y-Yeah, uhm something did come up about Randy."

The hero sat up straighter, giving his attention to the officer. "After searching the far side of the grubs, my team came across a male's body." Milo moved a stack of papers from under a few pencils, moving it in front of Oxzy for him to see. Oxzy didn't even have to read it, he saw the body and knew the news. "He was found dead by the sewers with one bullet wound in his head. We have no leads but this so far."

Oxzy looked down at the file, his mind far away. He couldn't help but feel strange about this, it couldn't have been Pierce to do this. Why would he go through the trouble of breaking Randy out, then later kill him? That and Pierce doesn't kill people with guns.

Gangs do on the other hand.

"Have your men even investigated yet? The grubs aren't that big if the whole station can look for the culprit."

Milo flipped the papers around, touching his temple, his eyes looking down. "We have. Nothing comes up from them."

Oxzy couldn't help but roll his eyes. How could the whole station search the small amount of grubs and find nothing? The grubs are full of gangs and drug dealers, yes, but that makes it less hard to find the culprit of a killing. Although, Oxzy could feel like Milo isn't trying very hard. He wasn't trying at all.

Instead of saying his true thoughts, Oxzy stayed silent. That led to Milo continuing, off topic. "Y'know, I was just wondering… What do you do when you're not, I don't know, fighting or doing your job?" His hands moved around in thoughts, "is it a job to you? I mean, you don't get paid for it so I just wonder if you want to?"

The hero felt himself doze off, mind wandering as he wanted to be anywhere but here. Thinking about other things, he just thought about what he needed to get before going home, he could stop by the grubs and search for the killer himself.

Only he knew if he was caught in the grubs and recognized, he might need to do more than what he wanted. But just hearing Milo ramble on about things OTHER than the important matter made him feel like he had to. Randy was, by all means, not an important matter. He continued to ramble about something, Oxzy gave no mind to him. Only wondering if he wanted to look for the killer himself.

Well, he felt like he had to.

A sudden touch to his hand brought him back to reality, he pulled away in shock seeing Milo awkwardly pull away. Putting his hands to his side, he gave a small smile. "Sorry, you weren't responding."

"What did you ask?"

Milo looked taken aback, sensing that Oxzy wasn't paying attention to him at all. He felt annoyed and hurt all at once, but he shot the feelings down. Maybe the hero had a lot on his mind? He didn't want to think too much since he wanted the hero to feel more comfortable with him.

So he kept on asking questions, coming closer with each one until he was almost touching the oblivious hero.

Oxzy had never been hit on before by a guy. A few times by girls, but a guy was a new thing for him. Which is why he hasn't caught onto the look Milo was giving him. In some ways, it was a very different way to "flirt." Milo could get anyone he wanted by being the sheriff in the town, but his eyes were on Oxzy.

His curly dark sea of hair, bright gray blue eyes and long lashes. He didn't know when he started to pay attention, but he couldn't pull it away. All he wanted to do was kiss him.

His hand hovering over Oxzy's, his eyes mere inches from him. Milo was so close, he could do it. But it was washed away when the sound of knocking echoed through the office. Jamisen yelled through the wood, calling for his sheriff to finish and help with training Jayce.

Milo stood and apologized to Oxzy, asking if he needed a ride. Oxzy quickly shook his head, claiming he could get home by himself. The secretiveness of the hero's living place made the officer want to know more. To dive into what the hero kept so quiet and unknown. He couldn't do so now.

But he hoped too soon.

~The Grubs, unknown-

The hero had decided that he could look for the killer himself, he stopped by a shop to cover himself so no one in the filthy area could recognize and target him. An over-sized black hoodie and ripped black jeans, Oxzy blended into the background. Granted, this wasn't the first time he was in the grubs and tried to track down a "wanted" killer, but this time, he came more prepared. He knew bad things would happen if he came into this part of town without hiding himself.

He didn't know what to do exactly, all he knew was to start off by looking around. Find something that gives off what Oxzy is looking for and follow from there. What Oxzy was looking for was a group, a group that was selling things in the dark, maybe a bit of violence against their own people, then Oxzy had a lead.

As if the grubs heard his thoughts, loud shouts came to the hero. He stopped to look for the source of the sound. It was from the far end of the street Oxzy was one, shifting in a less threatening way, the hero looked in the direction of the men.

A group of big and tattooed men were beating around on eachother. Bottles around their feet shuffled around as they tousled with each other. They gave no attention to the hero who walked past them. Oxzy gave his attention to them, feeling a cold drift of air pass him, his eyes keen onto the small but obvious group. They all had red bags under their eyes, showing they were on all types of substances. They fell on eachother, proving disorientation. Oxzy brushed past the cold air that traveled the smell of beer and metallic like scents.

It wasn't them. Is what Oxzy got out of it, he ignored them as he went on seeing them non-threatening to anyone and himself. He focused in front of him, feeling the air around him in the sense of any blood, smoke, or fire. A very recent smell of ash was going around, it smelt old so Oxzy ignored it.

As he went on the streets that had any sort of junk lining the ends, Oxzy found no trace of any killer. Lots of drugged and almost dead people were all he found. Fights that were liquor related and or relationship drama was all he picked up on violence.

Oxzy felt like giving up on this useless look around. But he knew he was better than the police in the case of finding killers. They had to be hiding somewhere in the grubs. Anywhere, but if Oxzy knew better, they were the farthest from Pierce.

The hero had an idea of where the villain lived, not to be exact though, it was a close guess. He stayed away from that area, moving to the more dark and secluded parts of the grubs. The most dangerous part of the town.

Oxzy had no fear of course, he could protect himself with ease, no fear and only determination followed his way. The only thing that did scare him while being in the grubs was running into the villain. That would create a light in a never lasting effect on his already damaged body.

He can handle people, but Pierce wasn't a normal person.

-Just like himself.

The drift of smoke around the air was coming from a similar pair. The two walked down the street, Mercy pushing through her purse in search of a lighter. She began to groan in annoyance, causing Pierce to turn his attention to her.

"Mother fucker! Where is my shit?" She growled, rolling her eyes.

"Up your ass apparently." Pierce smirked, lifting his finger to light a flame for the woman. She held her joint up, lighting it and taking a swing from the weed, letting puffs of smoke escape her mouth. She ignored the comment and slyly pushed him away with her hips.

He took the push, moving his hand with the flame disappearing. He and his tipsy friend just left from browsing around at Daylight, Mercy occasionally stealing and people running when they noticed the villain. It wasn't fun for him, but after Mercy had decided to show him where she had been getting hooked up, it sounded like a thrill.

So he followed the woman down to the far end of the grubs where she had been getting her hits. It was near a lake at the very end of the town, it was still known to be in the grubs, meaning it was in the most dangerous part of this place.

Pierce felt a cold air hit him, his walking stopped and his mind immediately went to someone who had the same wistful cold air following him.

It had to have been Oxzy. The hero was close by, Pierce wouldn't want to believe that the hero was actually in the grubs, but he did however know what followed the hero.

A cold mist of the air blew past him and Mercy, it only caught him in his tracks. Mercy continued on, before she noticed her friend had stopped, Pierce had already turned into the direction of the cold air. "I'll meet up with you later on. I gotta take a piss."

"Don't do it on fire this time big boy." Mercy mocked with her eyes, keeping her trudging feet forward and towards the warehouse.

While the woman went forward, Pierce stepped back and followed the wisp of cold air. In all honesty, Pierce could be wrong in some way, maybe Oxzy wasn't here, maybe it was just cold air. But Pierce knew Oxzy wayyy too well. He knew what followed the curly male and how he acted.

He was a bit over himself with being the only person to know the hero so well.

He almost felt special.

Well, he knew he was special.

As he followed the cold mist in the air, Pierce caught sight of a figure near the end of the street that faced the warehouse. The warehouse was near the lake, far away from other houses, with only long stretches of alleys facing and hiding the lakes.

The villain was staring at the figure, a thought running through his head but his body staying still. The cold mist became stronger, flying past him and hitting the hooded figure. That was when the villain noticed exactly what he was looking for, curly black hair flew from the hood and out into the open. The figure's face was still covered, but all Pierce needed was to see the curly hair.

Pierce knew who he was looking at. Though, he didn't know why.

The villain strolled behind the figure, slowly coming closer without any notice from him. At least that was what he was hoping, but the hero had a strong sense of his surroundings since he was in such a dangerous place. So the hero quickly noticed he was being followed.

Feeling the steps match him, his eyes kept forward, his heart beating louder the closer the person came from behind. The hero was debating on what he should do. Hit the person? Fight and scare him off? That would cause attention to him which is the exact opposite of what he wants at this moment. He had to stay hidden but get the "danger" away from him.

With his breathing hitched, Oxzy made up his mind. Stopping, he moved his hand from out of his hoodie pocket, intending to quietly threaten the person. Only, he was stopped by a sly voice speaking from the following figure.

"Why are you so far away from your safe place?" It was Pierce, the villain looming above the hero, his face smiley and voice full with excitement.

Oxzy's reaction was quick, with his hand facing the ground. Cold energy running from him and into the space around grew, a cold spike flattened around the end of the villain's feet. Pierce stayed in the same place, no motion or reaction to the threat.

His eyes looked at the ice, lips holding a light smile. "I wouldn't do that," he voiced out, causing the hero to stop the ice from growing. "You're in the grubs. My home. Don't do things that will get you caught…"

The hero did take the words to his head. Moving his hand down and away from the ice, making it shrink. The ice melted, his face still stern while keeping Pierce in his view.

"What are you doing?" Oxzy asked, he stayed in the same, tense position almost intending to be attacked at any moment.

Although the villain had no intention to fight the hero at the moment. If anything, he was curious as to why the hero was in the grubs. Curious enough to hold the urges to fight and anger the man, he instead was okay with just "talking". His way of talking in a way that includes close and flustered faces.

"I was wondering what you were doing here actually. This is my home, you're a bit uninvited."

The hero did know that it was weird for him. He is kinda in a weird position to ask what Pierce was doing here when he lived here. But he couldn't tell the villain exactly why he was here.

So like his usual self. He stayed silent.

The villain, instead of being annoyed, was pretty used to the silent treatment. It was who Oxzy was. He was mostly intrigued more, knowing that the hero was hiding something.

And he wanted to know what it was.

"You're here for something important obviously." The villain shrugged, taking a small step forward to the tense hero. "Why? Do you like me so much that you wanted to come visit me?"

The response was a growl. The hero shifted his stance, wanting to either run away or push the villain away. He held in the urges that would get him caught. Instead, pulling his hoodie more over his face, his hands out and free for a close fight incoming.

The villain gave no mind to the threatening position coming from Oxzy. He didn't feel like fighting at the moment, only wanting to talk to the quiet hero. "You must, I mean you never come to the grubs. I can take you to my house and we can get some drinks?"

His voice was masked with amusement, his long legs gliding under him as he stalked closer to the man. Oxzy took a step back, his face stern while Pierces was joyful. "Do you drink?"

He was closer now, his face a few inches from the pale skin that looked up in hostility. Oxzy was ready to be attacked, jumped or pushed all around.

The villain was closer, his nose almost touching his own. Eyes a deep brown suck in all of Oxzy's feelings and expressions. The hero had to calm down. This is what the villain wants right now, to see fear, to know that the hero will always be on guard because of him.

It was a drug he was addicted to.

"Filthy." Oxzy sneered under his breath, making eye contact with Pierce.

The villain cracked a smile, sharp teeth under his lips made the hero quiver, anxiety running through him. It didn't reach the surface, the hero kept the fake front up, hiding what he felt and showed the villain what he didn't want.

He could see right through the smile, the villain's eyes showed hostility, almost anger from the words coming from Oxzy. He hid it well. Giving a smile as if to scare the hero, to make him shake with fear.

But the hero didn't show any fear, glaring right at him. It was silent between the divided men. Both sides hate each other, but not wanting to make the first move.

The silence was ended by the villain's dark snicker. He covered his mouth as a laugh came out from him, his eyes lifted to take in the hero more. He wanted to look, to consume all of his thoughts and emotions. All of it until the hero could only blink lightly, only to whisper begs for the villain to listen to.

Pierce knew he could never get that, but he did wish for something similar. Instead, the hero turned his head, walking past him with his shoulder swiping at the villains. Pierce stayed in the same place, his body turning red with anger.

He wanted to watch the hero retreat away from his home, but knew if he turned to look at Oxzy, he would attack him. So he didn't turn. He stayed until he couldn't hear the hero's light footsteps before turning around.

By then, no one was there.