~Hallway side, the streets~
The evil man let the fire die down, looking around for the shouts of anger he had heard and fueled. The people who were yelling, calling him names had run off when he set the fire. He rolled his eyes, putting the fire out as he didn't feel like calling the station over, he didn't really want to deal with anyone since his mood was bad.
He would end up killing someone by accident if he did see someone with this state of mind. When he used to feel like this, Rosamee calmed him down. Now no one could calm him from causing destruction.
He started walking back to the grubs, kicking the ashes from the ground, being bored and tired. He was honestly starting to hope he could get some action. That maybe something could happen today so he doesn't feel so bored and angry-
A loud wincing sound of the air broke from behind him, Pierce turned to see a flying black flash coming right at him. He sideswiped but still got hit to the ground.
His hands dug into the dirt to stop himself from falling flat. In the end, he found himself looking up with a hunched back at glaring eyes. A smirk rolled up on his lips when he could form an emotion, he stood up and dusted the musk from his jeans, still smiling at the steaming man in front of him.
"I guess you weren't busy," he joked, eyes gliding down at the hero's dirty, unkempt clothes. He looked like he was attacked, like he ran miles just to reach the villain. "You wanted to see me that badly?"
The mockery in his voice caused the hero to grow red, he bent down before taking a running start at the man. Pierce wasn't expecting it, landing him on the ground again as Oxzy speared his chest with a blast of wind. The villain caught his breath in his throat, choking lightly at the rough throw.
"Ah-" He voiced out with amusement and pain.
But the hero still wasn't done, the villain tried to gather himself, he suddenly felt a hard hold on his arm. A branch came from the tree beside him to strangle the villain who found his feet.
Pierce felt the hard hold, it was meant to hurt him horribly with the thorns tearing his flesh. He felt a rush of excitement, the hero was filled with energy and rage, directing it at him who could fight back with the same amount of energy. That would relive his pent up emotions more than ever.
His hand landed on the trunk, a flash of orange and red and the tree was nothing but a burning pile of bark and ash. He jumped away from it, the leaves burst into flames, smoke circling the two in a rouge pit.
The villain was filled with energy, darting up from the fire and bounced off the ground and into the air. Oxzy motioned for the circling wind to pick up around him, it spiked in speed, rushing towards the flying villain. The villain, in turn, jumped down when the wind swiped at his legs, almost making him tumble to the ground. He turned to the hero, earning a face of flammable leaves.
The fire burned his face, hard wind pushing them into his skin. The villain was a bit immune to the fire, not like others. He could still feel the heat seeping into his skin, it hurt like little needles digging into his flesh. It was able to be ignored, so he chose his own attack next.
The hero's arms were up in the villain's direction, he was forcing the hard wind to blow the flaming fire to hit the mad man. The villain took the opportunity when seeing his hands open and bottom half exposed, he hit the ground, causing the cement to roll up. It shook the ground and the hero's hands moved down slightly from the unbalanced land.
The villain ran forward with the wind being gone now that Oxzy was distracted. His left hand shot out, a burst of flames flew at the hero's open face. The hero felt the heat come rushing towards him at lightning speed. His hands shot up to cover his face from the flames, an ice wall covered him, taking the fiery hit before bursting into smoke.
It evaporated instantly, dropping into a puddle of hot boiling water. The hero moved away from it, seeing from the corner of his eye, the villain rushing towards him. He moved his hand down to the little bit left of the water, it started to form quickly to Oxzy's will, darting up with a small command. Seeing the villain get closer, Oxzy raised a hand, flinging the water to him.
The villain spread his arms into a firewall, just like Oxzy's ice wall formed in the air. It stopped the hot water from burning him, as the fire died down, the villain made eye contact with Oxzy, a tired smile lifting his face.
The hero himself felt tired, his hands aching from using too much energy, especially since he ran from the station all the way to his apartment in Cleoi. He was exhausted but still came out to stop the villain. The villain who put out his own fire. The hero didn't know the whole story of what happened before he came, and he didn't bother to find out.
The hero couldn't help but feel guilt in his chest. He was taking his anger out on the villain, who doesn't even know what happened before he got there. But Pierce was the only "person" in town that could take and handle Oxzy in a crazed state. Even if Pierce was seeming to enjoy the attention, the strength Oxzy was putting into the fight, he knew that it would soon be too much for him.
"Too much for him" was a weird way to put it, but the villain already looked tired from Oxzy's repeated assault. Yet he kept going, the attention which he was addicted to was a source for him to not run away from a fight. It was meaningless, yes. Oxzy had no other way to let out his hurt, rage, only to give it to a rocket of a person who craved it.
Even so, they both soon became tired from the back and forth that was never ending. All their strength and energy was put into the battle, so soon after Oxzy let out a spike of ice once again, Pierce rolled around on the floor before settling on his stomach.
The hero could finish him off right now, but he too was tired. That and he couldn't kill anyone, his rage and pent up emotions were dulling his mind. The man slumped down onto the ground a few feet in front of Pierce.
The villain looked up to the sound of a falling body. Seeing Oxzy on his knees, face red and sweat dripping from his black curls. Pierce didn't look any better, his face red, hair drenched with sweat.
They both felt, and looked the same. Sitting just a few feet from each other, only pants and gasps sounded between them.
Pierce chuckled lightly, faint mists of smoke coming from his mouth. Oxzy looked up to him, his eyebrows knitted together in clear annoyance. He managed to lift his arm from the slumped position it was in to aim at Pierce.
The villain quickly noticed, his hands went up quickly. "Wait- wait! Truce- let's have a truce, hold on…" His voice was shaking as he spoke, but his defenseless stance on the ground made the hero pause for a second.
"You're very annoying." He responded, his expression stern compared to Pierce's snarky look. "How could- I not?"
"A truce. Come on.. We both are exhausted." He explained, panting.
Oxzy slowly moved his hand down, his expression still hostile. Slowly, he slumped to the ground on his legs, panting as well. Pierce put his hands down, landing on his chest, rising up and down with his breaths coming out fast and almost shallow.
"So…" His voice broke through the air. "What got you so angry?"
Oxzy looked back to him, noticing that his voice was more quiet, it wasn't filled with malice or his normal mocking tone. Instead, it had a hint of interest. But Oxzy stayed silent, slumping his head down, taking in air after air. A shuffling sound made his head fly up, though it wasonly Pierce sitting up in the exact position as him. His long legs laid out, stretched in front of him while his eyes caught Oxzys.
"Come on.. Not like I could tell anyone. Not like anyone would care."
Oxzy shook his head with little strength. Still silent, the villain started to feel a little bit sad that the hero couldn't even converse with him. He was about to keep talking, but Oxzy's voice stopped him. "You would just mock me.. That's worse than anyone here who wouldn't even listen to you."
He was surprised at first that Oxzy decided to explain, to talk to him. Even if it wasn't the answer to his question, Pierce still felt happy for getting a response. "I would mock you for a day. Then forget about it the next."
"Not happening Pierce."
The response to his words was a giggle. Pierce tried to cover his mouth, seeing the hero glare at him. "Fine. I won't mock you if you tell me."
"Terrible liar." Is all Oxzy responded with.
Pierce couldn't help but chuckle more at his small but funny responses. "I actually am told that a lot."
Oxzy mumbled something under his breath in response. Pierce tilted his head, staring at the hero's distracted eyes. He got even more curious, wanting to pry and venture into the hero's clouded mind. He shifted closer to the man, turning dirt from beneath him in his small move.
The hero noticed, sitting up stiffer with his hand raising.
"Hey! I said truce, put that arm down!"
Oxzy stared at him in confusion, a few more seconds and his hand went down. His eyes closed as he turned his head in a different direction from Pierce. "Terrible liar."
The words were mumbled, but Pierce heard it better now that he was closer to the slumped man.
"Alright. How about if I tell you what happened to me, you tell me what happened to you?" His voice was like a child talking about candy. It sounded odd but not forced at all.
Oxzy forced his head to turn, eyes now open, waiting for Pierce to continue.
"I got some druggies trying to leave the grubs talking about all the stuff they were going to do!" He leaned back in a lazy fashion as he rambled on. "I spoke to them and they turned out to be high or drunk. I don't know, but they spoke back to me."
"So you burned them?" Oxzy couldn't stop his mouth from opening in response to Pierce.
The villain looked offended, holding his chest as if it hurt. "Do you just think of me as a ruthless killer?" He faked a pout. "Rude."
Oxzy rolled his eyes, knowing that the villain was getting his energy back to be annoying. "No, I didn't kill them. I scared them until they pissed themselves and ran back into the grubs." He started to explain, Oxzy subconsciously listening. "I put the fire out since I was already tired and knew the stupid blonde officer would come and piss me off more."
Oxzy slightly froze when Pierce mentioned the sheriff. His mouth tightened, lowering his head to change his emotionless features. The villain noticed the change, being closer to the hero enough to see all his expressions.
The villain hummed, leaning on his hand while peering at Oxzy. "So he did something?" His words came from observing the hero's facial features, he stiffened, lips curled and eyes sagged. Something had happened, Pierce wanted to know it all.
Oxzy turned his face away from Pierce. The villain leaned back, a smirk growing on his lips, "I knew he would have done something to you by now. Just by looking at him, it was clear he was holding back."
His words seemed to stir the hero, Oxzy turned slightly before he forced himself to inch away. Pierce kept talking, acting as if he didn't notice Oxzy's body movements. "What'd he do? Attack you? Kiss you, or maybe.." His words stopped, the hero turned more away.
Suddenly, the villains voice was much closer. "Maybe he fucked you.."
Oxzy swung his head back, meeting Pierce's face only an inch from his own.
Being so close to him, Oxzy fell back on his hands to try and back away. The villain stalked forward, his hand landed in between the heroes stretched thighs, face growing closer. "Hm? Did he?"
"What the fuck-" Oxzy manged to growl out, feeling paralyzed as the villain came closer. The man's next move was a strong hand holding the hero's chin in place.
Oxzy flinched at the touch, swiping his hand up to hold onto the villain that had his facr in his larger hand. The hero growled at him, only Pierce smiled back, forcing the hero to look up at him, his head stretched back and neck exposed. The villain licked his lips.
"Son of a bi-" Oxzy stopped speaking, wincing at the forceful pull.
"He didn't. I know that our hero is saving his virginity for something special." The villain let out a menacing laugh. His eyes became darker, glaring deep into the hero's face, thoughts were clear in the darkening sky.
Oxzy wanted to kill him, energy rolled up his arm and to his hand that was holding Pierce. Cold ice grew on his hand, only the villain's arm grew hot. A hot flame grew on the arm that Oxzy was trying to freeze. It was like a back and forth between the two, Oxzy trying to freeze him and Pierce heating up his hand so it didn't freeze.
Pierce himself wanted to kill the hero, not only kill, but stuff him away inside his pocket. To fight him so hard that they both kill each other, maybe they can get in a bed together some day before their death.
The villain felt crazy at the thought. The hero was in his clutches. Just an inch away, their bodies are practically touching.
Why wasn't he doing it?
"Errg.." Oxzy groaned out, forcing energy into his hand to get the villain off him, Pierce gave just the same amount of energy, but with heat. "Fu- gah!"
The heat traveled to his hand that was holding Oxzy. Steam grew from his skin as he began to melt the pretty hero in his hand. The villain was lost in thoughts, only staring at the hero, the hero who was wincing at the strong amount of pain.
"But-" Pierce began, his energy slowly washing away from his fingers. Smoke grew in between the conjoined hands as Oxzy slowly got an upper hand due to Pierce's thoughts changing. "I want to keep you pretty."
The evil smile that crossed Pierce's face chilled Oxzy. His eyes shot open, trying harder to pry the death like hands away from his face.
Pierce slowly reached away, earning a grunt and pant in response. All he could think about was when he melted his older siblings faces off. How they had pissed and tormented him for the last time until he snapped.
The fire was small at first with his little body, but it soon became wild. Untamed to his child's mind as it burned the two without so much of a blink. It was directed at their face first, their tan skin melted, mixing in with the other half to form clumps of what was once thick. It was now a thin liquid falling off their bones.
The screams of pain. Oh, was it the first time little Pierce first realized he loved the sound.
The sound of pain, of fear. He wanted more of it. Growing up, he found new ways to get what he wanted, most of it came from Oxzy.
The sounds he made, the look on his eyes that hadn't melted, that wasn't fearful.
Pierce didn't know if he wanted fear to look back at him or the same stone-cold look Oxzy always worse. Maybe it was both.
The villain was standing up in front of Oxzy, he saw a flash of green in front of him. The hero ran at him, but the villain was soon absorbed in darkness. The light disappeared all around him, his form disappeared from view. Oxzy turned around frantically for the man. He heard steps, a rushing of wind all around him.
He stayed standing with his stance strong for an attack. It was a few more seconds before the sounds dimmed. Everything became still around him when he realized that Pierce was now gone from the area.
Oxzy slumped on himself, finding his hand on his sore and burned chin, he rubbed the skin that was an irritated red. Traveling to his lips that also felt sore.
"Fucking gross." He mumbled with a shake of his head.
~Formay, police station~
"Milo sir. Don't worry about him, he already ran away." Jacye sat next to the silent sheriff. The blonde male hadn't said anything since Oxzy had left. His mind was in a total state of panic. He didn't know what to think after what he had done. The hero's reaction caught him completely off guard.
How did he not see that coming? I've been giving hints this whole time! The sheriff thought.
The younger officer could read Milo's thoughts. A small smile formed on his lips. "We all saw how you felt. How obvious the relationship was." His voice dimmed, Milo swung his head in the young man's direction, shocked. "It was wrong for him to do that. He was in the wrong for it sir."
His words seemed right to the officer. Some part of him still didn't want to believe it, a pull on his chest tightened. Only, Milo let his anger take over. He wasn't wrong for doing it, if Oxzy didn't want to, he shouldn't have gone along with him.
Why else would he come over every time Milo called?
The sheriff sighed. "You're right.." He voiced out suddenly.
Jayce flinches slightly, turning to him with a bigger smile on his face. "He's gone now. The hero can be selfish, always worrying about himself and his image."
Milo clenched his knuckles together. His jaw tightened at the thought.
Jayce shook his head, standing up from the stool. He watched as Milo went through dozens of emotions, a main look of anger was on his face. He was hating Oxzy more and more by the second.
The young officer looked around, his eyes landing on a cabinet that had files sorted out. Instead of doing it, he turned back to Milo. "Jamisen is gonna be on your ass about the case." Milo looked up at him. "Now that Oxzy isn't here, we should be able to finish it. Without his help."
The words made the sheriff feel better. He didn't need the hero's help with his work! He never did. All he wanted was for the hero to be there, to kiss and pull him closer. But Oxzy was too selfish and played him.
The sheriff turned to his desk to look at the files of the case. Without turning to Jayce, he responded, "right. Get the men ready and tell Jamisen to come in. We'll have a meeting to get it sorted as quickly as possible."
~The Grubs, Pierce's home~
The villain fell on his sofa, a smile was painted on his face the whole way back to his house. He just couldn't help but feel all giddy, happy was not too unknown to him. He wasn't emotionless, happiness in a dark way was more of a feeling to him.
He was happy at the hero's reaction, that he could torment the man a little more. He got the attention he wanted, all it did was make him crave for more.
Now that he was alone in his dark empty home, the villain felt the happiness die. It was like a flame. Sparking heat in his cold heart, something he has gotten addicted to as soon as he could never feel it again. Now. It's gone once again. The source of the feeling when he was younger was Rosamee. She was his anchor, he still goes to the photos of her to calm himself.
Now he realized the more time he spent from her lingering spirit. the more he relied on Oxzy. It was obvious with him and Mercy that he needed the man to be there and stop him. To fight, yell, hurt and shout at him.
It didn't matter if or even the villain got hurt or beaten by the man. As long as it was him who did it. He was anchored within this place.
Now he laid, alone in the home. The sound of wind flying and hitting his window with a coming storm just made it more clear how alone he was. Mercy wasn't here, she was probably in the warehouse getting high with his little brother.
So Pierce will be in his home for the rest of the night cooling off. Drinking his sorrows away with nothing to come. He didn't feel like he could mess around and cure this loneliness, the fight with Oxzy drained him. He got enough attention and energy just from being there with him, he felt like he had enough for the day.
His limbs sank down as he went to the fridge to grab a beer. He popped it open before slumping down right in front of the fridge. He sat on the stone floor, taking swing, after swig of the toxic liquid.
It didn't do anything much for him. His immune system was too strong; it would take at least 5 bottles to get him only a little high.
He could take in marijuana, wine, vodka, any type of drugs to feel something strong. After years of drinking beer everyday, the villain started to get used to it. He drank it like water, thinking of nothing.
It didn't help.
Well, it never did. Only one person can help the villain with this.
-And the man and himself didn't even realize how important it was.
~Cleoi, Oxzy's apartment~
Oxzy didn't realize how much the fight drained him until he got home. He had to force his body to move as quickly as possible. Being so close to the grubs and going straight home, Oxzy felt eyes follow him. He knew someone must have seen it all, and tried to figure out where he lived. The hero caught on, slinking quietly in the shadows before the people passed.
He made it home after 2 hours, falling on the bed. He didn't bother to eat even if he needed it to gain energy for tomorrow. He sought warmth and comfort. Finding it under his arm when he was laying still.
The cat who was muffled under the arm of her owner let out purrs. She pulled her head up so her head was next to Oxzy's. His black curls dangled on top of her head, she didn't seem to mind.
Cirilla May shifted closer, licking the hero's forehead with loud purrs coming from her tiny body. Her warmth was intoxicating. The hero breathed it in, soaking all the feeling of love the creature gave him.
He pulled her closer, the cat shifting lightly with the gentle pull. He pulled her closer to his chest, letting her feel the slowing beat of his heart. Her purring grew louder, moving closer to the hero's growing warm body.
All Oxzy had to do was rest with her in his arms. He was missing things for sure, the love of his mother in the empty apartment was apparent. It soon began to become normal the more he went to his cat for the comfort.
It wasn't as much as Genna gave him. It never would be, but it was something. Oxzy needed something to keep his sanity still. The town was slowly breaking him apart. It wasn't just Pierce who tore at his wounded soul.
The villain and him talked, they talked like they knew each other. They did in some way, they fought with each other for years. As soon as they realized they were like each other, they only thought about the other. Most of the talk and feeling was hatred. But deep down. There was a need.
The hero didn't like how he felt like he "needed" the evil man. Pierce and him had nothing but hate for each other. Even if the villain acted as if he liked him, Oxzy knew he only likes to mess his head up. He was evil after all.
The evil man who showed a smile to him. His breathing and real laugh.
It felt human…
Oxzy shut his eyes tightly. Breathing more shallow at the thoughts of the man. The evil man who showed a side of himself, Oxzy only saw him act this sort of way in high school where he was with his people. Mostly with the girl he knew as Rosamee.
The small female who was always with him during school. Oxzy never bothered to care about his personal life. He knew as much as the women being his partner. He didn't know how deep it went to be exact, only that Pierce became more absorbed in him when she passed.
She passed away on that day of the school fire.
The hero pulled his body closer to himself at the thought. He fought off the thoughts and memories of the day. He was not gonna be dragged into those memories. Not right now.
The cat in his tight embrace let out a soft wine. Feeling the discomfort from her master, she moved closer.
Oxzy smiled softly. Forgetting about it as he focused on Cirilla.
"Thank you.." He knew the cat couldn't understand him. He just had to thank someone for this feeling.
For comfort.
For the soft moment of warmth.