- get out -

~Formay, police station~
The man wearing all black came into the station, looking around the area for his sheriff. He passed by Jamisen, knocking on the office door before calling for Milo. The officer was in the office, searching through work while Jayce spoke about how the search was reported as nothing from Jamisen.

He was about to mention about the search of Oxzy's home when a knock was sounded from the door. The sheriff's name was called out, Milo answered back when one of his officers stepped in. He wore all black, taking off his beanie, he nodded to the two men.

Jayce immediately stiffened when he realized why one of the men on Oxzy's case was already reporting to him. Before Milo or Jayce could say anything the man spoke first. "We have his address."

The words were all the men needed to have a job well done. Milo asked quickly, standing up to the man as he was handed a paper. It was a real address, the address was in Cleoi, a small apartment called "Hollows suite" with a number of apartments where Oxzy lived.

"Good going man!" Milo congratulated him, handing the paper to Jayce. The ginger grabbed it, skimming the words. He was feeling something much more stronger than the other two, he had come for only one thing. Now he had it.

When the man in black exited, Milo came back to the paper. Before Milo could grab it, Jayce pulled it away. "I think it needs to be in a more secure place then with Oxzy's other files."

Jayce looked up at him, slowly moving the papers closer to himself. Milo eyed him. "Really? I- I know a place then."

"Do you?" Milo quickly retracted his hand, raising an eyebrow to Jayce. "Where?"

"Well don't you think we should copy them?"

"For what reason do we need to copy them Jayce?" Milo shook his head at him. "This will stay in the station, if it gets into the wrong hands, something could happen to Oxzy."

"Why should we care what happens to him?" Jayce suddenly asked.

Milo looked taken aback, he looked Jayce in the eyes, seeing nothing but truth in his own words. "Uh- look." Milo shook his head, "even if he is under investigation, if someone else knew about his location. Oxzy could be in REAL danger. He is still a powered hero."

"So he could be able to protect himself anyways." Jayce retorted.

"No," Milo stood up higher than the man below him in status. "Even so, they could hurt people around him. I don't want something unnecessary to happen."

Jayce gave a low glare. He let anger fill his gaze, slowly he placed the papers back on the desk. As he watched Milo go for them, he opened his mouth. "Do you happen to still like him?"

Milo's hand stopped, his face grew red quickly. "What-"

"Sir!" Jamisen busted through the door. "We have a suspect that someone found in the grubs."

Milos hand and body moved forward towards the door. "Get him in," he then turned to Jayce. "Just put it under my desk before I get back." The glare was obvious, before he turned to leave the room.

Jayce looked down at the paper, he had thoughts running through his head, but he knew he had to do it. Taking out his phone, the ginger took a picture of the files left, and right. And just as quickly, he put the phone away and did as he was told.

A few hours early, Oxzy had reported a man he saw in Highway making out with a young girl. He called for the police before intervening. The man tried to run away, his eyes red with clearance of drugs through his system. Oxzy took him to the station, the girl following behind with protests, she claimed the man was her boyfriend.

Oxzy ignored her, turning to the station, the man Jamisen came to take the man in. The second in command asked the hero questions about why the man was taken in, the hero answered truthfully, intending to leave when he heard a familiar voice.

"It wasn't in the grubs? Jamisen, who found the suspect?" Milo came from the other side after getting filled in by one of the men on the sides. He turned to where Jamisen and Oxzy stood.

Him and the hero both stiffened at the sight of each other, Milos face grew dark . A silent glare tossed in Oxzy's direction, the hero turned his head away.

"The hero found him in Highway with a minor that claims it was consensual."

"It was!" The young girl defended from the seat she sat on. She tried to stand but Jamisen sat her back down before continuing.

"It turns out he is her uncle, she is 16 while he is 46." Jansen shook his head in disgust.

"What does this have to do with our case?" Milo growled, he didn't hold back his hostile look.

Jamisen stopped with his mouth open, looking at his officer. It seemed like he wanted to say something, instead he stayed silent with his gaze low.

Oxzy took a glance at him. Turning his gaze to the sheriff, he returned the glare. "Milo sir, that man is a pedophilia. It may have no meaning to your case, but he should be punished and prosecuted for the crimes."

"We have bigger issues to deal with!" Milo yelled out, walking closer to the hero. Jamisen took a step back to let the blonde be in front of Oxzy. "You aren't even part of this case anymore."

"I'm not here for that." Oxzy stayed in the same place, looking Milo in his eyes. "You have a duty as the sheriff to deal with anything. Not just one single case."

"What I do does not concern you!" Milo gripped Oxzys shirt collar, pulling him forward for their faces to meet.

"MILO!" Jamisen grabbed at him, pulling his arm away from the silent and steady hero. "What the hell are you doing!?" Jamisen looked at him in confusion, trying to pry Milos hand away; he was confused by his commander's actions.

Oxzy stared back at him, fists closed tightly together. His posture was itching to strike the threat in front of him, he wanted to push, punch the man who had a hold on him away. He had no right to do this.

Milo pushed Oxzy away, spitting on the ground with his words, "get the hell out of here. I can protect this town without the likes of a useless hero.'"

Milo turned in the direction of his office, passing Jamisen and Jayce who joined the ruckus. They looked at the sheriff in confusion, all the people in the station had their attention on them. Milo slammed the door, a flinch went through the silent station.

Their eyes slowly peered at Oxzy, the hero stayed silent with his head low. He let the words sink in, his fists shaking with uneasiness. He could feel the looks, hear the thoughts.

Jamisen walked after the sheriff, walking past Jayce who peered at Oxzy. He watched him leave, eyes leveled around him. The people's thoughts kept changing through time. The interaction only seemed to make sure of the thoughts. The thoughts that were not true.

The hero left the station, ignoring the eyes that followed him.

~The Grubs, warehouse~
Felix waited and waited, his siblings were coming today with news of the hero's information. Felix really didn't expect much, the two had already wasted his time the last they were there. So after the five minute mark, Felix began to move around with the guys below.

While he was below, a small group of people entered the warehouse. A man came down to call for the little leader, telling him his siblings were here. Felix rolled his eyes, trailing behind the man upstairs.

The older siblings were bickering as normal back and forth, but to Felix's surprise, Mercy was with them. She was smoking like normal, munching on some snacks. Felix came up, walking straight up to her with a bright smile.

"Hey little leader," Mercy gave him a smile.

Felix gave a playful nod, turning to the siblings with a slight grim expression. "This is your third time here, I hope you got what I want." Felix directed his words to Octaiva, his eyes low and dangerous.

Octavia gave a nod, "I did. Let's head to your office, he's in there right now."

"He?" Felix asked, following behind her.

Octavia nodded, entering the office with both Corbin, Felix, and Mercy who was still eating followed. Felix came to shut the door behind her, turning round, he was faced with someone unfamiliar. A ginger haired male was looking around the stuff, eyes curious as he glazed over Felix's stuff.

The little leader called out to him. "Who's this guy?"

The man jumped slightly, turning to meet with the group of siblings. Mercy went to her normal spot, leaning down to finish her joint. The ginger watched as Felix took a seat in the chair, looking at his older siblings, Octaiva motioned for the man to come over to them. He did so, meeting next to him to face the youngest man in the room.

Felix turned to them, "so?"

The question made the siblings flinch. Octaiva looked to the man in the middle, motioning to Felix.

"I have what you want," the ginger explained, pulling out his phone.

"I did ask who you are," Felix stopped him, turning to Octavia.

The sister stepped forward. "This is Jayce, he is the spy I told you about that got the information from Milo." She explained quickly, watching as Felix quickly took in the information.

"Hadn't Milo gotten closer to the hero? How did you get it?" Felix turned to Jayce. "Did you really manage to get Oxzy's address?"

The words were filled with disbelief, Jayce couldn't help but feel a little special. He breathed in some confidence, taking his phone out, he pulled it to the image everyone in the room has been wanting to know.

Felix swiped the phone away, scanning the page he found it was a picture of a file. A file that showed an image of an apartment and the numbers. It had to be Oxzy's. The hero's name was plastered beside the image a few times, his name was mentioned as well.

The little leader couldn't help but smile brightly. He had it. He had what he needed to make his brother finally - FINALLY notice him.

"You have his address now, Felix," Corbin said. The little leader looked up at him in response. "Now show us the drug."

Felix gave an annoyed sigh, "right. But I need this information written down."

"I can write it down for you." Jayce announced he was given a pen and paper, as well as his phone back. Felix walked around the desk, shuffling through the cabinet, he pulled out a packet of blue dust.

The siblings immediately grabbed for it, only Felix moved it back just in time. Corbin casted a glare at him. Before Corbin could do anything bad, Octavia walked in front of him. "What the hell Felix? We got what you wanted, give us the drug."

"Didn't you want to see how it works?" Felix tilted his head, giving a smile. The older siblings looked taken aback, taking a step away, they let Felix walk forward. "I have someone you can test it on. You wanna make sure I give you the REAL thing, don't you?"

Corbin gave a short gruff, Octavia nodded. They followed behind him, watching as he left the office door. Before Felix left, he turned to Mercy. "Don't you wanna see it?"

The question made the woman look at him, she recalled the last time she watched a man suffocate with his own insides. She cringed, shaking her head and turning away so that the others couldn't see her reaction. "Nah, I'm eating right now. I don't want to throw up."

Felix gave a shrug, walking off into the open warehouse. The older siblings followed behind him, Octavia gave the woman a sneer. "Weak." The word came as a mumble from her mouth.

Mercy flipped her off as she left. In truth, the bad girl that was wicked and merciless in high school all through her life, she was extremely squeamish. In some way, the woman hated seeing pain. Hating hearing the noises of torture. She was wicked, and rude indeed. Only... She could never inflict pain on anyone and be able to watch it. She hated it. Of course Mercy wouldn't tell anyone that, not even Felix, the boy who was suddenly getting closer and closer to her.

Outside of the office, Felix had called in some of his men to bring in an older woman. She wasn't tied as she followed behind the men, her eyes were red and puffy, she smelt of vomit and piss. Felix took out the packet, walking over to the woman as he poured some on her outstretched hand.

"This is a drug?" She asked in a mocking tone.

"Yep, it's very strong, so I'm not giving you a whole bunch." Felix responds, zipping the packet up and putting it away.

"You promised a lot!" The woman was about to jump at him when the older man behind her pushed her to the ground. Her knees smacked the cement, eyes wavering. Still, she held onto the drug in a clutch hand.

"Trust me," Felix bent down to look her in the eyes. "It's very strong."

She growled at him, rolling her eyes before eyeing the drug in her hand. The siblings and a few of Felix's gang members watch as she puts her nose to it. Sniffing up the substance, the warehouse was suddenly filled with a loud roar.

The woman couldn't even take in all of it before her hands suddenly became limp. Her body hung forward from the ground, head smacking into the cement as a gurgling sound came from her lips.

"Barghh! Aghhh!!" The noises were loud, echoing in the space.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, blood coming from her nose. Sounds of a dying animal came from her mouth, her throat felt clogged up as she twitched on the ground. Her body was convulsing in an unnatural way. She flipped herself over, back hitting the floor with her chest rising at a rapid pace. Her spine hit the ground over, and over again.

More blood came from her nose, her eyes flickered from white to brown. The siblings stepped away, Octavia covered her mouth in disgust. Corbin turned around, emptying his stomach onto the ground beside him.

The men around them stood silently, closed eyes as they tried to ignore what they had caused. Felix on the other hand knelt in front of her shaking body. She twisted and turned, letting out pained groans. The little leader observed the behavior, it was different from a man that was drugged.

Felix conducted that since this woman was a former druggie that took all types of substances, her body must be extremely weak to the blue's drug. The man that was tested with Pierce there took a while to register the pain, the drug quickly went to his head, making him high beyond belief. This woman on the other hand only took in a little bit, but it hit her almost immediately. She was still alive, only going through pain that would end up killing her.

Felix thought for a few seconds, he knew he had to write it down somewhere. The information will be helpful when he decides to use it on the hero. The plan was going well in his head, he knows where the man lives, he just needs to follow through with what he wants to accomplish.

It was going all too well for him. Sooner or later, the villain will be standing right beside him with a smile that shows nothing but pride for his little brother.

~Cleoi, Oxzy's apartment~
The hero watched as the pot of boiling vegetables began to simmer. He got home from the station with a dimmed mood. Milo's word shouldn't have hurt, the hero has been called worse things before. But the way they said it just felt.. Personal.

It always hurts more when the people the hero has spent time with, turn on him. They use the words that he has been called, or whispered about by those who don't know what he has done for them.

The hero took the top off from the pot, picking up the wooden spoon, Oxzy mixed the vegetables in the pot. Watching as the steam came from above it.

His mother used to make soup just like this when he was younger. Her food of course had more of a flavor compared to Oxzy's bland food. She just had a special way of making something that is eaten everyday taste wonderful. She paired the soup with anything, everything that tasted good.

His mother. Why did Pierce have to bring her up? He can make rude and sexual remarks about Oxzy. But Genna? Why her?

What struck him with even more confusion was the way he said it. The way he mentioned her. There wasn't anything really rude in the way he said it. It wasn't rude at all. It was more like he mentioned her to make Oxzy realize how the town is treating him.

It wasn't gonna make him change his mind. He will stay here. This is where he was grown up, this is where his mother is buried. Why would he leave? The only reason he is staying is because he doesnt doesn't to leave her.

After he finished making a bowl of the soup, Oxzy walked into his room. The light was off, but a lamp that stood next to the bed gave enough light for him.

The bed felt cold, Oxzy felt cold while sitting down alone.

The cold was washed away when a similar sound came from beside him. A soft purr paired with fluffy fur filled his senses. Crilia May walked on top of his lap, turning around a few times before she found her comfort on his lap.

The hero moved the bowl away from her, watching as she curled up on herself. The vibration from her purrs made the hero smile lightly, he stroked her fur, leaning his head back to take in the comfort.

All the anxiety and stress came out in deep breaths. Everything felt all right.

He didn't even think back to what Pierce had told him. Milo's words were a blur to his mind. Weird things had happened, but comfort was all that he felt.

~The Grubs, Pierces home~
Mercy had left once again, Pierce ended up not caring what she plans on doing with her free time. He did know what she decided to do which all involved getting high.

Pierce was in his room since the beginning of the day, waking up with nothing but the bright light from the open roof. His mind was only on Oxzy, the hero had found out where he lives last night. It did make the villain curious on why Oxzy was in the grubs in the first place.

Probably to help with the police "search." They aren't gonna find anything, the station sucks at doing searches. Oxzy on the other hand could find who killed the people, if he really wanted to. Pierce didn't really care, so he would end up staying back, letting Felix get caught. His brother meant nothing to him.

If anything, no one in Pierce's family mattered to him. He literally burned his older siblings when he was 5.

The villain thought for a second. Did he care for anyone?

Rosamee had to be the person he did care for the most. But she was gone, did he have anyone else? Did he have someone he would follow around like a little puppy? Protect, maybe take them somewhere safe?


He would have to keep them away from himself if he wanted them safe. Maybe he could run away with them? All Pierce would want out of a so-called "lover" was to never be away from them. He would hold onto that person for the rest of his life, he couldn't live without them.

The person he would do so with was already dead. He failed in protecting her. No other person would match what she was for him. He had no one else that could match her.

The villain was in thought when he noticed that his door was pushed open. He was upstairs, looking down from the stairs he walked down to meet who he knew was already there. Mercy walked in, looking around the place for someone.

Pierce gave a small smile, whistling lightly to get her attention. The woman looked up, shaking her head as she made her way to him. She didn't even bother to look at the fridge the moment she came in. The villain took that in, giving his friend a questioning look.

"You don't look hungry." He stated.

"Far from it actually." Mercy shook her head, recalling the events she witnessed while in the warehouse. "I was with Felix. Your siblings came over to make a deal with him about the drugs."

"The poison?" Pierce corrected.

"Yeah yeah, the poison." Mercy shook her head before continuing. "Your older siblings bought some from him, they plan on selling them to the neighboring towns around the cities for profit. They have your mother in on it, they wanna sell it to other small areas before bringing them to the industrial cities."

The explanation wasn't too big a shocker for Pierce. He expected his mother was making the older siblings do something so stupid. Even if it did work, these cities are too good at catching drug traffickers. His family was incredibly stupid, his mother mostly, she got stupider the more she thought she had everything.

Mercy waited for Pierce to reply with the information, Pierce didn't have anything to reply with, he turned to her with a shrug.

She shrugged back, "so?"

"So.. I don't care?"

Mercy gave a sigh filled with annoyance. "Really? I thought you would at least make fun of them, or take it for yourself. The drugs will make someone millions if they use it correctly."

"I made fun of them in my head." Pierce gave a short reply, turning around before heading back upstairs.

Mercy jogged after him. "Hey, give me something. I have more stuff that I learned about."

"Good for you." Pierce replied, opening his room door.

Mercy shoved the door away when it swung back to hit her face. "Really? What are you on about?"

Pierce gave her a look. Mercy scoffed in his face, "are you mad I have been staying with Felix instead of you?"

It was Pierce's turn to scoff. He gave her a chuckle. "Oh please, I could care less what you decide to do. I don't need you."

"You sound like Rosamee."

The villain stopped. Turning to face her, his smile was completely gone. "Do I?"

"You think I'm oblivious don't you?" Mercy shook her head. "I know more about your relationship with her than you do. I see it all Pierce, the way you treated one another."

"Shut the fuck up." Pierce glared at her.

Only Mercy shook her head, a smile forming on her face as she continued. "I mean, how toxic you two were. Rosamee especially! She hit you how many times? And you still fucking love her?"

"Mercy.." Pierce took a step towards her.

"You call the hero weak all the time, but don't you think that you're the really pathetic one here?" Mercy took a daring step forward, watching as Pierce took in information. His expression changed every second.

Taking in Rosamee's and Oxzys name all at once, his body began to grow hot, it got hotter. Flames began to grow on his shoulders, smoke came from his burnt top.

"So pathetic that you have to rely on Oxzy to keep you stable."

Pierce gritted his teeth, turning his head down he honestly had nothing to say back. What Mercy said was overall true. He did rely on Oxzy more than he should, the hero was the only reason the town was still functioning. Pierce didn't know what he would do without that man.

Turning his head away, Pierce gave a low growl, "go back to Felix. I could just run off to Oxzy to cure my loneliness."

Mercy gave a laugh, her eyes filled with shock. "Are you fucking serious?"

"Yes!" Pierce turned around slightly to look at her. Fire came from beside him, flaming up into the roof of his house in a short exhaust. The fire was a burst, disappearing as soon as it came.

Mercy took a step back, looking around to see where the fire had gone. Her eyes then looked back at the man in front of her. The words were not denying what she had stated, he knew they were true. As did she.

That pissed her off more. The fact that Pierce knew how much he needed the hero. He needed him more than he needed her.

"Leave Mercy."

The woman growled in annoyance, shutting her eyes, she turned to the stairs. "FINE. Fucking think about that damn man all you want! I don't need you either!" Walking down the stairs, she turned to the door before exiting. Slamming the wood, her legs quickened. She wanted to run away from that damn place.

The place where she and the villain spent years together. She knew him more than that hero. Why would he choose him and not her? She would have told him more about the plan Felix wanted to do to the hero, but now. She wanted nothing more than to see his face when he loses everything.

He deserved it.