Epilogue - Away -

~City Lands, new home~
It has been about a year. A long time since Oxzy and Pierce have "settled down." It wasn't that easy, the pair did end up sticking together is some weird way.

Together, they found an apartment small but comforting for both of them. The hero had found a job as a security guard close to home, while the villain played around in a bar. He learned how to make drinks, he was the best bartender there.

For the pairs relationship..

Well, it was very complicated. To anyone, they were dating.

Since they have moved out and into the city to start new, they haven't made much advances.

Oxzy ignored the man, only talking and dealing with him as much as he could to get his life started. While for Pierce, the villian was yearning for the man. He wanted so bad to touch and feel the hero with him, but he held back his desires for Oxzy.

He knew he was going to fast. He was overtaking his boundaries since he was the one who followed the hero here. Oxzy called most of the shots, if not all. But Pierce kept his side up, acting human with a job and not using his powers since Oxzy ordered him not to.

It was a hassle. A rude thing that both deprived the pair of their natural urges. Oxzy dealt with it very well, Pierce struggled. But for Oxzy, he did what he was told.

It has been almost 2 years since the pair had started their new life. They were doing normal human things, blending in with their jobs and getting to know their neighbors at the same time. They were both equally frustrated with one another, a fight had broken out between them.

It was bad enough for Pierce to go off to his bar and start work early, something he never does. Oxzy stayed at home, his hand ruffling through his messy hair as he questioned his choice of words he used on the villain.

He couldn't stop the guilt crashing down on him. it frustrated him at how rude he was becoming. This wasn't him, he was not someone to push Pierce, another living thing off and want to be alone.

He was alone, and he didn't like it.

So, with no better judgment, Oxzy went off to Pierce's bar to find him. Why did he do it, just to get into another fight with the man? Whatever it was, Oxzy was bored anyway, staying home was closing in on him. At least if he found Pierce, he wouldn't be alone, the hero has been so close to him that he was slowly becoming used to being near the evil man.

So here he found himself walking into the dark crowded room. It was large enough to house a large dance floor and a bar that was circling the middle for the use of drinks to be pasted around more efficiently. But Oxzy wasn't there for the drinks, he looked around, using his height to try and peer over the crowd.

He knew who he was looking for, as soon as he saw the flare of fiery red hair, the hero gulped and came forward toward the man. He walked past the people in barely any clothes and stripped fishnets. He gulped, even with his comforting clothing, he felt out of place. The hero wore a hoodie and tight jeans, so of course he would feel like he didn't belong.

He honestly didn't.

Oxzy pushed the thoughts aside, making his way to where he noticed Pierce was. The villain wasn't alone, he was surrounded by a group that looked way to dress down. They talked, passing a bottle of liquor and smokes. The men laughed loudly, some of the girls even clung to them.

Oxzy scrunched up his face, the smell of alcohol and beer penetrating his nose. It was gross, he knew that Pierce would come home smelling like this shit, it pissed Oxzy off enough for him to step forward to the talkative group.

"Pierce, what are you doing?" Oxzy didn't know how to start, so he just said what came to his mind first. He knew why the man was here.

Pierce looked up to him, a smile stretching on his lips. Instead of saying anything, one of his friends that had a girl on his lap spoke up. "Is that your little boyfriend Pierce~?"

They laughed, looking at the hero up and down with judgmental eyes. One of the girls that hung off Pierce whined, holding tighter onto the man's shoulder, she glared at Oxzy. Oxzy tried to avoid eye contact, only looking at Pierce.

But the hand that held tightly onto the villain's shoulder pissed the hero off, he sucked in a breath, waiting for Pierce to speak. The villain finally did, smirking widely when catching the hero's jealous glare. He slid his hand on the girls waist, pulling her closer to his chest with a calm and challenging expression.

"Nope, never met him." With that, he laughed and continued to talk with his friends. They hollered, ignoring the fuming hero in front of them.

Oxzy didn't know what to do, he was beyond pissed. He knew that Pierce was doing this on purpose, to piss him off because of their fight. He had no interest in the girl.

So here the hero found himself, sliding shot after shot down his throat in an angry fury. He told himself not to drink, the smell was horrible and it tasted like shit. But he had to control himself, if he got too angry, he would end up losing himself. Making a scene and letting everyone know who he was.

So, instead of letting anger control, the hero drowned it down with the toxic liquid. It didn't get rid of his abilities, he still had his senses high, it just numbed him, causing a slow and easy feeling through him. He still couldn't get the angry feeling of seeing the villain touching the woman so gently.

He hissed to himself, downing his sixth shot. It still didn't feel enough, he was numb, but not too weak.

A hand landed on his shoulder, pulling him from his thoughts. The hero couldn't make out any details in the person, but her voice was soothing and gloating. "Hey, you drank enough eh'?" She laughed, pulling him up with her. "Come dance big boy."

The hero could easily pull away and resist, but he didn't. He was tired of fighting back at people today(mostly Pierce). So he stood to his height and let himself be dragged to the crowd. He was pushed around, squeezing past the sweaty and bare bodies. He was now in the middle of where the bodies were swaying around, he was standing numbly and confused as the woman took the lead.

Her body slid down his front, her back going up and down while her head bobbed and tossed around with her body. She laughed when she noticed the hero staring at her with a red and confused face.

"Oh come on sweetheart," she laughed out, guiding his limp hands to follow her lead.

The hero was still very confused and numb. His vision was swaying, the music tossed thoughts and confusion around in his head. He suddenly didn't know where he was, what was around him. The music became unknown to him, his surroundings suddenly faded out and away from his senses.

Why was he even trying to fight back? It was such a hassle to try and fight, so instead, he closed his eyes and relaxed. Relaxed in the middle of a dance room, soon, he began to move himself. The woman laughed out loud, sending her arms to his hips to follow her lead.

"That's it my boy!" She yelled out, tossing her head back and her hands through her hair.

It felt nice, free. He was letting go, no longer being controlled or guided. And instead of leaving, the hero let himself go. He didn't follow the woman who was stepping back into another man that held her by the hips. He did what he wanted, no longer being guided to do anything. His hands through his hair, his body angled away so he can move more freely. It was hot and uncomfortable, but he no longer cared.

He was free and uncaring to anything around him. Due to that, his senses were down. He didn't even take the feeling of a hand on his hips. A hand slid up to his chest, going under his hoodie and to where his bare chest was. The hero felt it, but he didn't care. The touch was hot, gentle. It felt like Pierce. The villain behind him, holding his body into his the same way he did to him that night.

The villain pushed free from the group, he had his fun with pissing off the hero. He was now just bored. He moved away from them, the group started to holler and laugh loudly when seeing his disappear. Pierce ignored them, feeling their eyes watch him as he traveled to the bar.

He was tempted to grab a drink, but he held himself back. He was looking around for the hero. The man wasn't so hard to find, he was wearing a dark red hoodie and jeans, the rest of the bar was filled with half naked people. Because of that, Pierce's eyes landed on the hero who was casually in the middle of the dance room.

The villain watched in shock as the man was freely dancing to the club like music. His body rocked and moved around with his hand in his hair. But that wasn't what pulled the villain's attention away. It was the hand groping his chest, another one on his hip, swaying with his moments. He couldn't see the owner of the hand, he just watched his hand move along his bare chest from under the hoodie. His body exposed, moving and almost leaning into the touch of the stranger.

Pierce watched, feeling enraged, red fumes pulsated from his skin. He was slightly glad that he was no longer touching anyone or else they would burst into flames. He was losing his composure, watching the way Oxzy let the man touch him. Jealousy and rage was consuming his vision as he stepped forward.

He pushed away the bodies and the desperate humans. He made his way in front of the hero and without a second hesitation, he pulled the man off and away from the hand. The hero crashed into the villain's chest, first flinching at the harsh and possessive grab. But he soon relaxed, breathing in the villain's masculine scent.

The villain held Oxzy close, moving his eyes to the man in front of him that was touching his man. He glared dangerously, his body becoming hot. He wanted to kill him, burn the man alive and watch him scream in pain. He shouldn't, he can't give himself away just to kill a man that had no purpose in life, but he was so close. He could just light a small fire and he would be no more...

"Pierce..." The hero breathed out from his chest, the heat was overflowing from the villain. Still, Oxzy held tightly onto his shoulders, pulling the villain close to him and nuzzling his neck in desperation for the heat.

The villain could smell the alcohol, the over toxic smell filled his senses, he sneered in anger. The hero doesn't drink this bad, he doesn't like feeling vulnerable and weak. He was assaulted the first time drugs entered his system. The villain knew that Oxzy could still use his abilities, but it still made him weak. Obviously as his body hung limp in Pierce's grasp.

Pierce could handle the alcohol, he drank almost every day back in Whitedail. So he didn't let it get to him as much as it got to Oxzy. The evil man is forced to turn away from the stranger, feeling Oxzy slip away. Pierce pulled the hero up, hanging him over his shoulder before traveling out of the bar. He knew that others watched them leave, watching in shock as the villain carried a half conscious man out of a bar without breaking a sweat.

The hero wasn't even that heavy for him, carrying him all the way back to their apartment within minutes.

He didn't know what to expect when setting the hero down and holding him by the waist while unlocking the door. But he did not expect the hero to pounce at him as soon as the door had closed.

His arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling his lips to his own. He sucked on his lips, licking and biting for entrance. Pierce did so quickly, wrapping his own arms around his waist for a deeper kiss.

Oxzy tasted strong, the shots of whatever alcoholic beverage was intoxicating. It began making Pierce feel hazy, he was feeling lightheaded but he couldn't stop himself from being sucked into it. It's been months since he last kissed Oxzy, he was deprived from the tasty hero.

Now here the man was, clinging to him in desperation. He was hot, boiling to the touch.

Pierce stripped the man of the hoodie, tossing it to the floor by the door. He ran his hand along where the stranger had groped him. He filled the places that were touched with his own, first gentle. When Oxzy began to push his head closer into the kiss, he was sucking onto the man's lips, wanting more. Pierce became more possessive in his adventure on the man's chest.

He tugged and twisted the bare skin, sliding his hands down to his most intimate parts.


Oxzy whined into the kiss, tugging at the villain's hair. Pierce listened to the encouraging sounds, running his other hand to the hero's pants and stripping him there.

He knew what the man wanted, the same thing he wanted. To be touched in the places that were left alone. They were left alone for so long, craving more and more for the lasting touch that brought them together.

"Mgh- Pierce.." Oxzy moaned, pulling away from the kiss to rest his head on the villains shoulder. He leaned into his ear, whispering with want. "Please.. do it, mh.."

"Do what?" Pierce smiled, his hand running along Oxzys backside. "What do you want Ox?"

"Fuhg!" Oxzy groaned, feeling Pierce play around with his entrance. Pierce knew what Oxzy want, he was teasing him.

Did he want the hero to beg for more? To beg for it?

"Just.. do it..!"

"Very vague Ox," Pierce giggled, he still gave in to what the man wanted. He entered him with one finger at first, feeling the man tighten.

It was hot, wet and stuffy. Oxzy grabbed at his neck, holding on tightly while Pierce began to play around with his insides.

His mind was foggy, he couldn't feel anything beside the hot rush from inside him. It was becoming more and more bigger, he realized that Pierce was now pounding him with three fingers.

His whole body was on fire, his mouth dripped loose drool down to his bare chest. His knuckles were white at how hard he held onto the villain, tightening with each painful thrust.

"Ahg!" Oxzy dug his nails into the man's neck.

"Fuh," Pierce bit his lip, feeling his body rush with sudden heat at the pain. It felt good, the hero closing himself around him from below.

He felt hard and ready, it was almost painful at how hard he was. Pierce pulled the hero's leg up, holding it while he began to exit the hero's body. He fitted himself at the entrance, liquid dropping in between the two while they both panted from the excitement.

Before the villain made another move, he turned his face to Oxzy's ear. Breathing with a deep and slow voice, his words were filled with desire. "Remember to breathe."

Oxzy couldn't respond even if he wanted to. His head was stuffed into the villain's neck when he had something pushed into him roughly.

"Gfh!" The hero stuffed his cries into the man's neck. His leg that was still standing began to shake along with his whole body.

Pierce positioned himself so he could get a good thrust before going in and out at a slow pace. He was deep, reaching far into the hero. He grunted, gripping Oxzy's thigh while his other hand began to hold his head.

Oxzy was losing his strength, he had his arms around the villain's neck with his nails dug into his skin. He held on tightly, crying at the pleasure while his mind was flooded with dozens of emotions.

He began to lose strength, sliding down the wall. While he lost his energy, Pierce got more inside him. He pulled him up from the wall, gripping both of his now sore red thighs and spreading him wide while on the wall. He grinned, watching himself slid in and out of the man.

"I've missed this.." He sighed out.

Oxzy moaned in response, digging his head in the man's neck. Pierce sucked in his gesture, leaning in closer while pushing deeper inside Oxzy. He was almost pushing him inside the wall, going in and out at a rapid speed.

"Pierce-ah!" Oxzy held tighter, "I'm gonna-"

Pierce didn't let him finish the words, forcing the man to cry out at his strength he forced to fill inside the man. He held him close to the wall, digging as deep as he could with a satisfied and low voice.

"Let's do it together.." He kissed the man's cheek by his lips, leaning his head closer to Oxzy's that was dug inside his neck.

The hero hissed with a high pressure filling inside him. His eyes rolled back in his head, all energy rushing out of him, accompanied with the white fluid flooding from his entrance and down his ass.


Pierce chuckled, breathing out lightly while the hero felt himself release a tight and exhausted breath. He felt relived, happy and wanting more.

He was tired, like a hangover was inches away from running into him. Still, he wanted more. It was too good, the villian was giving him all his love and attention. The aggression, and gentleness mixed with one another made the hero crave more.

Oxzy ruffled his hand through Pierce's soaked hair all the way down to his neck. With a low but lust filled voice he spoke close to his ear. "Let's go.. go to the bed..."

Pierce took a look at him, a small smile on his lips that reached his eyes. He leaned his head to the hero's, kissing his cheek with affection. "Whatever you want Ox."

Oxzy turned so he could push his lips to Pierces. He felt even more energized wanting nothing more than to do it all again. He held tightly onto the villain's neck while the latter pulled the hero's legs to his hips. Oxzy tightened around him while the man carried him to the bed. Their kiss didn't break the whole way, opening doors and crashing onto the mattress couldn't separate the pair.

They went at it for the rest of the night all the way until the morning. The hero was competently drained, the alcohol leaving his system seemed to bring him back to his senses, waking up to the villain holding him close while both of them were completely bare.

Oxzy stuffed his face into the villain's chest, quietly cursing at himself for last night. He lost himself, forcing the act of sexual desire to take over the two. Probably the worst for him was the fact that he enjoyed it, he wanted to do it more and more with the villain. It was all the way till morning, making it so they both slept in and missed work.

The high was off, but all Oxzy could think about was the pleasure and pain the villain brought him last night. It was both blooding boiling and heart pumping.

He didn't want to admit what he felt for the villain was anything like lovers. He shouldn't. Their relationship was toxic enough..

But here he was in his arms late during the day. Sinking in the warmth like a little puppy.

Pierce ruffled his hands through the black curls, smirking into his hair. He always seemed to enjoy doing that. A kiss was with his movements onto the hero's forehead, yet another thing he enjoyed.

Oxzy looked up to him, eyes rimmed red because of the lust-fest.

Pierce replied to the look with a small smile and a dust of red on his cheeks.

"Morning Ox."

The end