Chapter 1: Love?

"Scar! Scar!" I cover my ears with a pillow. I'm still sleepy! I don't want to get up. "Scar, your friend is here!" I angrily marched to open the door.

"Hey! Good morning sleepy head!" Ace my friend greeted me with a wide smile.

I rolled my eyes, "You ruined my morning so there's no GOOD in my morning." I said emphasizing the word 'good' at him.

He laughed at me and sighed. "Pack your things we will go to Bulacan for a month," he said. My eyebrows furrowed while looking at him.

Why would I go there and what will I do there?

"What? Tito told me to be your guardian for a month because you always fight with your evil stepsister so you'll come with me to my parent's house." That explains everything, that witch!

I close my door without looking at him. Daddy always sides with that witch. I'll make sure to make her suffer once I get home.

That old man! He has the gut to send me to Bulacan without knowing the truth about what happened. He pisses me off.

"Scar! Make it faster please..." He shouted. I rolled my eyes and close my luggage. He could have waited for me downstairs instead of shouting, it won't help anyway.

I sighed before taking a bath. I miss my mom so much and my brothers. I wish they were here with me.

I put some powder and lip balm before walking downstairs. I didn't dry up my hair since I'm too lazy to do that early in the morning. It's six am and these people don't know that I do not like it when my sleep was disturbed because of a nonsense reason.

"Finally you're here!" I arched my eyebrow at him.

His smile vanished when he saw how I acted. I ignored him and called my butler, "Jin can you pick up my luggage in my room? We're in hurry." He nodded and walk away to get my things. I stared at my dad and walks out of the mansion.

I'm disappointed in him and honestly, I don't want to talk to him. "Hey! Why you acted like that in front of your father?" Ace, my best friend asked.

I just stared at him and entered his car. He knows everything that happens, he knows how I was hurt...

That old man always says that his doing everything for me yet does everything that keeps me away from him. I can't believe that he did not even want to know my side before doing a decision.

I look at the review mirror and saw Jin coming in my window side so I opened it up. "I already loaded your luggage, young lady. Please take care there," I nodded at him.

"Tell me if something happened or that witch hurt you guys. I'll make sure to enjoy myself there and make that witch suffer when I get home." He nodded and walk away.

I just sighed and look at Ace who just entered. "Shall we go?" He asked. I nodded in response and he drove away from this hell.

I was looking at the road when I get irritated at Ace because he was throwing a look at me more like wanting to say something yet keeping his mouth shut and I literally can see it in my peripheral vision.

"What?" Irritated I ask and rolled my eyes.

He sighed, "Care to tell me what happened?"

I lean again at the car's door and close my eyes. "I'll tell you when we are already at your house." I said, "Can we go to the drive-thru?" I looked at him with puppy eyes. I laughed when he breathe heavily before turning in the Jollibee drive-thru.

Don't get me wrong. I know we only traveled for two hours and here I am hungry already. It's not that I'm being spoiled here. Let me remind you that I didn't eat breakfast because of them.

"Hi, sir good morning may I take your order?"

Ace stared at me with the what-do-you-want look, "One bucket of fried chicken, two sundae choco, two burgers, and three mango peach pies." I said and smiled at him. He shakes his head before saying our orders.

"Are you sure you can eat all of those?" He asked me with his eyebrow almost one line.

I smiled sweetly at him, "You're here with me, we can surely finish all of that," Ace get our order and handed it to me before driving. "Park this car so we can eat these foods, am hungry," I said before checking all the foods that we've got.

"Don't eat it here, I know somewhere we can eat those. Come on, I'm sure you'll like it." He gaze at me and smiled. I shrugged my shoulder at him and then sighed before putting down the food.

I'm hungry now, he can just park it in the parking area so we can eat or on some road that does not have lots of vehicles passing. I can't help myself but gaze at the food, it's like those delicious foods are calling me to eat them.

"We're here!" My eyes get wide when I saw where he did bring me. I remove my seat belt and open the door before running to the seaside.

The cold breeze hugged me as I ran and stop at the seaside. Finally, I feel so free! I can smell the fresh air from the ocean when suddenly a tear drops from my eyes. I quickly wipe it and stare at the sun rising.

"I thought you were hungry?" Hearing those words I suddenly remember my foods...opss let me rephrase it, our foods.

He handed me the food and sat down on a big stone beside us. I take my food and handed it to him after.

"Thank you for bringing me here," I uttered before biting my burger.

He smiled at me, "I know you always find the comfort of the ocean when your heart aches. Sometimes I wonder what's with the oceans and you always seek it when you're not good with something and you can't do anything about it..."

I stared at the sea while eating my food when suddenly he speak, "Care to tell me what happened?"

I laughed bitterly, "It's a long story..."

"I'm willing to listen." He said and look in the direction where I'm looking.

I looked up at the sky to prevent my tears from falling. Why do other people want to listen to what happened yet, my father can't?

"Come on, tell me what happened."

I swallowed what was I eating before I spoke. "You know what? Don't mind it...I don't want to remember it, it kinda pushes me to hurt that witch already."

I throw him a glare when I heard his laughs. Do I look like telling jokes to him? I'm speaking seriously here. My ghad what's wrong with this human, he's making me annoyed for real.

"What? Don't glare at me like that. You know what? You're cute when you're pissed and angry, you're short-tempered anyway." I rolled my eyes because of what he said.

"Sometimes I wonder if you'll meet someone who will make you fall in love genuinely, makes your temper long, and make you believe that there's still love in this world..." I laugh sarcastically at what he said.

"I'll never fall in love, not believe in it," I said.

He shrugged his shoulder and stand, "We'll never know. Anyway, let's go it's already nine in the morning...we still have a long ride." I nodded and walk toward the car with our trash.

I'll never believe in love or be in love. I know it will ruin me and makes me suffer unbearable pain and I won't let that happen. When the time comes... I'll curse love and destiny.