"Likewise, Killua." Ace coldly said.

"Don't worry about Scarlet, I'll take care of her," I said and gazed at Scarlet who was looking at the roses again.

I take a deep breath while waiting for his answer, "As you should, or else I will skin you alive and break your bones." His voice is so cold that you can feel it down to your spine. I'm used to this tone though but it still brings weird sensation

I raised my eyebrow when I saw sweat falling from my forehead. It's not that it's hot here either I feel nervous or scared.

"Calm down young man," I heard him say, "I can feel your nervousness at the moment."

My eyebrows furrowed when I heard what he said. I never met him but it feels like we're going to like each other even though most of the time I don't care about people.

I can sense that Scarlet is important to him because otherwise he wouldn't have a clue where this girl is just like his useless father. He won't care too much since they are not blood related either.