A Decision I Made

Eve's POV

As I finished everything, I charged my phone and just chilled out.

It's just 5 pm and he said he would pick me up at 6 pm.

"Wait, he said he would pick me up. Does he know where I live?" Maybe he asked some agent, "Does he know what happened years ago? But why did he approach me then if he knew?"

Things wandered in my head and started to speculate. "He didn't know, he didn't make a background check of me?"

Whatever I shouldn't think for now and just chill.

***1 Unread message***


I'm here Miss Eve.

received at 5:56 pm


"How did he know my real name?! Omg, he did a background check? But why he chose me? Did he miss it? Ahhhhh, I don't know what to do. Should I just keep quiet? Yes, I will."

***1 Unread message***


Are you still there?

received at 6:10 pm

I didn't that I wasted more than ten minutes thinking.

I packed my things and put some powder on my face. I walked downstairs and came to the main entrance, before I open the door, I fixed my hair and my dress and look at my face in the mirror.

"Hey, I'm sorry I was in the bathroom when you texted." He stayed quiet and open the car door for me.

He hopped on the other side and started turning on the car. "You look nice in that dress." Still, not looking at me but, it gave me butterflies. I skipped a heartbeat to it and hid my smile.

"You... Also, look good in your t-tuxedo? Why did you?... Uhm... sorry." Oh my gosh, why did I say that?

"I'm not comfortable wearing other clothes outside when I came to be a president." He explained.

"Uhhh." I just nodded and looked at the scenery of nature.

**Awkward Silence**

I reached for the music player but, "Don't turn it on."

"Aww, okay." Now looking down.

"We won't be able to talk if you turn that on." I looked at him rapidly, amazed by what he said, he is a playboy.

I need to stay calm and act like I didn't care.

Changing the topic,

"Where are we going?" He was still looking in the way but I know he was listening.

"At my place." He directly said.

"Hey, omg, I think you're too fast," I said.

"Nope, we are on the normal range." He calmly said not getting what I meant.

"No, I mean you're too fast, you said we are going to your place right?" I was hysterical.

"Yes, to get on my private plane."

I suddenly kept quiet and he chuckled.

"Stop it." I was annoyed by his laugh.

"You're exaggerating." He added, and couldn't stop his laugh.

"You're funny." I looked at him and he was now serious so I laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked.

"Because you suddenly looked serious HAHAHA" He just looked at me and didn't respond.

"We're here." I didn't even realize that we were already there because of our talks. The surroundings looked pretty good and wide. There's so much space and there is no other house than his. The guards opened the gate and we made our way inside.

I got off the car on my own because I was curious about the place.

A big house is spotted in front of me which is a very wide space for the hallway.

"Just sit here. I'm going to get back at you." I nodded and seated on the bench beside his little tree.

Lights were everywhere and it's dazzling every time I look at them. The color of the house was romantic. It's post-modern and it's very soothing to the eyes, it is painted mainly with dirty white and brown, paired with yellow lights and black posts.

"You like it?" I didn't know he was beside me, in his little carrier or I don't know what it is called but you can ride it.

"So much," I said.

"This is where you are going to live." He mumbled and smiled at me.

"Hop on." I went in his little car and as we go through, the place looks wider and wider.

"Let's go." He asked for my hand as we stopped and arrived at his private lot.

"My plane's in there." As we went in, several private planes were seen.

We walked through and stopped by the smallest but the most attractive plane.

"This one's my favorite and this is only used for the special ones." I smiled. It means I'm special right?

We walked in and were given company by three guards. There were a total of 5 people on the plane and the other two were the pilots.

"The arrival time is 8 pm, right? You can get rest if you want." He nodded and tried to sleep looking the other way beside me.

I know that he's tired and he's trying to make time for me so that we could get to know each other.

I just listened to the music and watch some videos of Justin Bieber to kill time.

"Hey, wake up we're here." I patted his shoulders to wake him up.

"Hmmm," His voice was deep and too sexy for me to handle.

He opened his eyes and quickly turn to the right side so that I won't be able to see his sexy appearance.

"Let's get off," I said not looking at him.

We landed at the airport and the moment we went out there were already guards who waited for us.

We fixed ourselves and he waited for me beside the exit. He asked for my hand which I hesitated but then he grabbed it and held it.

People were looking at us as if we look like couples, and that made me uneasy.

A car arrived in front of us and a man came out. "Sir, here's your key." He handed it to Lander.

Should I call him by his name? Nevermind.

I quickly walked toward the car door but he has long hands and reached it first.

"Get in." I hissed and rolled my eyes.

I'm excited and patted my fingertips against my thighs.

"Get the box on the back." He said.

"Why?" Brows' up and smaller eyes.

"Just get it." I reached for the box in which I have suffered so much because it was too far.

"Ahhhhhh! yes!" Finally got the box.

He looked at me seriously. "What?!"

"Nothing." What a weird guy.

"Here we are." He said and quickly covered my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I said.

"Shhh." He grabbed the box and I heard that he opened it still, covering my eyes.

He blindfolded my eyes. "Wait for me."

He got off the car to open the door for me and company me.

"Aren't we there?" I laughed.

"Don't worry you won't get bumped HAHAHA" He assured me and hold me tighter.

"We're close."

He takes off the fold and what appeared in front of me is a table for couples, it has lights and food covered.

We were in the center of the park and the lights surrounding us that d like we are the stars of the night.

"Wow..." I couldn't think of what to say because it was mesmerizing.

"Do you like it?" His voice sounded satisfied.

"Yes, omg, but, why is no one here?" I got confused.

"Yes, just the two of us." He smiled sincerely.

I turn the other way because I got shy of what he said.

Damn this guy, we just met!

"So, what do you think? We'll get along or not?" I looked at him again and our eyes locked on each other.

His smile was so innocent.

"Deal," I said.