First Day Of Acting

Eve's POV

"Is it okay for you to go out like this? There is a lot of paparazzi everywhere." I explained.

"That's why I brought us some shades." Showing me his bag of shades.

"...So, it won't look like we are open about our relationship." He tries the shades on me, "What are you doing?" I asked because he was being clingy. "I'm acting. What if there's a paparazzi." I laughed at what he said and picked the shades that I liked.

He followed me towards his car and hopped on it.

"Where are we going?" My body position was slanting and facing him.

Starts the engine, "We are going to picnic."

"Seriously?! omg, I like this work. Should I stop being an actress?" He laughed.

"Only when you become my wife."


"Hey! stop with your lines." Slapping his shoulders and went the other way.

"Are you happy?" He was looking straight to the road and didn't look at me.

"..... I am." Looking above the sky.

"It took you so long to answer me." He looked at me for a second and back at the road.

"We're here." He parked the car near the tree side and opened the door for me.

"How about our foods?" I noticed that there were no restaurants nearby and just people having their packed foods.

"I brought food." He was carrying a big box and put it on the ground.

I snickered "You're prepared huh." I opened the box and looked for a cloth we could settle on.

"I'm always prepared." He winked at me and left me to get some of his things from his car.

"What a silly guy." I giggled and continued unrolling the cloth.

Seeing him this far makes me feel sad. It seems like he is someone I'm so close with but, so far. I don't even know if that makes sense, but it was something I'm sad about.

"What are you doing?" I haven't noticed that he's already in front of me.

"Unrolling the cloth." I smiled

"But it's all good." We laughed at my stupidity.

My gosh Eve wake up.

"Look I brought some things we could do."

He showed me a journal and pen. "We will put the things we like here and then we are going to exchange. After that, we are going to memorize each others' likes." I nodded.

"And this one." Showing me a dartboard.

"The one who hits the bullseye gets to wish anything and the other grants." I nodded repeatedly getting excited about the game.

His hand was searching inside the box "TADA!" Showing me a question card.

"We'll get to know each other more with the help of this card, it has lots of naughty questions are you okay with that?" He asked sincerely.

Omg, why is my heart beating so fast?

"Do you wanna play it first?" I asked, not going to answer his question.

"Are you sure?" His eyes were hesitating and trying to read my thoughts.

"I'm fine. I'm open." I assured him and pleaded to play the game.

"Okay, but let's try the other games first." I was a little bit sad but it's fine since we still got a lot of time to do anything.

His hand reached for the box again and searched for something "This one's for kids." Showing me a jack stone.

"You're a kid." I laughed and get the jack stone from him.

"We'll play this first," I said playing it on my hands to start the game with me.

"What will the loser get?" He asked looking excited.

"Hmmm, he/she gets to say a secret." Gosh, why did I say that? I must be out of my mind.

He snickered and seated beside me "Beat me." He winked at the end and focused on what I am doing.


His gaze intimidated me that's why I lost in the 12th round.

He smirked and positioned his body towards the mini table. "Watch me, young lady." I hissed and focus on him playing.










Gosh, I won't let him beat me!!


I need to do something!


O----O "Do you wanna kiss me?"


"HAHAHAHAHAHA! you lose baby." I laughed so hard and tease him.

His brows furrowed and kept on looking mad at me. "That's not part of the game. You're cheating." His face looks upset which made me laugh more.

"I'm sorry, it's not cheating, you just got distracted. HAHAHA!" He was still gazing at me as he wanna kill me.

He crossed his arms "So, what now?"

I stopped laughing and thought of a question. "Spill any secret you wanna tell me."

"Hmmm, what article have you read about me?" I glare at him because he asked me a question instead of him.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you?" I talked back.

"Just tell me." I clicked my tongue and think.

There are a lot of articles I have read about him, but what stands out was

"Uhmm, there was one article that you haven't made your statement. It says you were an a-adopted child." The last words were whispered because I was shy to say them.

He rolled his eyes and smiled at me "I am."

"Seriously?! then why didn't you clear it up?" Am I being too nosy? Gosh, this nosy mouth of mine.

"I didn't wanna make a fuss. People shouldn't know the truth from me so they will get intrigued by it." Wow, I just learned a lesson from this man. Well, I was amazed by his sincerity towards me.

"What's next?" We glanced at the things he brought.

"Let's play this." He said hanging the dartboard up the tree.

I smirked.

Surely, I won't lose to this.

"Get up young lady, no distraction okay?"

He gazed at me "Tsss, got it, mister."

I let him play first and ill surely beat him when it's my turn.

"Whoooooaaaa yes!"

I looked at the board

Jeez, bullseye.

How am I supposed to beat him?

"If you got a bullseye, we'll play more. Good luck Eve." He gleamed at me and went back to give me space.

I flexed my arms like a player and positioned my body like a professional.

I'll make you kneel Lander!

"Go pretty." He chuckled.

I glared at him and focus on the board.




Bullseye. I did it!

I smiled sarcastically "Beat me, Lander." I winked at him and seated.

He grinned and fixes his polo.

"Next time, watch me so you won't have bad luck."