Chapter 39. ...KELLY OR KENDELL?

# Author's pov

"I feel different. It's like my spirit is inside someone else's body." He said in a raspy voice.

"You are feeling that way because your spirit is in a new body, Kelly, or should I call you Kendell?" The Dracula asked

"Now that she's both Kelly and Kendell maybe we shouldn't call her by any gender-based pronoun. Let's call her they." Jonah spoke and everyone except Kellly laughed.

"No, we should call her Kendell because the physical appearance is that of man." Bennet said

"No, we should call her Kelly because the inner side is what defines a person." Chase said

"No, we...

"Come on! Shut up everyone." Kelly spoke loudly cutting Andrew off.

"I don't care about your theories. I am still Kelly and that's who I will always be. So, if you must call me, then just call me K, okay?" K asked and everyone modded to agree.

"I guess we are done here. Should we get going?" Chase asked