At side B free ghosts were running around the compound trying to get to any hiding areas
they could possibly think of. However, Andrew was making it hard for them as he was
blowing up the explosives that Yusuf had planted on the ground at any chance he got
"How on earth are we under attack?" Lorna asked from a window where she and Peter
were watching outside. Before Peter responded, the door to the office opened startling
both of them.
"Calm down! It's just us." Henry spoke as he and Martin stepped in the office.
"We need to get out there and stop the attack." Henry added
"He's right. We can't just stay here while the whole place is getting torn apart. " Peter spoke
"And also it looks like bombs have been planted on all buildings and the offices can't be an
exception." Martin spoke
"I think we should go before we get blown in here." He added and just like a talk of the devil
the office blasted down in a loud bang.