Chapter 19

It's been a few days, most of my memories have returned. There's this one secret that's eating the back of my brain. It's like my mind is intentionally blocking that memory from coming into play. At least I remember who I am, barely though. I barely know myself. All this was just one big fucking mess

Tehilla Michaels, only child of my mother and father. My mother and father are both phoenix. A phoenix is a paranormal creature with versatile abilities ,from fire to teleportation , and other things. The best ability they have is there ability to regenerate and come back to life once killed. It takes them seventy two hours after death to come back to life ,unless of course their head is cut off and their heart is ripped apart. Yeah crazy I know. Sounds like something straight out of a scifi movie. It's still hard to reconcile my old original memories with the replaced ones.