You changed my mind


“I loved her.” He peered into my eyes. “Before her, I never knew I had that much emotion in me.”

“You love her.”

I nodded to hide the pain I feel from showing.

You just can't blame me for feeling emotional about this.

“Yes, I did. I cared for her so much that I was willing to give up my kingdom to mourn her.

And I would have done that if you had not shown up.”

“What?” I blinked at him.

“You showed up when I least expected it, and you stole my heart.” He touched my cheeks, “it's against the rules for a vampire to mate with a human, but I don't care.”

“You like me?”

It was too good to be true. There is no way on Earth that master can love me. It's not true.

“At first, I didn't.” He lightly caressed my cheeks, “I thought I can keep you as a pet all the days of your life. However, spending time with you made me realize you can never be just a pet to me. I apologize for all the things I've done to you. It wasn't inte—”