Where is my baby?

I slowly opened my eyes, half expecting the pain that threatened to kill me not too long ago, to take over.

When I felt no sign of the pain, I slowly opened my eyes and glanced around.

There was no one else in the room, save for me.

Master wasn't around, and so was Lym. The room was empty. There was no sign of life.

I slowly rose from the bed, intending to go out searching for them, only to stop in my tracks when I noticed my semi-flat stomach.

It was big, but not as big as it was the last time I saw it.

I touched my stomach.

“My baby. Where is my baby!” I cried out.

I hastily rose from the bed despite the dull ache I experienced.

“Where is my baby?” I shouted, expecting someone to answer, but I got no answer.

“Where is—”

The door to my room got opened, and master rushed in.

“Star? What's wrong?”

“My baby!” I moaned as I threw myself at him. “Where is my baby?”