
“Are you staying late today?”

“No, I'm not. The elders wish to test their hunting prowess. I'm only going there out of obligation.” My master shrugged.

“Why don't you stay in today?” I suggested.

“And risk getting my ears snapped off by those old men?” He shivered.

“You are the Lord.”

“And they are the elders, Star. By law, they are the ones in power, not me.”

“Seems you have made up your mind. I won't try to keep you.”

“See you when I return, Star.” He kissed my forehead. “Don't let Moon skip classes. That boy is trying to be lazy.”

“No, I won't allow him to skip classes.”

It's not as if he will skip classes with Lym being his teacher.

I swear, my son is more afraid of her than he is of me.

“I love you, Star.”

“I love you more, Master.”

Calling him master has become a norm for me.

I call him that all the time, irrespective of where we are. And my master doesn't seem to mind.


“Mother!” Moon called out to me.