You are mine

That heartless bastard didn't return that night despite how many times I called him. He turned a deaf ear to my calls.

It was as if he wanted to punish me for running away.

I slept off in the early hours of the morning, and only managed to get a few hours of sleep before I was woken up.

"Good morning," smiling to himself, he came into the room.

The smug expression on his face made me ache to slap him, to get him to know that I wasn't joking at all.

"Let me go." I tug on the ropes that were holding me captive. "You can't keep me here just because you want to. Let me go!" I tugged on the ropes despite how tired I was.

My hands felt sore and heavy. And that was what prevented me from tugging on it as much as I would have loved to.

If only I have that strength, I would have shown him what I'm capable of.

"You are dirty," He smirked, ignoring my words. "Have you thought of having a bath?" he pursed his lips, looking so damned pleased with himself.