
Blood spilt on the ground, and men fell under the sword. More of the blackbirds ran out of the tent surrounding the one in the middle, yet, no one exited the middle tent.

Three of the men managed to slice the flesh off my arm. And that was the last thing they did. I clenched my hand tight and hit my axe on their heads.

Moon and Jol fought the men from one side, while my men and I fought them upfront.

The ground became slippery with blood the more men I kill.

Only a few of my men remained. They stood behind me as we slowly advanced.

One of the blackbirds knocked into me, and I fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

I turned, to cut through the fool, only to see a familiar arrowhead on his forehead.

I turned towards Moon, and he raised his thumb before he turned to continue the fight.

Moon went through the men, by his side, faster than we did ours.