Not a damsel in distress

I slowly opened my eyes. It hasn't been that long since I was attacked. And I knew that based on the position of the moon in the sky.


I sat up.

My back hurts, and it seemed a headache was on its way.

I glanced around the place, only to discover that I was in a sort of Hut.

It was the type that was built in forests by bandits.

Though we have only come across this type of hut once since we left the safe house behind, there was no mistaking it.

I tried to rise from the ground, only to discover that my hands had been tied.


These stupid bandits don't know who their mistress is.

I shuffled to the side of the hunt. Though it was a bit dark in here, I was able to make out some things in the dark. And that included getting to know where the strong ropes binding the hut were.

I turned my back to the hut and used the rope to lose the ones binding me.

The ropes holding my hands captive were strong, but not strong enough to cut my hands.