I want everyone to know who your husband is

Things went well after that. Moon reunited with his family.

His mother had three kids after him, and they were lovely to their elder brother.

Though the girls have never met him before, they treat him like family.

Things have been good for us.

Moon and I are expecting a baby. Well, I discovered I was pregnant a week ago.

Now, I have a crazy soon-to-be father who dotes on me like I'm a doll and an equally crazy Jol who will be the best uncle of the century.

The princess never ceases to fight over who gets to name the baby first.

“Can I take my wife? I have something to speak to her about.” Moon wrapped his hands around me.

The princesses I was having a walk with, giggled.

“You can have her. Let's go!” The eldest raced down the hall and the others followed her, giggling as they abandoned me.

“Let's go, wife,” Moon whispered into my ears before he carried me up.

“Let me go! I can walk, you know?” I tried to get him to put me down, but it was futile.