Did she realize he was serious? Only her jaw dropped open—alas. What kind of a man did she think he was? All right, maybe he took things that weren’t his exactly. So did every other Viking he knew. It didn’t mean he wanted her. Did she think, he did? No. This was about keeping Snotra on her toes pure and simple.

“A noise? You want me to make a noise? You mean, you took me from that bloody dreadful convent with all these bloody dreadful women in it and you brought me all this way, here, on that bloody dreadful boat, to this bloody dreadful place when I begged you, I distinctly begged you not to, so as I can make a—? Well, what kind of noise does my lord, want me to make?”

He swallowed. Was she stupid, or something she didn’t know what noise he meant? Here he was, picking her because Snotra was jealous, not because he desired her in any way, was going to touch her in any way either. By Odin, where were her grateful thanks, that he’d given her this nightdress and everything?