“A moment, Malice.”

Oh God, not now. She had said her piece an hour ago. She had sashayed about the ballroom too, greeting this and that lady, perfectly making her point. Now, having reached the coach it had cost her last farthing to hire for the evening, it was time to go home and put her throbbing, weary head on what passed for a pillow. What could Cyril possibly have to say to her now?

What he had to say became apparent the instant he opened his mouth. At least that he intended for her to listen did. A hand. His. Clamped her mouth shut. Her scream died in her throat, smothered by brute force although a strangled what do you think you are doing escaped her. At least she believed it did.

“Utter one sound and you’re dead.”

What? He was threatening her? In addition to his hand . . . was that cold steel jabbing her collar bone?

“I mean it, Malice.”