“When I told you to get behind that rock, why the Freya fanged hell couldn’t you have just done what I said? That’s what I want to know.”

He carefully shifted his gaze from the scorching midday sun, trying not to wriggle too noticeably against the leather belts pinning his arms to his torso. They needed to escape, but the last thing he wanted was to attract the attention of Ari. Ragmoose, or Gunkel. This was every bit bad enough. Why make it worse?

“I did.”

Like Frigga, she had, or his body wouldn’t ache in places he didn’t know it was possible for it to ache, his nose feel as if it had been broken in ten places and his chin in five--at a conservative estimate. There went another drip of blood down his tunic front to join the river that had run down there already. The smell of it clogged his throat.