Their Own Society

2 years ago

Song Group Cooperation is one of the largest and well-known companies in South Korea, they have many businesses from all branches of the industry. One of them is Song Education Company which manages education from elementary school to University. Today is the first day of the Song family's only daughter on attending her new school year at SEC high school, she is Song Hyang.

Hyang enters the school with her only best friend, Han Joon Woo. Everyone who saw them together looked at Hyang with jealousy, not only was her family background truly outstanding, she also had a beautiful and attractive face. In addition, she is also always together with the handsome heirs of the Han family who dominate the field of electronic marketing in Korea. They have been best friends since elementary school. Both have a great family backgrounds. In fact SEC schools are an elite school that only accept privileged students either from their family background or from the basic intelligence level of the students.

Hyang and Joon Woo were walking together into the school hall followed by all the attention of the other students who looked at them with envious glances. They just walk straight without saying hello to everyone who tries to greet them. The two then entered their class and chose the class seat in the corner closest to the window.

"again and again, people continue to be jealous of us, not only in the previous school but also in this school, surely we look very adorable, right?"Joon Woo said to Hyang as they both sat in their seats.

"nothing we can do about that" Hyang showed her beautiful smirk to her good friend. Both of them have a top level of face which is comparable with the idols in South Korea.

"popularity, wealth, great family background, everyone here only appreciates others for those things. They will start creating their own social groups, and then there will be people who are ostracized because they are not great enough to achieve the certain criteria of that social group, all of them just repeat the same rhythm" Hyang said.

"Well, I think it's going to be just the two of US again right? I don't want to be friends with those kind of people" said Joon Woo in response.

"sure.." Hyang replied confidently.

Yes, they both have become accustomed to separate themselves from the social environment of socialites who only care about wealth and fame alone. All they have is the result of the efforts of their parents, they are even just a collection of garbage people who want to take advantage of their family background. Hyang and Joon Woo are really not interested in connecting with the usurers of conglomerate children like them.

Hyang then turned her head towards the window, she accidentally caught the view of a student who seemed to be bullied by some people around him, the sight made Hyang smirk to herself.

She often came across such situations wherever she went and she never liked them. On the other side of the window, she could see many things from the high place where she was now. Some people walk together with their respective social groups, groups built by the same hobbies, similar views, or similar backgrounds. But on the other side of the group there will always be people who will be ostracized and being alone, isolated or may deliberately withdraw theirself from the society, they feel completely lonely or choose to be alone.

"Joon Woo-ah, what do you think if we created our own social group , our own society. We can have fun and pull ourselves out of a boring life like this" said Hyang suddenly who again turned her eyes to Joon Woo, a handsome man who has a tall and athletic body and narrow eyes.

"What do you mean?"ask the student did not understand and observed Hyang, a beautiful and tough student who was in front of him.

"let's create our own social group so that we can all forget about our lives now, together we explore everything and have fun in the world out there" said Hyang smiling with a thousand hidden meanings.

Lee Hyun Ki's Story

Hyun Ki is in the school library alone now, he learns about medical knowledge and medical science that always attracts his attention. He had a great desire to become a great doctor in the future, like his father and older brother.

Their family has a background as a famous doctor, his brother always did a great job and made the father feel very proud because someone has followed in the footsteps of his brilliant career. Since childhood, his brother was always the first concern for his father, that's why Hyun Ki wanted to be like his brother as well and make his father proud of him like how he feels proud of his brother.

"aigoo... did you study that medical book again?"ask Jay Park to Hyun Ki.

Jay Park is his classmate since junior high school, but the student is not his best friend instead the student is Hyun Ki's arch rival. Jay Park always competes with Hyun Ki in everything and the competitive spirit between the two makes them hate each other.

Hyun Ki just continued reading the book without paying attention to the bully who was trying to ruin his concentration. He didn't care about the student at all because he knew he would only provoke him again later. Hyun Ki tries to stay calm and continues to ignore him.

"it's no use for you to keep learning, you know that right? Even if you study so hard, you will never be like your brother, well, for your father your brother is the only son in your family" said Jay Park sitting in front of him and showing his really annoying smile.

"What do you mean?" Hyun Ki show his dead glared to Jay Park. The student pushed Hyun Ki's head with his index finger and tried to continue mocking and lowering his pride.

"I know how your family is Hyun Ki-ah... What a pity you are, you always try your best to make your father proud of you but it seems like he never looked at you even for once, right?"Jay Park's grin appeared as he made his caustic comment about the state of Hyun Ki's family.

"get your hands off before I break your bones" Hyun Ki said coldly. He was already able to feel the thunder between his teeth because of the anger that he tried to endure with all his might.

"hahaha... I'm not sure if you would dare to do such a thing, do you want to risk the good image of your family in front of everyone, the wonderful doctor Angel family. I know you don't have the courage to tarnish the image of your wonderful family, you loser..."Jay Park is back again.

Hyun Ki couldn't help himself to remain silent anymore, he immediately stood up from his seat and grabbed Jay Park's shirt collar. He looked at him with a great warning and anger in his heart after he listened to his words about him. Hyun Ki can never bear to listen to how others continue to make him as a loser by being compared to his brother's incredible family image and abilities.

"why? You want to hit me?" asked Jay Park tries to provoked Hyun Ki. The student remained silent and looked at him more closely, he tried to calm himself down and not be swayed by the cheap provocation of his nemesis.

"even if you shut my mouth, the fact that your father never appreciated anything you did will always haunt your whole life..."said Jay Park looking into Hyun Ki's eyes with a grin on his face. Hyun Ki had reached his limit, he couldn't contain his anger anymore, he raised his right hand and punched Jay Park in the face hardly. He made the student fall directly from the chair and fell on the floor. Every visitor in the library screamed in shock at Hyun Ki's brutal actions. The student who had been blinded by his anger then walked up to Jay Park, sat on top of the student's body and beat him again with all of his might.

"what do you know about me! " Hyun Ki screamed angrily and continued beating Jay Park who fell under his body.

"yak! Yak! Student, what are you doing? Stop it!"shouted a librarian approaching Hyu Ki and trying to hold the student's hand to stop him.

Hyun Ki didn't want to listen to his words and even pushed the librarian strongly, he didn't care even if all the visitors were watching him right now. He keeps punching Jay Park to vent all his anger. He kept punching the student until he was unconscious. Hyun Ki only stopped his actions when he found out that Jay Park had fallen unconscious. He just looked at the fainted student silently.

After a fight that happened in the library , Jay Park's parents sent Hyun Ki to the police station, Hyun Ki along with Jay Park's father are now sitting together in the presence of police officers.

"so, why did you hit Jay Park like that, boy?"the police officer asked Hyun Ki, the student did not want to answer and did not even look at the officer.

"yak kiddo!"call the officer again.

"aissh you bastard boy, what did you do to my son?!"Jay Park's father yelled at Hyun Ki's and take his shirt collar, he wanted to hit him. He was very angry, his son suffered a serious injury and had to be hospitalized for several days because of Hyun Ki's actions.

"Sir, please calm down!"police officers stopped Jay Park's father.

"I'm sorry for being late, I'm the guardian of Hyun Ki, the student," Jae Kyung said, approaching the three of them, he is Hyun Ki's older brother.

The student stared at Jae Kyung in silence as he arrived at the police station while the older brother returned his gaze with a disgruntled expression. Jae Kyung then makes a deal with Jay Park's father and the police officer. He pays the compensation and takes full responsibility for Hyun Ki's behavior. After that, the student was finally allowed to leave the police station.

"what's on your mind?"Jae Kyung asked his brother.

"why should you be my guardian and come here?"ask Jae Hyun back without seeing his siblings.

"dad has another business, which is why I came," Jae Kyung replied immediately.

"so he will always have other business matters if it relates to my problems but always have time for yours?"ask Hyun Ki again.

"Lee Hyun Ki!"Jae Kyung shouted loudly.

"why? It's the truth, and also, you don't need to act like you care about me, I know you look lowly on me too, I don't need your pretense" Hyun Ki said then left Jae Kyung alone.

"yak! Lee Hyun Ki!"Jae Kyung shouted louder but Hyun Ki didn't want to listen and kept going. After walking for a while, Hyun Ki stopped his steps when he had reached the empty garden. He sat on a chair alone and stared at his feet silently. Suddenly someone sat down next to him and offered him a cigarette. Hyun Ki raised his hand and found a boy in the same uniform seemed to be sitting next to him, he was Han Joon Woo. Hyun Ki just looks at him without taking the cigarette offered by Joon Woo to him.

"it's free" said Joon Woo putting a cigar in Hyun Ki's hand.

"life is so unfair, right? We have done our best to get recognition from someone but still we continue to end up being like a loser " said Hyang who appeared and sat on Hyun Ki's other side. The student is now sitting between Joon Woo and Hyang.

"What do you mean?"ask Hyun Ki not understand, he knows Hyang. She is the daughter of the owner of their school.

"I am ... Being in the same situation as you, we are very similar.."Hyang said indicating to herself and Joon Woo then looked at Hyun Ki with a smile.

"then why?"ask Hyun Ki again.

"since we are so similar, I want to offer you to accept my Helping Hand" said Hyang extending her hand towards the pale-skinned student.

"let's be friends and have fun together, let's help each other to forget our world that is never being fair to us" said Hyang smiling happily .

"you were our first friend, you should feel grateful about that" Joon Woo added while leaning his body on the bench.

"let's be friends, all of us, together.... let's find our happiness with the effort of ourselves" said Hyang again. Hyun Ki looked hesitant for a while, but in the end, he took Hyang's hand and greeted her.

"Lee Hyun Ki imnida (my name is Lee Hyun Ki)" said Hyun Ki introducing himself in a formal language.

"Welcome, Hyun Ki-ah to our society..."said Hyang smiling giving a greeting to the first new member in her friendship environment. A special member she choose by herself.