Angel Devil

2 years later (May 2022),

It's lunch time for every student at the Song Education Centre. All of the students gather at the canteen. They queued up to get their meal. Suddenly, there is a group of boys who push everyone from the line to make their way to the meal without waiting for the queue. Park Seon Woo is the last student standing in the line.The leader's group wrapped their hands around Seon Woo's neck, making him feel intimidated. He was often bullied by them, and he feels scared right now.

"Purchase some food for us.Seon Woo-ah... "whispers Ki Young in Seo Woon's ear."

"n... ne... ne..." answered Seo Woo, frighteningly.

"Gomawo... you're our lovely buddy, you know that right, agioo," said Ki Young, smacking Seo Woo's back head, making him bow.

"Aissh... these losers really make a bad view in my eyes." Hyang approached the group. She came with her four best friends, who are standing beside each other. Ki Young turned around while still putting his arm around Seo Woo's neck, facing the "angel-devil".

"What's your problem?" Ki Young inquired about Hyang.

"Can't you see the line that was queued up?" asked Hyang back.

"I noticed that. But what's the matter? "asked Ki Young.

"I think you have enough intelligence to understand the meaning of the line, right?" asked Dae Jun with a mocking voice. Seo Woo pushed Ki Young away and then approached Dae Jun.

"Are you trying to say that I'm stupid?" asks Ki Young to the handsome student.

"There's no other meaning to my word except that, stupid!" Dae Jun mocks him again. Ki Young pulls Dae Jun's collar and throws a punch at him, but Hyang is fast enough to catch his hand and grip it tightly.

"Let's not fight at school. It's not good for our school image. It's also not good for your family image. Well, even I know your family affection is not as big as mine. " "Hyang, threateningly"

"How arrogant..." mumbled Ki Young, as he pulled his hand from Dae Jun's collar and pulled his other hand harshly from Hyang's.

"Do you feel safe because you have a member of the Yakuza family at your back?" asked Ki Young to Hyang, mentioning Joon Woo, who stood beside Hyang.

"Chh... I don't know where your yakuza pride is that makes you want to stand behind a girl, "mocking Ki Young to Joon Woo, then turn around to leave them." Ki Young's friend is also following him behind. Joon Woo just smirked at listening to his words. He wanted to step up and really wanted to punch him now, but Hyang just stopped Joon Woo by holding his arm.

"Yaa you... stop there!" said Hyang, still managing her calm voice.

Ki Young stopped his steps and turned around again, listening to Hyang's words. He smirked and looked at Hyang with an annoyed face. Hyang steps forward slowly, then after she takes three steps, she accelerates her feet and runs to Ki Young. When she was right in front of him, she didn't lower her speed and used her power to jump, then made a high kick on Ki Young's face while turning her body 360 degrees. She really can't stand it when anyone says a bad thing about her friend, especially Joon Woo, and she knows Joon Woo and the others will do the same thing to her. When Ki Young is pushed behind because of Hyang's hard kick, he can feel a blood drop from his nose.

"Yakk!" shouted Ki Young angryly. He stood up and was ready to hit Hyang, but when he almost hit her, Joon Woo quickly pushed him back on his stomach. Hyang and Joon Woo exchange their views and smile, then do a high five for their "well" kick.

With that, the battle between the "angel-devil" and Ki Young's group is starting. It's a tie for their member number to do a one-on-one fight. Hyang continues her fight with Ki Young, while Joon Woo starts a new fight with Jae Kyung. She gets a punch in her cheek during the fight with Ki Young. She wipes her stinging lips harshly and fights back against him. She punched Ki Young hard and then straight kicked his jaw from below, making Ki Young throw himself behind and fall on the floor.

Joon Woo gets a hit on his stomach, but then he quickly revenges it by punching Jae Kyung's right cheek, making Jae Kyung bow beside him, then giving him an elbow hit on his back, making Jae Kyung fall on the floor with his face facing the ground. The atmosphere of a quiet canteen becomes wild because of their fighting. Some students scream in fear of the sudden battle that is happening during their lunch time. Some students decide to leave the scene because they are afraid they may get hit, and others just stay because of the excitement of watching the battle. The other reason is that they are too afraid to make a single move.

One of Ki Young's friends pulled the chair and lifted it to attack Hyun Ki. He lifted the chair high and almost hit Hyun Ki's body right before he successfully avoided it. When he lifts the chair again to attack Hyun Ki, the genius boy quickly kicks the chair, hardly making the chair bump with his body and crash into pieces by Hyun Ki's hard kick. The boy can feel a strong pain in his stomach and then kneel down to hold the pain that was caused by Hyun Ki.

On the other hand, Dae Jun and Myung Sik were fighting together with the other two students from Ki Young's side. Myung Sik pulled one of the students' hair rashly, then gave a strong punch in his stomach. He then pushed the student away from the table to make him mess up with the meal on the table. Dae Jun just hit the other student on his cheek and then he pulled out his collar with both of his hands strongly and made him bow in front of him. He then hit his stomach with a knee.

Both parties keep fighting each other until Ji Suk Jin comes to stop the fight. He is the headmaster there. He shouted loudly and made both parties stop their fighting activities. All of them called to meet Suk Jin in the office, while Hyang called to meet the chairman of the school, who was none other than her auntie, her father's sister, who managed Song Education Center.

"Yuck!Do you guys think this school is your battle area? Are you guys planning to be a hero? To be the best of gangsters? Suk Jin was angry at the boys. None of them answered him.

Suk Jin orders, "Now lift your pants!"

They did what he said, and they knew what would happen to them. It's not their first time fighting at school, and they are used to receiving punishment, but they never feel tired of fighting. They are so stubborn. Suk'sJin takes a wooden whip and starts to hit their feet alternately.

'PLAKK!Hyang just received a slap from her auntie at her office. She just glared at her aunt without saying anything.

"What do you think you're doing now?" Song Sa Yeon exclaimed.

"What's the point of fighting like that? Where do you think you are? It's my school! "adds Sa Yeon. Hyang just rolled her eyes and felt annoyed with her nagging.

"Yuck!How can a girl like you fight like that? Besides, you are the only girl between them! Where is your mind?" Sa Yeon again yelled, but Hyang just kept silent while staring at the older woman in her eyes.

"What?Do you want to hit me too? " Hyang to Sa Yeon

"That's correct! I really want to shut out your mouth!" Hyang said coldly.

'Plakk!'She gets slapped again.

"Yak! You are a rude girl," she exclaimed. "Just wait until I can kick you out of my school, even from your home.I will make sure that someday I and my husband can own everything and kick you and your father away!" said Sa Yeon to Hyang.

"All right! Just do it. I'm not patient enough to watch your show, and you never win over my father and just own this school, so why are you so sure you'll win this time?You're not comparable to him, and you're rotten! " Hyang said coldly, then turned around and walked toward the exit door.

Hyang despises her auntie.She has a bad relationship with her father. She always tries to gain as much wealth from their family share as she can, but she never really does anything about their family business. In fact, the only one who is really capable of handling everything is her father, and he did his best to manage their big family business. He did everything, including leaving his only daughter alone and just focusing on work.

'blaam!'She was never happy with her family, especially her ambitious auntie, who was obsessed with money and power.

"Hey... are you okay?" asked Joon Woo, who saw Hyang exit the room.

They had just finished their never-ending punishment for their behavior.

"How about you guys? Do I get some slap as usual? " Hyang said, smiling and asking back.

Myung Sik's response to her by making his face appear amusing, and everyone laughed.

"All of you!" back to your class!" shouted Suk Jin, who saw them still not entering the class.

"Yes, big nose, sir!" said Myung Sik, teasingly.

"Yaa Do Myung Sik!" shouted Suk Jin in anger, trying to chase him away.

Finally, they split and go to their own classes. Hyang and Joon Woo are classmates in the business management department because they are the heirs to their family company, so it is a must for them to study business. Dae Jun and Myung Sik are classmates in the art and language departments because Dae Jun enjoys singing and Myung Sik aspires to be a model and an actor, respectively, whereas Hyun Ki is alone in the science department due to his family's medical background.

The lesson started with Suk Jin teaching how to build a great company, cultivate relationships with the client, manage the company, and treat the employees. Hyang and Joon Woo, who were sitting in the corner behind the class, didn't pay much attention to the lesson. Hyang just lazily laid her head on the table while Joon Woo was playing a game on his mobile.

"It's so boring." mumbled Hyang by herself, Joon Woo staring at her for a while. He knew that she was trying to give him a hint to do something interesting.

Hyang takes her phone and types a message for the four boys.

from: Hyang

It's terrifying to be bored.How about you? May we just go out?

Joon Woo smiled when he received the message. The others were not so much different and received Hyang's message with a slight smile on their faces.

from Joon Woo.

I'm just doing my game, but it still feels boring. Let's go out.

from Hyun Ki

The lesson was not very interesting. I understood everything before this. Let's just go.

from Dae Jun

Well, I never paid so much attention to studying. I will happily leave this class.

from Myung Sik

Oh my goodness! You saved my life!! >< I have no idea what the teacher was talking about. What the hell is the teacher talking about physics and ets? It's killing me!!

Hyang was staring at Joon Woo, who was sitting beside her. He was staring at her back and giving her a hint to escape soon from the class when Suk Jin was facing the board. Joon Woo, who sat further from the window, squatted on the floor, then approached the window from his position. He always escapes and jumps first from the window before Hyang. With his height, it's an easy thing for him to jump over from the second floor. That's why he will jump first and wait for Hyang outside.

Joon Woo finally escapes from the class without being noticed by the teacher. It's now Hyang's time. She is staring at Suk Jin, who is still backing her. She takes her bag and walks slowly to the window. She was lifting her foot and was just about to jump.

"Yak Song Hyang!" yelled Suk Jin, who caught Hyang. Suk Jin hastily approaches Hyang to catch her, but when he almost reaches her, Hyang quickly jumps and Joon Woo catches her small body from under.

"Yaaaa... two of you, stop there!" Suk Jin yells frantically.

Hyang and Joon Woo didn't want to hear it and just ran away together. Suk Jin keeps shouting their name, but they just don't care. Once in a while, Hyun Ki seems to join Hyang and Joon Woo. He runs from the left side. Hyang waves to him, and the three of them run together to the gate. In a minute, Myung Sik and Dae Jun also join them. The gate is closed. Myung Sik, the tallest boy, climbs the gate first, and he pulls Hyang's body up to climb, then the rest of the three guys climb and pass the gate fast. Hyang and Myung Sik then jump together from the gate, and all five of them run together while happily laughing at each other.