A New Thing

"my brother.... He is a very good kid, I guess your sister is a good girl too?" Hyang tried to smile when mentioning her brother. He is so precious to her, the reality that remind her that he was no longer with her is really throbbing her heart.

"yeah... I guess both of us had a very precious nice sibling, don't you think?" Shin turn around to face Hyang and show a same empathy as her. Hyang nod and maintain her smile. She avert her eyes and staring at the glass that she hold.

"why did a nice kid like them should died so soon?" Hyang said in whisper, almost not able to be heard. A sadness fill her heart. She grit her teeth tried to hold back the tears that bluring her eyes to drop. Shin didn't move nor do anything except watching her, he can really feel the same pain with her in his heart.