A caravan of posh cars was parked outside the monumental manse owned by his very own, Leo Panthera the superintendent of the biggest and most influential human and drug trafficking legion.

At the cellar, inside the mansion, dukes and duchesses, had converged in retort to the call by their very powerful and able leader.

The murmurs steadily died down and pin-drop silence succeeded as a rather tall man joined the assembly closely followed by a curvy noble. Only their body statures could be witnessed, as their faces were behind certain masks with flummery prints. Not even their ages could be forecasted.

As a sign of respect and honor, the congregation rose on their feet, until they were signaled to sit.

A pudgy man then took over the stage, holding some papers.

He first cleared his throat thoroughly, before starting.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you're all welcomed to our annual meeting today. I'll have to admit that this has been an year with a lot of challenges, but despite of this, our organization has managed to carry out it's activities and come out successful. In regards to this, I can't fail to recognize The She Dragon, who coordinates the activities at The Flaming Dragon Company which in the past few years have been the most outstanding as far as drug trafficking is concerned. "

Mrs. Salvador proudly rose on her feet and waved at all and sundry.

A myriad of activities followed and thereafter, everyone dispersed.

Mrs. Salvador and Hugo took a halt at a mall to purchase some stuff.

"I can't believe the amount of money we're wasting on those good for nothing bastards," Mrs. Salvador said and grimaced.

" What are you talking about? "Hugo asked unable to figure out what she was good-for-nothing What else? Daphne's morons! ''

"Oh, so that's what you mean. But you have been very supportive all along, "Hugo lamented.

" But of course, do I have a choice? I can't afford to see Bruce's and Daphne's marriage break just like that until I finally get what I want. "

" You never cease to amaze me. “

They say, time flies; and yeah, it really does as in no time, Lesley, Felicity and Rex now led their individual lives, as each one of them focused on their careers.

However, the association between Lesley and Felicity had gotten worse as the days went by, as Felicity entertained hatred for her sister simply because she found Rex attractive and wanted him for herself.

On this particular day, a bash was being held at the Salvadors', celebrating Rex's and Lesley's birthday as they happened to share the same birth date.

Everything was well planned for the day. The view of the ball was breathtaking and people of the high social class had been invited, for the Salvadors' to confer their status.

People diverted their lookout to Lesley and Rex, who sauntered down the stairs holding hands.

Felicity gobbled down a glass of liquor as soon as her eyes laid on Lesley, who was burnishing in her glittering red corset dress.

Daphne jovially received them along with Hugo, who gave his son a tight hug, and the party commenced.

Lesley wearily approached Felicity, who had cut off herself at one corner of the enclosure.

"What! You came here to show off?" Felicity barked.

"No Felicity. I'm not here to start trouble with you. Act.."

"Then leave me alone Lesley!"

"Felicity, please give me a chance to talk to you this once," Lesley pressed.

Without warning, Felicity stood and pushed Lesley.

Unfortunately, Lesley too pushed a waiter who was standing behind him, and he fell on their birthday cake, smashing it on the floor.

“What have you done?" Lesley asked Felicity, who didn't seem remorseful at all. Lesley went on to assist the waiter get up, but he ran away through the window, which was large enough for him to conform. Drones could now be heard as people watched the whole scenario in dismay.

"What is this?!" Mrs. Salvador howled ferociously. A group of securities went to action to catch the waiter.

Lesley shuddered in fear of her enraged grandmother. She then bent and picked and ID the waiter dropped, pretending to be fixing her heel.

"Dear, are you alright?" Daphne asked taking a close look at her daughter to reassure she was doing good. “Felicity," Lesley muttered her looking at Felicity in disgust.

"Go on baby girl. Spit it out. I was the one who pushed you and so it's all my fault," Felicity said hilariously.

"Stop!" Daphne shouted,” Isn’t it enough that you've ruined your sister's birthday? Huh! What is wrong with you Felicity? This is too far fetched!"

"Okay. Defend your daughter all you want, mother!"

Felicity took her heels to her chamber.

Daphne nestled Lesley as she patted her back gently and led her to a settee.

"Don't cry my dear," she consoled her and proffered a glass of water to her.

"Ummm, ladies and gentlemen," Rex started calling for the people's attention, “don’t worry about the small accident that has just taken place. Let the party go on! Enjoy!"

Mrs. Salvador glanced at him and shook her head vigorously in disillusion.

Later that night, Lesley stood at the window pane glancing at the stars.

All that time, she kept thinking about the waiter she had an encounter with a few hours ago.

She shuffled to her shoe rack and took the ID he had dropped from the heels she wore on that fateful night.

"Clark Chavez," she read the name out loud the name printed on it, after which she abruptly dropped it on the floor.

She supported herself on the wall as her lanky shanks wobbled like jelly.

She gathered her strength and reached out for the ID, taking another look at it.

"Clark, Clark," she mumbled as tears welled up in her eyes and steadily flowed down her rubicund cheeks before breaking into a sorrowful cry.

The following day, she arose at the crack of dawn after having a sleepless night.

She groomed herself and left the house unnoticed.

Lesley boarded a taxi, for her journey in search of the waiter whose ID she had, being guided by the location indicated on it.

Upon her arrival at the small town, she was lucky enough to meet the waiter she was desperately looking for at a certain cafe.

On noticing her, the guy tried getting away but Lesley held his hand with a firm grip.

"Can we talk, please," she said looking at him with puppy eyes.

The guy did not utter a single word.

Lesley led the way to a table set a few meters from the door and ordered cups of coffee for them.

"This must be yours."

Lesley fished out the ID from her purse and stretched her hand to hand over it to him.

"Ummm, I know the type of person my grandma is and maybe that's why you ran away when the cake fell but I'm here to have a friendly chat with you. After all, what happened wasn't your fault at all."

"What would a girl of high social class like you want to discuss with a peasant like me? I don't understand, “the guy impugned.

" I understand where you are coming from and so I don't blame you for not trusting me but the reason as to why I came all the way here to meet you is to apologize to you about what happened. If my sister and I hadn't started that fight, you wouldn't have lost your job. I'm so sorry, “Lesley appealed.

The guy chortled, almost breaking his ribs.

" And you think I'll believe. Look, we're already used to your acts to conceal your evil nature. Because of your wicked grandmother, many people have lost their lives at a very tender age!"

" What are you talking about?"

" Oh, so you too are in the dark or are you just pretending that you don't know your wicked grandmother is a drug trafficker!"

Lesley was so astounded that she spilt her coffee on her cardigan.

" That's the truth but you can choose not to believe it, “the guy continued, pretending not to have seen that Lesley had stained her cardigan.

He then stood to go but couldn't overlook what had happened and so he offered to assist Lesley clean up.

The guy gently held her hand and led her to the washroom.

Lesley shyly took off her sweater.

"Bethany," the guy whispered in wonderment, his eyes wide open.

"Did you say something?" Lesley inquired.

"You're alive?" the guy questioned back.

" Are you okay? What are you talking about? I don't get you."

" So you're Bethany, ma'am Laura's daughter, aren't you?"

Silence befell on them for a moment like a dead weight as they fixed there gaze on each other's eyes.

" No! You are insane. I'll take my leave now," Lesley vocalized, shaking her head in haughty refusal after which she put on her sweater and departed swiftly.

" Wait! “The guy called out and followed her.

Lesley walked as fast as her lanky leg could carry her, to escape the guy but unfortunately, her vision grew blurred as she was crossing the busy road, whereby a truck mercilessly ran over her, leaving her half dead.

In no time, there was a pool of blood around her as she bled profusely.

"Bethany!" the guy hollered on reaching there.