Chapter Two


I looked at the new girl her name was Rica as she walked in front of the class to submit her chosen song. When I looked into her piece of paper I realized the song she would sing was How do you sleep by Sam Smith. I looked at my own piece of paper of Calum Scott's song You are the reason and handed it to the teacher. She walked out of class immediately when the bell rang. I followed her only to see her stick a poster on her locker written MY MUSIC WILL TELL YOU MORE ABOUT ME THAN I EVER WILL she opened her locker took her books for the next class and walked away. Everybody at school was talking about her the car she drove to school screamed money. After typing down her name in my phones screen I googled Rica Delion by that I found out she was the daughter of a multibillionaire. All the teachers were nice to her because she was rich. I put my phone in my pocket as I headed to my next class. The whole class I kept thinking of her when the bell for lunch rang I quickly sped out of class. My friends were waiting for me at my locker. " Hey Seb my man why are you so down, you the hottest guy in school every girl is dying to have you," Ryan said.I smiled at him and nodded as we both headed to the cafeteria to take our lunch when the new girl walked in .As usual the head cheerleader tried to mark her territory."Hey you new bitch in this school I'm in charge, all boys are mine so no looking at them," Madison said. The new girl looked at her and simply said, "How does that concern me?" as she walked away. Everyone knew what would happen next Madison would ask her minions to beat her up. "Nobody acts smart with Madison and gets away with it, "Whitney yelled. Rica turned around and looked at Whitney and said, "Look beautiful I don't want trouble ok," she smirked. The first girl grabbed her but she was punched and thrown off like a bug. I watched in amazement this Rica girl was really something. There was one problem though she was going to get into trouble. Fighting in school property wasn't allowed.


I had beaten a couple of them when someone grabbed me from behind and said, "You shouldn't be fighting on your first day you'll get in trouble."I turned to see the cute boy who bumped into me in the hallway. He was right I looked at him and then at the beautiful girl in front of me and said, "Bye beautiful I'll see you around." Everyone gasped and her cheeks turned pink. She reminded me of my Whitney but sadly she was not her and it was really a bad idea to be flirting with her. I walked away from the scene and sat from a far table with a boy who had glasses that looked a little to big for him .Immediately he started trembling I looked at him and smiled I got close to him and whispered, "I won't hurt you pretty boy ." He stopped trembling a bit but he still doesn't look comfortable. By the way he behaved I could tell he was gay and not an alpha. I liked him already I took my chips and scotch from my bag started having lunch. He stared at me debating if he should speak to me or not I decided to end his mental battle and asked what's wrong with him. "You are drinking scotch in school aren't you scared of being caught?" he asked timidly. ''Pretty boy no authority scares me, by the way what's your name?" I asked. ''I'm Jonathan." When I finished my chips and scotch I stood up and leaned to his ear, "Say hi to your boyfriend for me?" With those words I walked away and kissed his chick good bye. I dropped my paper and bottle from my lunch to that girl who tried to bully me earlier and blew a kiss to the beautiful girl as I walked away. I got home after school and opened my laptop to listen to my music assignment. Angeline was in the kitchen when I came home so I left my room to go downstairs to talk to her. She was cooking dinner early like usual. Our mansionette had like a dozen servants but my parents only trusted Angeline with everything so I also trusted her. "Angeline can I talk to you ?" "Yes sweetheart ,"She turned to me and we walked to the living room. "I fought with someone today I'm sorry I won't do it again but they attacked me first,"I said defensively. Angeline gave me a weak smile and hugged me. "I know you can never cause trouble," she said and with that I hugged her and whispered that I loved her. I wished my parents loved me like her I cried remembering how I loved them but they didn't care only Angeline did. When she felt me trembling she hugged me tighter I really did love her. I slept on her embrace as I felt arms lifting me up and being laid gently on my bed and that night I slept happily .

The next morning I got to school early and I found her standing alone in the hallway. She looked beautiful and reminded me of Shanry I walked towards her and said "Hi beautiful?" her cheeks turned a shade of pink that I realized I liked I know I said no flirting but she was definitely something else.She smiled at me and I smiled back. "I'm Whitney Anderson head cheerleader." I looked at her and asked, "Isn't your friend the head cheerleader the one who attacked me?" she nodded her head no and since I felt that question made her uncomfortable I let it be and instead I asked, "Can I kiss you ?" Her whole face turned red and I leaned in and kissed her slow and good that I could feel her moan against me. I liked that she was already turned on. I moved back and looked into her eyes .Why was her name similar to Shanry's middle name, oh my Whitney. I was falling for her. In that moment I remembered when Shanry and I were down by the beach and she kissed me. I was so surprised I just stared at her and she said, "I love you Rica ."I continued to stare at her knowing I felt the same way but I never thought she could say something first. That night we made love for the first time and she became more than my best friend. I heard someone call my name and I looked at her staring at me Whitney why did her name have to be the same. "Are you ok?" she asked I nodded my head and kissed her forehead. I walked away trying not to make the situation awkward.
