The gates to the huge mansion opened up revealing a sight to behold at every person who gazed upon it. I parked my car to where I was directed by the staff. I walked out of the car and into the garage where I saw various models of cars which were probably owned by Rica. I could tell because I saw the black Alfa Romeo 4c at the far back of the garage. "Miss may you please come this way," I heard someone say realizing I wasn't alone. I looked to find a man who seemed to be in his mid forties staring down at me. I nodded my head and followed him into the house. The whole place had hundreds of people who seemed to have known Rica which was a surprise since Rica avoided people at all times. I looked at the family that stood at the corner of the hallway which was crying openly. They must have really been close to Rica. I looked around my surroundings as I walked further into the house. The man led me down another hallway and out of the house into the garden and there I saw it. The white casket with flowers on top. It looked simple and yet expensive it was a type casket that I had never seen in my life before. It looked like a basket and yet the same time as a casket. As I got closer I bumped into someone and I looked up to see it was Angeline Rica's nanny. "I am so sorry young lady," she said politely. "You look familiar and who might you be?" she asked. I smiled at her remembering how motherly was. She used to treat me like a daughter when I used to visit them back in Los Angeles. She could not recognize me because of the accident and they had to alter my face a bit. "Angeline it's me Whitney," I said as tears pulled in my eyes realizing I had deceived alot of people because of my family. She gasped and then she pulled me into a hug. "Oh my child I thought you were...I even came to your no no let's not think about that. Rica would have loved it to know you were alive but I'm glad you came to her send off," she said with tears glistening in her eyes. Rica hadn't told anyone I was still alive not even her nanny who she loved like her own mother maybe she truly hated me so much. I was taken out of my daze when I had Angeline speak as she got everyone's attention. "Now the ceremony will begin to rest Rica Delion who I treated as my own daughter since the most important person of her life is here which Rica would have loved very much if she were she alive. May you please open the casket to pay our last respect to our lovely R..R Rica," she stammered as tears streamed down her cheeks. She took my hand and guided me to the casket. What I saw made my heart stop beating for a second. There she was lying on her back her eyes closed her skin pale her hair looking exactly the way I dyed mine. She had a white dress covering her whole body. The dress was engraved in gold as it looked like a bridal gown. She was so beautiful and for the first time in my life my world was shattered it was no sick joke she was there and she was gone. Forever away from me never to return again. I touched her face as I kissed her forehead and I cried for everything for her leaving me and for her loving me." She was my life even though she didn't know it my world revolved around her she was the queen of my heart and I cared about her. I hated that cheated on her and I pushed her away and all she ever did was to love me but I was selfish I didn't love her no I loved her but all I did was deny the love I had for her even if it was platonic now she is gone forever," I cried. Every single person watched me and remained silent. Angeline took me into her arms mumbling that it would be ok. She gave me a letter and she said, "Rica would have wanted you to have this." I took it from her as tears never stopped coming and I opened it. I so her neat handwriting and I knew it was from her.
Hi my dear love W.S.A
If you're up there know that I miss you and I love you I look about the time we used to be together and had each other's hands to hold lips to kiss and memories to create. I miss every single thing about you your contagious laughter your infectious smile and your quiet words your eyes sparkled with love every time you looked at the ocean sometimes I wished I was your ocean so you can look at me with the same amount of love. If I could I would bring you back to be here with me so I can keep you safe. I'm sorry I couldn't save you when you needed saving the most. I'm sorry I had to watch you go down 6 feet beneath the ground I never wanted to say goodbye I swear to you my love and affection I swore to you my love will remain the same and a swear it all over again it's you and only you some people say that everything has got it's time and place in the world even the day must give way to the night but I don't want to give way to anyone else in my life. There are some things in this life that won't be denied like how I still love you because deep down in my heart our love is always my first priority even in the afterlife I would like to meet you and fall in love with you all over again but that time hoping you would love me the same so it can last for eternity.
Yours truly the love of your life.
After finishing reading the letter my brain tried to process the words my heart bled trying to understand where could I have gone so wrong and I felt my vision go blurry and everything was dark. Before I closed my eyes I realized one thing was for sure that she was completely gone never coming back never experiencing her love and never telling her that I loved her company. Gone was she who loved me.