Chapter Thirty Four

Three weeks and not a single word from her. Yes I kissed her but she retaliated. My mind was in a jumbled mess watching her from a distance. "Whit are you okay?" Asked May. I turned to face her hiding the displeasure of her presence by my side. May only liked to use me. I wasn't someone she loved or cared about and still knowing that I always let her do what she wanted with me. I didn't know how to say no to her never have I and I didn't think I ever would.

"Yeah I'm fine," I mumbled quietly. May had no idea of what had happened between Avery and I. I wanted to keep it that way because if she knew or found out anything about it she would be jealous. She wanted Avery and I could see it by the way she looked at her. I continued eating my lunch ignoring the upset deep in my stomach caused by the confusion Avery caused me. "She is here," May whispered. Even without looking up and seeing her I knew it was her.