Chapter 29: Indescribable

Looking at the very suspicious hallway, he closed the door and turned around. He didn't want to deal with any bullshit and left. He turned a corner and went straight.

Then he found himself on the same door that led to the same hallway.

He blankly looked at the same hallway and his eyes narrowed into a slit.

He then sighed and entered the hallway.

He was used to this, after exploring this place for so long, he had gotten tired of its maze-like structure.

Though, he was able to map out what he believed to be a percent of the entire cellar, or labyrinth or whatever it called at this rate.

Rueben sighed as he readied his weapon, preparing to kill anything that comes out of the hallway in any direction.

But contrary to what he expected, there were no enemies whatsoever.

He didn't stop his cautiousness and continued to move quietly.

Then, he saw a figure upon the distance.

A human like figure standing with its back towards him.

Then, the entire hallway darkened.

Rueben suddenly looked up as the entire place suddenly started breaking apart. He then fell down and started falling up. His eyes widened and hurriedly grabbed a furniture that was stuck through the wall.

Just like the darkness that suddenly coated the entire hallway appeared, light flashed so brightly that Rueben closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, he was grabbing through a rail as he was on the street, people looking at him with confusion and surprise as they suddenly saw a man appear out of nowhere.

They gasped and screamed but Rueben held the rail tight as he felt a strong pull on his feet, he wanted to kick anything that was grabbing him but he couldn't feel anything living that was pulling him.

He also felt that it was not something tied on his feet or something, rather, a force that really pulled him. Something Intangible and untouchable yet it could influence the real world.

Ground broke as the rail was bent upwards due to Rueben, he gritted his teeth as the pull became more and more stronger every second.

He saw that the ground was being pulled along the rail with him. He looked down and saw the sky, sunny and white clouds.

A sight that he had only seen when he was young.

He realized that everything was an illusion.

Then, he saw that the people's faces changed.

Their mouths turned into grins, so wide that it went to their ears.

Their eyes crescent in form as they started giggling and laughing as if they had caught a prey.

Rueben looked at them and let go of the rail.

Just as he let go, the skies suddenly turned dark, the sunny blue skies became pitch black.

The people laughed even harder as their bodies started twisting and turning, their heads spinning as their giggles and cheers sounded throughout the whole street.

Rueben reacted immediately and whipped through the rail again with his weapon and dangled in the air.

Then the sky that just turned black turned sunny and blue the instant he managed to stop himself from falling.

Rueben looked down at the sunny skies and then to the people that were already normal, their faces and bodies were normal like a human being. There were even some who went to find ladders and some who used their canes and brooms to reach over him for him to grab on.

His eyes narrowed as he looked around, trying to find something to help him solve this situation.

He looked at the cane and grabbed it, still holding his weapon, he then threw it towards the sky but as if to mock his efforts, the cane just rolled in the air a few times before falling down to the ground like normal.

The man who owned that cane cursed quietly and looked at him in anger before shaking his head and walked away.

Rueben frowned as he thought of his plan. He had thought that he could use the cane to "fall" down to the sky and see what would happen if he fell down but for it to have a normal gravity, it was a mistake and a flaw that he didn't managed to find.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the people who tried to help him before reminding himself that this was all an illusion.

He didn't see a figure of a human with its back facing him on top of a building, looking down at him.

It then pointed forward and its mouth moved. "Fall"

Just as it said that, Rueben suddenly felt the pull become so strong that the entire rail and everything connected into it fell apart. Blood started spilling as the people around Rueben died with their heads getting blown one after another.

He looked around as he felt the pull become even stronger than before.

Then he looked back and saw a giant face of something, its entire head was dark and obscured. Its entire frame looked a lot like a human being but also a lot like an ant at the same time. It looked like both but it also looked like it was endless and just a single dot in a blank space.

Rueben's eyes widened and he opened his eyes, his entire body filled with sweat, his back wet from cold sweat.

He shivered and looked at his hand, blood dripped from it as he looked around, piles of dead bodies and mangled corpses all around.

Corpses of women, men, children, adults, young, teenagers, old….

Corpses of beasts, rats, pigs, sheep, cows, chickens…..

Infront of him was a throne made out of every single piece of flesh within the entire place, just a single piece taken from each and every corpse that formed mountains on this place.

The throne sat a doll with a white hair and red eyes, just like Frotus.

Rueben looked at the doll as it turned it head towards him, then opened its mouth.

"You have met my brother."