Because every day, she speaks in perfect accordance with the manual.
However, there's an underside to this.
There probably have been cases where individuals have saved up private
points but conversely, there have been people saved because their classmates
have been saving up a great sum of points. As for how I know this, it's
because in the past, Horikita and I supplied the private points for a nearlyexpelled Sudou as a third party and that set a precedent. Ultimately, sharing it
evenly amongst ourselves can still be a preventative measure against
unforeseen incidents.
By giving an individual such a great sum of money, you run the risk of them
misappropriating it and a betrayal is also very possible. Chabashira said
something disruptive towards her own class. Of course, I can't reject the
possibility that it's merely school policy but... "Shall we put it to a
majority vote then? It's not like we'll decide through that but rather, I'd like
to know what everyone thinks after hearing that just now. Can the people
who'd prefer to share evenly amongst ourselves during the special exam from
now on please raise your hands? Of course, I don't mind even if you change
your mind later."
Hirata raised his own hand and became the first one to do so. Most of the
students were troubled by that and they could only raise their hands bit by bit.
It is important to be united as one class and help one another but when it
comes down to it, it's also crucial that you prepare insurance in case you're
the one being disposed of. Once again, it appears most of the students have
saved only a few ten thousand or hundred thousand private points. In that
case, there'll be quite a few students who will have enough points saved up
for emergencies if only then can place 1st.
The students who aren't confident in themselves are the ones who'd wish the
most for an equal share. There were more of them than expected but in the
end, the number of raised hands wasn't even half the class.
"Thank you."
It means the majority of the class does not wish for an equal sharing of the
However, now that it's become like this even Hirata, who's from the equal
sharing faction, won't be able to prod things in that direction that easily
"Was it unnecessary advice, Hirata?"
"No, I'm grateful for it. It's valuable information for us at this stage."
My phone vibrated once. I thought 'he' had replied and took my phone out
but it turned out that it was a message from the Horikita 'sister'. I already
guessed it but it had to do with this special exam.
"Do you have any ideas?"
A sentence that left everything to me.
"None whatsoever."
I replied with just that.
But, I reconsidered just a bit and decided to send just one more thing.
"This exam will separate boys and girls. I cannot help with anything, please
do your best."
I decided to give such a cheerleading shout. Horikita probably has a lot of
things she'd like to say to me but it's impossible to do so here. I quickly
concluded my chat with Horikita and checked yet another chat group that's
currently active. It's the chat for the Ayanokouji Group (I don't mean to brag
or anything though).
Keisei and Akito as well as Airi and Haruka were merrily discussing the
exam away. I had already read it but I closed it without making any
comments in particular. And so I listened to Hirata and the others'
There isn't enough time to formulate a strategy. Besides, if boys and girls
will have to form groups away from one another then it'll be difficult enough
just advising each other."
"No way..."
Looking at it from the girls' perspective, they would no longer be able to ask
Hirata, the man they could always depend on, for help. It's understandable
they'd feel uneasy.
"Since we boys won't be able to lend you a hand, I think the girls should
decide on a clear leader. Can you take on that role, Horikita-san?"
Hirata must have been thinking of this ever since he heard the explanation for
the exam. He pinned a white arrow on that lone girl, Horikita.
Of course, Horikita is about the only one who could play this role in our
"Very well. I don't mind, consult me anytime if there's something troubling
Horikita replied like that without showing any displeasure. However, even
though Horikita is gradually becoming someone our classmates can depend
on, their level of trust in her is still a far cry from Hirata's. But if it's Horikita
as she is right now, she'll understand that herself too.
"However, there should be quite a few girls who feel like I won't be reliable
enough alone. I don't like to say this about myself but I don't think I have a
personality that lends itself well to a consultation."
It really isn't something one would like to say about themselves.
"That's why I'd like Kushida-san to help me as a sub-leader. What do you
Horikita said so towards Kushida, who sat towards the front.
"W-Will I even be of use?"
"Of course you will. You are trusted more than anyone else in this class."
"Umm…ok. If you're ok with me then I'll cooperate."
"Thank you. Now it'll be a lot easier for the others to ask for consultation. If
you find it difficult to talk to me directly then I don't mind it if you do so via
Kushida-san. I'll respond to any consultation, no matter how trivial."
Leaving aside the extent to which Kushida is trustworthy, it's an
unmistakable fact that this is the best approach right now. Because of the
rules of this exam, it's considerably difficult for boys and girls to meddle
with each other's affairs. First of all, it's impossible for a boy to join in on the
fight at the girls' side. Both the lessons we'll be receiving and the exam we'll
be taking, despite being in the same facility, will be taking place at different
The only time we can make contact is during the one hour we have for
dinner. More so if our phones, which we could use for regular contact, will be
confiscated. Still, it's essential that we gather as much information as
possible. In that case, I'll need accomplices to help me gather information
from the girls. Within our class, Kushida's movements are also slightly
The only two I can use would have to be either Horikita or Kei. The former's
currently stuck in a rather troublesome situation. Also, I need to take into
account her overthinking my intentions and taking unnecessary action as
well. Most importantly, if she's being consulted by the other girls then she
won't have room to do other things as well.
Therefore, as expected, the only one I can use would have to be Kei. But I
cannot possibly force Kei to see through the entire group alone. I sent the
essential facts over to Kei's phone. The mail arrived and was immediately
seen by Kei, who replied with a blank mail.
Boys and girls will be fighting a battle while separated for an extended period
of time. A unique special exam was about to begin and it appears she had
instantly assumed I'd contact her. Kei herself might want some advice right
about now.
Considering the leader and joint responsibility system, it's not impossible to
think that even Kei may end up becoming a sacrifice. In regards to her
attitude during lessons and her exam scores, I cannot say that Kei is doing
well, even as flattery. That's why I'll teach her how to protect herself. It isn't
something every student will be able to pull off but it's a way to lower the
risk even if just a little.
As for me, I couldn't care less about the special exam that's going to be held
really. I have no intention of executing winning strategies. I'm just going to
overcome it safely. Still, just like how I'm giving Kei advice, it doesn't mean
I won't be making a move at all. The worst case scenario in the special exam
would be multiple expulsions occurring in Class C. And it's impossible to
perfectly protect the whole class by myself.
I have to narrow down the people I need to protect. In short, other than
myself, I'd like to protect Kei, who has finally become a prominent
accomplice as well as Hirata. Next up, considering my involvement with the
student council, I'll need to make sure Horikita survives as well.
Then there are also my friends Keisei, Akito, Haruka and Airi. It's just, while
I wish for them to remain, they won't be under my protection. However, as a
friend, I will definitely pray for them not to get expelled.
Even though there won't be many opportunities for all the school years to
gather together, it should be fine if I just kept an eye on Nagumo's
I have no interest in the skirmishes that will occur around me.
The bus left the highway and began to gradually ascend the mountain road
that's paved to a certain extent. I wonder if it's become a custom for us to go
to the ocean or to rivers or places surrounded by nature whenever we leave
the school.
N/T: 'Zazen' is a type of meditation that has its roots in Zen Buddhism.
Anyway, upon arrival, the special exam will begin. Judging from how they
confiscated our cell phones, it appears this is a troublesome exam where
you'd have to either gather information yourself or utilize your personal
connections. However, since the more carelessly you act, the more
information is leaked, utmost discretion is demanded of us.
"I'm not cut out for this..."
My honest mutters. No matter how many special exams I've been through
already, I still haven't gotten used to them one bit. Throughout my life, I've
seldom ever cooperated with others.
"We will be arriving at our destination soon. Immediately afterwards, we will
have you form groups indoors. And then afterwards, depending on whether or
not you've finished partitioning your rooms, you'll have lunch. Throughout
the afternoon you'll all be free to do whatever you want."
"That means...hooray! That means we don't have to study today right?"
Ike happily looked towards me and laughed. That's probably going to be the
case. However, unlike during summer vacation, today is a non-holiday.
Despite the long transit time, isn't this a kind of special treatment? It's not
that different from a field trip. Upon arriving at the destination, the bus
slowed down and drove towards the parking lot before stopping.