CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE: A First class Reveal

DEREK had been awoken by a sharp stinging sensation coming from his left cheek. He cringed as his finger tips felt the scratch marks that still felt slightly wet with blood.

He would have continued nuzzling the wound had he suddenly not noticed where he currently was. He was seated next to what appeared to be a window-an airplane window-causing him to freak out after peeking through the glass and was met with an array of white feathery clouds.

Still wondering what was happening, Derek's attention was drawn from the window to the curly-haired bespectacled girl in the seat facing him. He gently stretched out a hand, tapping her on the shoulder.

"Tamana?" he whispered, "Tamana, wake up."

After quite a number of taps, Tamana finally came to. "D-Derek. . ." she started, her vision coming into focus, "what. . . where are-are we in an aeroplane, right now?"

"Apparently," responded Derek.

"How'd we even get here?"

"Well, what's the last thing you remember?"