Robert walked a short or maybe it was a long distance in the forest. He was not certain at all since the fog around him made clarity almost unobtainable. But he did hear the sound of the dried leaves cracking under the heaviness of his satin pair of shoes. Despite his profound attachment to his shoes, the only thing he cared about at that moment is to reach somewhere. To get an affirmation to his thoughts that he is far from being lost. Since losing meant not obtaining anything at all, and sadly it has to be gained more than lost. In fact, losing was not an option at all. It is a life that will only be paved with walks of faith and most certainly hope. To keep hoping that the voice of his heart will be heard by the angels above. So they would take his hand and walk by his side for this journey to look like something for once, only for once.
It is affirmative to say that this is the different time or the profound belief that time has to differ from all other previous times for the difference to project on the surface of the earth. Robert can still recall the days spent in Rothenburg town, when he was only called one name; 'the little boy next door'. But, was he ever next door? And supposedly he was, was the little boy truly his name. It is an absolute truth that he never responded since it is not really his name. His nobility affirmed to his intellect that his belief is beyond distinguishable from that of doubt. He never doubted himself or cared what others thought of him. The only thing he wanted to know though is will they ever pronounce his name right. Since his name meant being identified and recognized by not only their eyes but also their hearts. So;
-"let me bleed this faith of mine and try to love it" he said during his walk.
However, his eyes soon captured something that seemed to shine faraway. The fragile light was coming from a trunk in one of the trees in the forest.
- "how could it be?" he thought in a total amaze.
Robert was amazed about the possibility of a light existing in the darkness. His thoughts rationalized at that moment to stabilize at one thought. It was very tempting to get the light by chasing it down the trunk until it is captured. He gazed deeper at that trunk to notice that is resembled the sketch he saw on the window of his grandfather's house.
- "is this the meaning?" he questioned his senses, and "how to apply it?".
It is no doubt that what is meant for somebody will always find their way to them even from the other side of the world. As ambiguous as it seemed, the meaning was there but the application needed a little push.
-"Just a push Robert, just, a, push…"
Robert feared the consequences of not jumping more than he feared jumping itself into a mysterious hole. He paused for a minute and thought by taking his options into consideration. If he turned back now, he would just ride his bicycle and move on with his habitual routine of life, yet this time all alone without his grandfather. It is no doubt that he loved his grandfather and most certainly needed him now more than ever, But;
-"is that the life I desire?"
Ever since he was a little boy, he desired a light which he can capture, an ocean with endless warmth, and desired a wild dragon who he could tame. Nevertheless, he desired the world and its infinity. He longed for the possible by ignoring the consequences set by the borders of the impossible. Possible is risky since it surpasses a person's abilities sometimes. Possible, but to limits. Ignoring the limits by forgetting about the entire world and jumping. Into the unknown he jumped with his wholesome body. Within the thickness of a mist he laid on his back, eyes wide shut totally unconscious to pronounce a word or move a finger.