Chapter 1: The end of the never ending cycle

"Hi boss."

The only person I have left that cares about me is my boss. I work at a retail shop by the side of some unknown street. We don't get a lot of customers but it's still a nice little hole for me to spend my days in.

"Oh Ian, I meant to speak with you."

"What's up?"

"You see... My son. He recently became a hunter."


"He told me that he was A rank and is able to pay for my expenses so I will be shutting down the store. Since I know your situation and I feel for you, I really do. I can give a word or two to my son if you want regarding the hunting situation?"

The 'Hunting situation' my boss was talking about was how I wanted to become a hunter that went into portals to kill monsters.

"No need. It was so long ago and I really don't have the qualifications to become a hunter."

After having lost my parents in a portal incident where an orc had escaped from a portal and killed my parents I tried becoming a hunter to fulfill my wish of taking revenge on monsters. But every time I applied or tried joining the hunter training association I got declined.

In this world, you are either gifted or not.


Returning home I opened the fridge. The milk which I wondered if it was spoiled was only accompanied with alcohol and a sandwich that had been gifted to me by my neighbors. I was living in a pretty run down apartment at the edge of the city.

I grab the sandwich and journey forwards to the living room part of my little abode. I sat on my sunk in sofa and just relaxed. I no longer had anything. The sister that I loved so much had left me out of spite to start her own business. No parents, no girlfriend, no work, no money. No future.

I broke down. Tears started running and before I knew it. There I was. On the roof with a bottle in hand. I sang the song my mother used to sing to me as a child. When I was sad or upset, she would always sing this song to me and it always calmed me down. I looked down at the streets. They were empty.


I thought. I didn't want anyone seeing the impact of the fall.

"Alright. Let's get this show on the road, shall we?"

I stood on the edge and counted.

"1... 2... 3..."

I slowly leaned forward and before I even knew it, I was falling. I closed my eyes and all the memories of my family together before the incident appeared.



"Ian, wake up!"

I woke up. Stunned in confusion. Before me was my sister. But younger.


I said, not sure of what to say. From my knowledge, she should be taller and in another country right now.

"Ian. Mom has made us breakfast. Hurry up."


I felt tears running down my face. Do I get to see my mom again.

"Are you cry-"

"What about dad?"

I wanted to see my father again. The last day before my parents died I had a huge argument with him.

"Yeah... He is downstairs too. But why are you... You know what, never mind."

My sister closed the door to my room... My room. It was filled with my old stuff. My old computer, my old bed, my old cabinet.

I got out of bed, putting clothes on and making my way out my room.

I walked carefully down the stairs afraid of what I could only explain as reality. But there they sat. My mom by the kitchen stove and my dad at the table with my sister. I couldn't believe it was true. I had gone back in time. I felt tears appearing again but I pushed them back not wanting to be questioned by my parents. I walked down the stairs and sat at the table.

"Hi Ian. Slept well?"

My mom asked with a smile. Just as I was about to answer her I was interrupted by my dad.

"Ian. You know that you are an adult now so you should take responsibility like one. What you did was unacceptable."

I was startled and confused. What had I done?

"It's okay darling. But please Ian, if you need money. Just ask us, okay?"

That's when it hit me. I'm well aware of what I had done. I had stolen some money from my parents to go to a PC cafe earlier that week. I looked my father in the eyes.

"I'm sorry dad. I have spent the money that I stole from you but I will make sure to give it back to you whenever I get the chance."

My family all looked at me. I felt a bit awkward having everyone stare at me.


My sister's reaction told me everything I needed to know. I had totally forgotten that I used to be a snotty brat always looking for a fight.

"Very well. Just don't do it again."

My father looked humbled. That had surely taken him by surprise since it was not even like me to apologize when I did something wrong.

"Now that we're all gathered. What are your plans for today?"

My mother asked. I personally had no clue.

"I will go hang out with some friends since school starts again tomorrow."

My sister was still going to school and had friends. Me however. I used to be a laughing stock in my class because of how inept I was at studying. I had to try my hardest to just barely pass the tests and assignments. Also, being surrounded by people where more and more people slowly became awakened which gave them a clear career path where they could just hunt monsters to earn a stable income.

"What about you son? You should start searching for a job since you are done with school."

There it is. My dad would often berate me about work before the incident. By this time in the past... or the future? I'd lie saying I go out looking for a job but instead go to PC cafes to waste my days away.

Then when I thought about it. Since I have gone back in time some businesses should soon start growing significantly.

"Actually dad, I have been thinking of starting investing."

"Hah. With what money? You are not getting any from us."


I didn't think that far ahead. Of course investing is a smart and easy way for me to earn money but I totally forgot I don't have my old account which had gathered up quite the numbers while working at the retail store. I had been working there for over 10 years after all.

"I will search for work offers today."

"Sounds like a plan!"

My mother sounded as enthusiastic as possible.

Finishing up the delicious breakfast I headed back to my room again. I had to think in silence to gather my thoughts. I grabbed an old notebook I had laying on the floor and a pen from my desk and started writing down all of the things I'd want to remember. Specific dates, people, businesses. All kinds of opportunities.

When I was done I had quite the list. Since being a hunter is a dream of the past, I'll focus on just becoming rich. It should be easy considering all of the knowledge that I have. I would often spend my time watching documentaries on my breaks while working at the retail store so I have quite the backlog of random information stored up.

My first priority is to make some money that I can invest as a start. In the next upcoming months, a company by the name Deal Reds should raise to become one of the biggest entertainment giants in the industry.

I turned my computer on and sat down. I searched for open work positions close to me but the only one that was open was another retail store. I decided that it's still better than nothing and sent them a mail. Not long after sending my mail, maybe 15-20 minutes or so I got a response.

"Hello Ian. Sorry for the short notice but if you are free to come in right now for an interview, that would be great."

The text felt a tad bit unprofessional and stressed but I accepted and started getting moving.

On my way out I met my mom who was still in the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie. Going out?"

"Hi mom. Yeah. I got an interview almost instantly so I'm on my way there right now."

"Oh okay... Be careful! You never know what kind of shady establishment they could be running"

I nodded and smiled.


My first few steps outside filled my lungs with smoke. We live in a rural area near a manufacturing industry. My father works in one of those which is also why his health has been deteriorating.