Chapter 3: Change is coming

I arrived at the hunter association about an hour early. This was mostly so that I could walk around and take in the scenery which I had done multiple times in my past life. I knew that something had changed. I had felt less tired, more energetic and stronger than before the incident. But I was still worried. What if all this was some kind of elaborate scheme by Usriel? What if I didn't actually get a power or talent but I'm actually just crazy.

While my thoughts started taking a turn for the worst, I heard someone calling out to me.

"Ian! Ian!"

I looked behind me and there was Lia. She started running towards me. At closer inspection I could see that she had training clothes on.

"Hey Lia! What are you doing here?"

"I'm taking the hunter test as well."

I had just recently stopped working at the retail store. I figured that I could save time since my shares that I owned in Deal Reds was making me more money per hour than what working at the store was.

"Oh really? That's great! Lets both hope for good results."

"Yeah. I was originally not going to try taking the test but my dad spoke about you taking it so I decided to join in as well."

That old man must have spoken about me quitting to Lia. I didn't tell him that I had enough money to buy their store, I just told him that I was quitting because I really wanted to become a hunter. I wasn't lying but I was just bending the truth a little.

We spent the rest of the time remaining talking about what we knew about the Hunter Association. We didn't know much. Just your basic, run of the mill, information that they teach you in school like how organisations handle and trade portals to gain power in the country. This is because money isn't all anymore. Now you have actual super humans roaming the streets and criminality is even more dangerous. So the country's way to solve this issue is to give the hunters special privileges the higher rank and also pay them a hefty amount to make sure they don't turn to criminality.

The bell rang and it was time for people to gather. The time had come.


We entered a big hall with a stadium at the front.

"Line up in rows and be quiet!"

A male voice that spoke calmly but still managed to sound like someone was trying to tear my eardrums. I saw how Lia jumped.

"You scared?"

She looked at me with angry eyes. We lined up on the second front row and looked up to the stadium. A big and muscly man stood in the center with a podium in front of him.

"Now listen!"

The man started talking.

"Some of you are here for the first time so I will give you some instructions."

"Soon, we will set up stalls to the left of your row. It will work like your usual queue system you use in shops when you pay for things."

"One person at a time will enter the stall and that person will be evaluated by one of the workers here. The evaluation system will look at your overall rank. After, you will be scanned to see if you have an ability or talent."

I had heard this speech many times before and every time I heard it I was as hopeful as the next person.

"The ranking system is set up in three categories: F rank is often referred to as a mule. You carry the weapons and tools necessary in a hunt to succeed."

"Rank E to C are those who are able to fight monsters at the low to medium difficulty. That said. You can make a living of being a hunter."

"Next is B to S. If you are in these categories. We will give you special instructions after the evaluation so don't leave the premise."

"Now line up!"

I looked at Lia and I could see her biting her lip. I think she was nervous since this is a once a lifetime thing. You either are awakened or not. There's no in between. The stalls the man was talking about earlier appeared in a matter of seconds. It was clear that this was an annual thing.

Lia was in front of me which meant she was going in to get evaluated first. Lia looked restless. She jumped in place, swayed from side to side and then jumped in place again. She turned back to me and asked.

"You nervous?"

"Nah, not even a little."

That was a lie. A brutal lie. I'm pretty sure my hands were sweating. I couldn't stop shaking. I was extremely nervous.


It was Lias turn. She excitedly half ran, half walked in to the stall. I found this the perfect time to do the breathing technique my mom taught me when I was a kid. I used to hate needles which always made vaccinating me such a hassle.

A girly scream came from the stall. The kind of scream when you give your daughter a car. That kind of scream.


She came out from the stall and plunged in to me.

"I'm C rank!"

"Nice! Did you have an ability or talent?"

She looked at me in confusion.

"Did you not get scanned?"

"Excuse me, we're not done yet."

A lady in lab-coat with glasses peeked her head through the curtain that functioned as a door.

"Oh sorry."

She stroke the back of her head in awkwardness and followed the lady back in to the stall.

After a few minutes Lia came out again, her smile still as big as before.

"Any good news?"

I asked. If she was a strong hunter, that meant I didn't have to worry about her if the orc was to stumble upon her and her father.

"She told me that I have the 'Swords master ability'. It means that a sword is my natural weapon."

This was great. This meant that she had the ability to learn the sword and become stronger faster.

"Great! But you better not slack now that you know your strengths."

"I definitely wont."


I stepped in to the stall. In front of me was the lady in lab-coat.

"Your name?"

"Ian Leitch."



"Okay, found you. Can you go ahead and put your hand on the orb for me?"


I was sweating profusely at this point. I'd definitely have to take a shower when I got home.

When I placed my hand on the orb, it lit up. This meant I had mana. How much? I didn't know but I didn't care at this point. A big wave of relief washed over me knowing that a change had occurred. Everything was different. I had money and power.

"Your mana shows me that you're an F rank."

While being F rank is very sad. I can still participate in portal dives and with my expanding wealth, I'd be able to create my own organisation that handles portals.

Lots of ideas started appearing in my head. For both what to do in the future. And the present. I was so lost in thought I almost forgot the last part like Lia did.

"Now stand against that wall and let me scan you."

I placed myself in front of the wall she pointed at. She scanned the entirety of my body twice. Every time the scanner went over my heart, I felt a chill run down me. This was strange because from what I remember when I did this in my past life, I didn't get any particular feelings during this process.

After fully scanning me she went back over to her computer. She looked at the screen and then me. She did this a few several times before asking me.

"Have you heard of something called 'Corruption' before?"

Corruption? Was that my talent?

"No.. I don't think so?"

"Well, your ability is corruption and from the looks of it, you are the only person so far to have this ability. The only special thing about you according to my scanner is that your blood has the 'Acidic' trait."

Was this the power Usriel was talking about? Acidic blood felt... strange.


"I'm sorry but you will have to stay to take a few extra tests. I've sent the information I got from the scanner to the lab staff."

"Sure. I don't mind."

I walked out of the stall with more questions than answers. Acidic blood. Isn't that dangerous? Once again, before descending in to thought, Lia stopped me.

"What are your results? Whatever they are, I'll protect you with my sword master ability!"

She flexed her muscles.

"I got F rank but my ability is Corruption."

She raised an eyebrow.


"Yeah. And my blood is apparently acidic."

"Isn't that dangerous?"

She had the exact same thought I had which I found quite funny.

"You can leave without me. I have to stay here to take some tests. I'm the first person to have this ability."

"Oh really~ Don't worry. I'll stay here with you so you don't have to wait alone."

It took maybe half an hour until someone came to get me. The process of taking tests was underwhelming. They took a few blood tests and did a physical then let me go. Once again, I was out on the plaza in front of the entrance.


I spent the next few days scouring the internet about different abilities. I found a few unique ones such as Regeneration which heals you passively or Hydrokinesis which allows you to control water and change its form to frozen, liquid or gas.

As the doctors told me, I was the first to ever have this ability. I figured it had to do with it being Usriels power. Usriel had told me that the power will slowly show itself. What did he mean by that?

I had decided. I wanted to try portal diving. There are a few portals that are low grade which are meant for beginners. You pay a fee to follow one of the instructors placed there by the organisation that owned the portal and they would lead you through and let you kill a few easy monsters, such as slimes or young goblins.

I decided on the 'Lion Guild' since their area is the closest. I scrolled through the list until I found a man by the name Dan. I specifically chose a man because if I were to look like a fool, I definitely didn't want to be seen by a woman. That would just hurt my pride. I chose the sword kit and payed the sum. The price wasn't that bad considering I got to use their equipment and I didn't have to purchase the rights to the portal.


"Hello. Are you Ian?"

A tall man in gray armor and a great sword on his back greeted me as I walked up to the enclosed portal area.

"Yes, in the flesh."

"Identification please."

I handed over my information. He confirmed it and gave it back to me.

"Hi. I'm Dan and I will be your guide this evening. You are to only follow me and if you want to go to certain areas of the portal, you have to first make sure to discuss it with me since I'm in charge of your safety."

"Of course."

"Great. Here's your sword. Is this your first time?"

He hands me my sword. It feels a bit heavy but manageable.

"Yes. I got my evaluation just a few days ago."

He eyed me from top to bottom. He didn't really seem too impressed by my frame. Wasn't really a surprise for me since I'm quite small in width and height.

"Remember! If you ever feel like you are in danger, just tell me and I'll jump in and help you. It's better to be safe than risking an injury because of your pride."

He started walking towards the portal and I followed. The closer to the portal I got, the heavier my body became. It was almost like if something was laying its weight on me. Dan noticed this.

"What you're currently feeling is mana rushing through the air. It will get better once we're inside."

We reached the portal.


I nodded to him and we both entered the portal.


When I entered the portal I was surprised. It was like any other forest. Dan cleared his throat.

"You have to options. Do you want to visit the goblin camp or the kobold cave? Since you are new I recommend the goblin camp as the caves can be a bit tricky."

I felt the same way. Since I used to play a lot of games, I knew the normal places one would die the easiest. The caves were always a big no since you could get lost and easily be surrounded by monsters.

"The goblin camp sounds like a good idea then."

We made our way through the forest to a small outcropping. Dan told me to follow him quietly. He showed me a place where we could spy on the small goblins running around. They looked barbaric. Some of them had clubs, some didn't.

"I will lure them to us so you can try killing your first monsters."

"Sounds like a plan."

I watched as how Dan grabbed something out of his pockets and threw it at the goblin closest to us. It only seemed to alert it and not the rest of them. Dan did the same thing again but even closer and the goblin followed. It was almost time.

"Go stand over there and get ready to fight the goblin."

Dan pointed to a spot where the goblin would be able to see me. I did as Dan told me and placed myself at the said position and got ready. I grabbed the sword with both of my hands. I was weirdly excited. I was finally going to fight something! The adrenaline had kicked in without me noticing.

My heart beating faster, I could now see the goblin which could also see me. The goblin rushed towards me with flailing arms. I took the stance which I had used at home when I practiced with a baseball bat. Just when the goblin was about to crash in to me I raised my sword and swung. The blade hit the goblin in it's left shoulder. The goblin shrieked in agony as I tried pulling out the sword to attack it again. My attack had stopped the goblin in its track. When my sword was free from the goblin I quickly, now focused, plunged my sword in to its chest. The goblin which had struggled and tried attacking me made a gurgling sound as it fell down on the ground.

"Good job Ian."

I was startled as Dan patted me on my shoulder. I was so focused that I totally forgot about my surroundings.

"Thank you. What do I do with the corpse?"

"Since it's a goblin, it's not worth much. We can leave him here for the animals. They'll definitely take him."

"Do you want to rest up first before you go for another goblin or do you want to go again right away?"

I didn't feel tired, not even a little. To be honest, that felt great. I had no idea that killing a monster would be that much fun. I guess this is what years of wanting to become a hunter feels like.

"I can go again straight away."

"Alright, get ready. I'll try to lure one to you."

As I took my stance again, preparing. A text panel appeared before my eyes. The text read:

"Finalizing system..."

"Greetings Ian."

"If you are seeing this, then that means you just killed your very first monster."


I looked up to Dan to see if he had seen what was going on around me but it seemed like time had stopped. I tried moving but my legs were frozen in place. When I looked back at the text panel again, it had changed.

"From now on when you kill a monster. That monster will leave behind a soul. To collect the soul, you have to command it to do so."

"What will your command be to collect a soul?"

I stood there clueless. This was what Usriel had told me about. He knew about my personality and my interests. He already knew that this would happened. I couldn't help but laugh. I thought about it for a while and finally decided on:


"Are you sure?"


Another panel of text appeared.

"You are now also able to open your 'Character menu'. This is where you can distribute your souls and make yourself stronger."

"Try opening your menu!"

This felt like a tutorial you'd see in some game but I didn't care. If I could get stronger, that means I would be able to protect my family from the disaster in a few years. I had been given a chance that no one would ever even ask for.


A panel came up.


Name: Ian Leitch

Level: 1

Health: 50/50 Stamina: 42/50

Souls: 0 Mana: 20/20


Strength: 0 Vitality: 0

Mana: 0 Agility: 0

Corruption: 1



I was amazed. This felt almost too much like a game. I closed the character menu panel and another panel appeared.

"Some information can be helpful: If your Health stat reaches 0, you die. If your Stamina reaches 0, you faint and will be out of commission until half of your stamina is replenished. The same goes for your mana."

"You can distribute your souls to increase both stats and other characteristics such as: health or stamina."

The text panel disappeared and a timer appeared in front of my eyes counting down.


