Life expectancy (2)

After finally giving up in the epic struggle between the comb and his hair, the boy said:

—Well! Today is a great day, as I have never been able to do anything about it, I can only overcome it with this cynical optimism!

Accepting defeat is never easy, but it is a daily routine after all.

—Anyway, I've never been able to win a single contest against this proud beast on my head —Said Aiden between murmurs and the whaling of his crying heart.

The whole act was an attempt to convince himself that losing is not bad as long as you can continue with your life in the end. A cheap and easily debatable logic.

How could the loser be happy being the only one involved? Having achieved absolutely nothing with his defeat and getting absolutely nothing from the experience. In the end, Aiden's thoughts were full of excuses, and he was aware of it, but he was okay with that. It was enough.

But for how long? He could never get rid of the sour afterthought.

Aiden clasped his checks with both hands, softly, and said: "What does it matter? Let others kill themselves thinking of a convincing argument. I'm not concerned with contradicting myself or denying reality if that is what it takes for there to be someone smiling at the end of each story; even if it's just me!"

The crying in his heart became stronger with each word, but Aiden remained positive, saying "I will smile in the end!" over and over again to his fragile heart.

«Even if the ground floods and my socks end up soaked, that will not stop me, this story will not stop!» Thought the innocent boy.

The strange, somewhat delirious, state of excitement was due to his nerves. Today marked the beginning of his second year at his dream academy, in his dream city.

At 16 years old, this was the climax of his life, the furthest he could go with his normal life. Except for a certain condition of his, his life was the definition of normal.

Blinded by his adolescent fantasy, Aiden prepared himself physically and mentally. Today marked the beginning of a new opportunity and a new life.

It was the opportunity that he had achieved with sweat and hard work by being accepted and working until exhaustion every day for a year to keep up with peers and prove it was his opportunity and no one else's.

During his first year, he certainly had several memorable experiences, but it wasn't what he expected, something was missing. So, he was convinced of it, that this was his year, he knew that as soon as he crossed the doors of his room anything could happen.

A romance waiting at the stop of destiny? Well, in the men's dormitory he would not find what he was looking for, of that he was sure, especially in the lonely reserve dormitory.

Be caught up in the dangerous world of street fighting and gangs to save a pretty girl whose life has been cruel? Well… that also would not be very likely, those days were left behind before coming to this place. These days, in a fight, he could quickly lose consciousness if he is unlucky.

Aiden was the type of person who sought problems to end his boredom, and every so often that included pointless fights. Although he managed to score a few victories in his book, that was a thing of the past and against middle school students. Experienced gang members would surely kick his butt.

Then, will he join a school club with a dark past that no other student wants to join? And the president of that club turns out to be the most attractive girl in school who made a promise a long time ago and cannot allow her precious club to be destroyed?

In truth, Aiden had great expectations within. The only thing left to do was laugh at the innocent boy.

The tousled black-haired boy put on his uniform: dark navy-blue pants and a short sleeve white shirt. Usually, the jacket would also be required in the summer uniform, but this year the heat wave arrived more merciless than ever, so the board of directors made a special exception.

According to the year, each uniform has a distinctive characteristic, in the case of Aiden in second year on the pocket of his shirt two 'X' engraved on the strip that crossed laterally the shield of the school.

—I'm not forgetting anything, right?

There was no one in the room besides him, in fact, throughout the building Aiden was the only one. As a child, while waiting for his parents to come home, he felt —or rather, played— that someone could hear him, and even though that is no longer the case, old habits die hard, especially when he was alone.

—Oh shoot! Almost forgot —He exclaimed as he realized the almost forgotten object. He took a small container of medication from one of the two tables in the room that usually would have been shared.

Although he was not the only student in the reserve dormitory, separate rooms were prepared.

As to why he ended up here, he had an explanation: Aiden left town during the holiday period to visit his parents. There he decided to email the school because of a bad feeling he had, and a few days later received the news that there had been a mistake, and he was not registered; in short, they had removed him not only from the dormitory, but from the entire academy.

Because of the plethora of documents, he had to send once again, he didn't give much thought to the strange, and chilling for him, occurrence.

Students in the dorms were placed according to their year, and all the room applications for second-year students were already processed. It was always a tight and chaotic period because 93% of students at this school live in the dorms. And he was no exception.

He was in a big problem; they wouldn't let a second-year go to the dormitory of the first years and much less to the third years with the reason of taking care of the integrity of their students; or so they said, in truth, it was many pains in the ass to file a new entry by now.

Renting a room in that city was out of his budget, and by a lot, he had lost all hope, until they offered him a temporary solution as long as his legal guardians agreed. Which brings us to the current situation.

—Hehe… —The young man laughed to himself, remembering the stroke of luck after so much misfortune that had occurred lately.

Apparently, some important official saw his case and took pity on him, and thanks to that he had managed to put everything in order the day before classes started.