Her world (1)

The couple climbed the fence next to the gate. Just as Aiden had imagined, things were taking a turn for the worse, but he didn't think they would go this bad.

Normally, an alarm would have sounded, and the cleaning robots would have blocked the way or followed the offenders until the authorities arrive to arrest them, but none of that happened.

—Why did that monster appear here? I don't think there's some kind of satanic group or something like that in the school, here there are practically just students, right!? —Said Aiden, struggling to keep his breath in order—. And more importantly, what can we do to make sure it doesn't hurt anyone?

Arbitrarily, he had decided that he was involved in all of this, that's why he wanted an answer to each of his questions.

—There's nothing you can do. That's why I'm here, you just have to find a place to hide.

That was the only answer to Aiden's barrage of questions.

After helping the young man down the fence, she put Aiden's arm over her shoulder for support, as he had just received a strong blow.

Without wasting any more time, they resumed their strategic retreat. They ran through one of the open corridors, which consisted only of a roof and railing, that connected the facilities; however, before they could reach the entrance to one of the buildings, Aiden heard ominous footsteps behind.

The mysterious girl turned, took aim with her weapon and fired without hesitation, all at an incredible speed.

Aiden had noticed that she had carried that weapon with her one moment and not another, but because of all this situation, he couldn't make a remark about it.

—How imprudent —Said Maika to herself—. For homunculi to come looking for me in a place where normal people can see it, the control spell is either incomplete or the caster is falling to uphold it.

—HA…HAHA…HAHAHAHAHAHA —regurgitated the creature.

The monster with a grotesque expression on his face began to laugh, stretching his vocal cords to the braking point. Its voice distorted into something horrible that Aiden couldn't possibly believe, so much that it made him remember the quot: "what kind of terrible thing lurks in the depths of the frames of that human body?"

Maika pulled the trigger without hesitation, releasing a round of two shots, but the monster dodged the bullet by moving at an unbelievable speed. Bullets are undoubtedly fast and powerful, but they only cover an area of 9 mm after all, so he easily dodged them.

—Tch! I can't fight here; I want to avoid drawing too much attention —Maika repeated the motion of shooting one bullet after another, took Aiden and continued moving, this time to a more convenient place.

The monster ripped off a sign with directions that was attached to the ground near him and threw it with superhuman strength towards them. It crashed to the ground, breaking into pieces, some of which scraped Aiden's back.

It didn't hit him, but Aiden groaned from the shock when it burst into pieces and felt the chunks graze him. As his breathing was at an accelerated and short of air, the words came out abruptly from Aiden's mouth.

—W-where are we going? Where can we hide?

—A wider place where I can take care of it quickly —said Maika, with confidence in her voice.

—Understood… What?!

The confused young man didn't realize that Maika was trying to give him some security by showing him confidence, and really, who could blame him? Because in front of his eyes, all of this seemed madness.

They turned the corner of the building they tried to enter earlier and arrived at a garden. There was a small fountain and some benches surrounded by green areas; a few of the paths connecting to nearby buildings ended here. The pair stopped by a medium-sized fountain.

«Did you want an exciting adventure? Ha! Try imagining something as crazy as this from my past! I think I would have preferred the version where I fought against a gang… At this rate, I can still hope that Van Helsing, Dante, or a metro sexual werewolf will appear to kill the demon, right?»

—Quick, get as far away as you can!

—What about—his words were interrupted by a loud sound coming from the monster. He confused it with a loud noise because he wasn't sure if you could call that a voice.


If you could call that talking, the monster communicated its intentions as if the sound of nails scratching an old chalkboard was mixed in its voice and its sentences barely made sense.

The creature's eyes locked onto Aiden the instant it saw him, it seemed that with just a look it could penetrate him. However, just as it happened with Aiden, the monster also had a sense of resonance, like males of a litter facing each other during that time of year. A powerful instinct that Aiden had been unaware of until then had awoken in him. A pure and guttural survival instinct, one must devour the other.

—IT'S TIME. CHANGE CONTAINER —The expression on the monster's face changed to an ominous smile.