Magic; mechanism (2)

The method for creating a homunculus was discovered long ago —said Maika—, forbidden alchemy research dating back to the 1800s or earlier. Horrible experiments and worse results, I know there are reports of that all over the world.

—Oh, I know that too. There are many books and movies about it. Homunculus means little human. What does that have to do with the monster I saw? Isn't a homunculus supposed to be something like a clone?

—Essentially, yes, but he went even further, the person I came to hunt. As you said, homunculus means replica or small being born from a human, and for us magicians it can be interpreted as rebirth; for that reason, there was a wave of experiments in the past to the point it became a taboo in the world of occultism. Many alchemists tried to be immortal by being reborn again and again through homunculi. It's one of the reasons why there are not many alchemists today. Most were exterminated or disappeared along with their research without leaving disciples —the air around Maika became heavy as she continued, as if her small shoulders carried all that baggage of guilt—. The principle is quite simple, actually. You have a common egg, you make a hole and fill it with genetic material, a couple of steps that were lost in history and done. The method used in this case is the same, we are the egg and the failed angel is the 'genetic' base. I don't have to explain how to replace what's inside the body, right?

He didn't have to, Aiden could imagine the inhuman scene, his skin bristled as he did, even believed to perceive the smell of decay and death, which he had never smelled, for a second.

—That's why I'm here, to hunt those homunculi and the mage who created them.

Maika made a short pause before continuing, looked at Aiden, waiting for him to be ready to assimilate what was coming.

The young man replied looking at her fixedly, he would not run now, he forced a mouthful of saliva and prepared himself to listen to what was coming.

—We suspect that someone went too far with their obsession and began to investigate things they shouldn't. Moreover, that person can't be a true alchemist; otherwise they wouldn't try to do something so idiotic. My hypothesis is that at some point in their life they stumbled upon a grimoire, and learned the method from the cursed book, probably adding their own touch to the formula.

Homunculi, angel, faults, superhuman, mage, and monster. Those words were engraved in Aiden's mind forever.

—According to our information, there are still at least two or three of those monsters, and they are hiding in the abandoned district.

—So, we have to avoid going there or at least have a plan.

—The one who attacked us yesterday is a sign that the experiment is getting out of control. We have to do something soon; more people are at risk every minute. Tonight, I'm going to kill them all, that's the plan.

The conversation turned out to bewilder him more than he had anticipated, but maybe precisely because it was too much to absorb at once, he had followed quietly it until now.

For her part, Maika trusted that by telling him all these things, Aiden would have fear or common sense and decide not to do something stupid.

—Are you still convinced to help me? —A victorious smile formed on Maika's face, convinced that she had introduced enough terror in the young Aiden.

At the same time, Aiden took a good look at his fist, and squeezed his palm with all his strength!

—Count on me! —the young man exclaimed, inspired by Maika's bravery.

Maika was in her room getting ready to go fight monsters, among other things like changing clothes, so Aiden was waiting obediently outside. Apparently, she always carried with her, well, in her magic pocket, an extra set of clothes, as well as her gun. At least that's what Aiden recognized when Maika came out of the bathroom looking brand new.

The anxiety about what was to come prevented him from staying still. Aiden's footsteps could be heard throughout the second floor. When he was finally allowed to enter his room, he found Maika sitting at one of the desks. Numerous familiar fabrics, what was left of them at least, were scattered throughout like a crime scene and the guilty party didn't seem to care.

—My clooothes!

—This? I need it to represent the elements in their cardinal points and activate the security spell, a barrier so that, this time, NO ONE gets involved —said Maika showing off her creation. Several fabric dolls of different colors—. I'm almost done, sit over there for a moment. Like I was saying, the elements are the first layer and the cardinal point it's aligned with later…

He wanted to give his opinion on it, but fearing Maika he limited himself to listening at first and then after a few seconds even ignored that. Fuzzy memories of their first encounter with the supernatural and Maika's true nature came to mind when he heard the word "barrier", the strange effects he felt that time were the beginning of it all. Apparently, what Maika prepared is an upgraded version.

«Grh… She didn't want my help, but she destroys my things and then starts rambling about things I don't understand. After how hard it was to get us to talk, in the end she treats me like this, seriously she is so…»

Aiden's thoughts and actions didn't correspond to each other at all. Obediently, he did what he was told. Quite a few minutes passed in silence, and Aiden couldn't take it anymore, he decided to try to start a conversation, of any kind, anything was fine.

—Why didn't you have more materials stored in your magic space?

—It's not Doraemon's magic bag, of course. The space I have is very precious, and I can't use it for nonsense.

Although he already knew why, he pretended to be amazed. No, that's not entirely true. The amazement was due to the particular reference to such an old series that coincided with his taste for the retro; he thought, perhaps and despite living in different worlds, they were not so different from each other.

His curiosity prompted him to run a little risk and see what Maika was doing so concentrated. He approached stealthily so as not to distract her, he was practically over her and Maika still did not realize his presence. Aiden positioned himself above her shoulder and asked.

—By the way, what are you doing? —He said casually.


In addition to the surprise at the sudden reaction, Maika's feminine scream, which was beginning to lose its charm by how easy it was to get it out. Aiden received a strong push and found a weapon pointing at his face shortly after.

With a face covered with the colors of surprise and anger, Maika said: "What do you think you're doing!? Don't approach like that, are you an idiot or what!?"

—Wait! Wait! But what did I do? —Aiden made desperate movements with his hands to persuade her not to shoot.

Seeing his expression of terror, as she tightly gripped the handle of the gun in an attempt to control herself, she apologized to Aiden.

—I'm sorry. Ahm… I got a bit carried away —Her way of speaking had changed, this time it was gentler and softer, so much so that it was a bit difficult to understand what she said.

Aiden wiped the sweat on his forehead and let out a sigh of relief once he felt safe. This time he could not resist making a comment. Those words would cost him a lot, that's for sure, his habit of speaking without thinking always brought him problems, and yet, at sixteen, he had not learned the lesson.

—Seriously, that habit of yours of pointing at people with a weapon is not at all good.

Maika had already calmed down, but because of those words that clearly hurt her pride, she exploded again.


His roar certainly stuck in Aiden's ears. When he thought it was over, he received one of the cloth dolls in the face.

—YOU SIMPLY DRIVE ME UP THE WALL! —The violent reaction had calmed her down enough to add in a normal tone—. Now let me work in peace, I don't have much time.

Aiden stayed silent after that hit, it may have been cloth, but he felt it. During that time, he seriously questioned if it was worth risking his life to help that girl.

—Done, all preparations are complete. It's time.

An hour had passed and Aiden had continued to be silent and obedient. He didn't want his life to be endangered again before facing the demons.

—You're quiet —added Maika, actually surprised.

Certainly, he was, after keeping quiet for so long, all kinds of thoughts crossed his mind. Soon he would take the first step into a new world. A flow of inexplicable emotions took Aiden by surprise.

—It's okay —said Aiden.

It's okay to feel those emotions, to know fear because that's what will keep him alive in the end, he thought.

—What? Well, it doesn't matter —Maika grabbed what she had been building until now, stood up and turned to Aiden.

She held in one hand a bow, small compared to others, it almost looked like a well-made toy, she looked at it one last time with pride and when she let go of it, it disappeared.

—Listen carefully, this is my plan.

There was no turning back now, Aiden was going to do it. His heart would run first on the path he was taking.

Maika handed Aiden a handful of papers rolled up with circles and words he had never seen before, but it was something else that caught his attention. Something stood out among the mysterious writings, something that Aiden could read clearly. "I'm sorry." It was written on the first page. The next moment he received a sharp blow to the back of his head and everything went dark.