Encounter with the magician (2)

He gestured for Aiden to sit in the chair next to him. Still processing the situation and cautious of the man, he ignored the offer. Taking his silence as a no, the man then reached into one of the pockets of his robe and placed on the table what looked like mini earbuds.

It was not strange or innovative at all, perhaps the fact that they did not use wires would make you think of buying them when you saw them in a store window while walking down the street. But thinking about it, such a small model would be easily lost. Once placed inside the ear, they would be practically undetectable unless you looked at them carefully.

In fact, Aiden was sure he had the same or even better ones somewhere in his room. They adhered, that is to say, adhered, not placed, near the ear hole and vibrations were transmitted through the cartilage and bones of the skull to reach the eardrum where they become electrical impulses. What was the purpose of this? Giving them to use with his phone would definitely not make sense, and without any device they would not even serve as earplugs.

—I'm sure by now you know it. Milliseconds before pronouncing a word, the brain emits certain waves for those words. Today we can destroy the voices that schizophrenics hear with simple magnetic pulses, others claim that intentions can be read directly through electrical activity in a certain part of the brain, and I, who unlike them, understand the world better. I say that with those same brain waves, the deep complexity continually happening within a skull, as much as the very cosmos, can be developed and controlled psychic powers.


—Synchronization of Frequency with Reality, the technology that can create psychics. One of these methods is known as 'evocative frequency software'; consider it to be an exceptional type of music.

Psychic powers, brain waves, understanding of the world; absolutely nothing that man was talking about made sense to Aiden.

—Of course, to make a connection in frequencies, that technology alone is not enough for you to develop powers. I know what I'm talking about, we've been working on this for a long time.

He was insane. He had to be, he convinced himself of that. Everything that insane man said made no sense. Aiden is just a sophomore high school student and to suddenly be told things like creating psychics, brain waves and moreover, somehow related, magic. All of this was just too much for someone like Aiden to understand. Did it even make sense to keep listening to him? Aiden thought several times in the process of turning it over in his head.

—Wait, wait. I still don't understand. Why are you telling me this? —Aiden rejected the man's gesture.

—Do you know the term 'ESP'?

He hesitated a bit, but out of fear of angering the wizard in front of him, he answered without thinking. That made him a little angry.

—It's what they commonly call psychic phenomena, anyone who has read any science fiction novel knows that. More importantly, what do you mean by I should have figured it out already? Figured out what? Stop talking nonsense and speak clearly for once!

He knew what he was saying was reckless, no, it could be considered suicidal. No one understood better than him, he saw it as he did, just by standing close to that person, the horror that his existence provoked. Just knowing that a person like that existed was terrifying. That person looked at Aiden for a few seconds and then said.

—You should have already realized it yourself; you are not ordinary as you thought you were until recently; in reality, you are someone very special.

—Me? Special? Surely, it's a mistake, that time I used magic was just a mistake. What else could it be if not a mistake?

—Extra Sensory Perception and Effective Sensory Projection. Those are the applicable meanings to those initials. In principle, two sides of the same coin. And no, you're not someone with psychic powers, fundamentally you're different.

Aiden felt that with just his gaze, that man had already performed an autopsy on him.

—I will explain it to you in a way that you can understand. A common example of an ESPer would be a person who can control fire, even generate it with the chemical particles of the air and the phosphorus of their body that they perceive with their sixth sense. That type is called 'Pyrokinesis'.

»A psychic is able to externalize their version of reality by altering the world's. On the other side is magic, which following its own rules reaches the same end. Like two sides of the same coin, both distort reality, but in different ways, almost antagonistically. And at the other extreme of both, the decaying system that moves the world decides who has a role to play, not even the Gods have a say in it, and of the chosen ones, you are next. Perhaps the most special of all.

—What does that mean? That my brain is special, you say? Don't make me laugh. Don't say it even as a joke, the only thing different in me are those pesky hallucinations of mine.

—In your case, I would say that you are special, everything that makes you up is what makes you special. You don't distort reality, it is this world that distorts you, that difference makes everything. The world chose you, affecting your body, and I need you to do your part, for that, I will use both, science and magic to awaken your particularity. My powers should have helped you to see the truth of this world. You are limiting yourself; you have been doing it all this time. Now that you have seen it, it is time for you to learn to control it. Aiden, I asked you again: How do I look?

Even now, the chaotic scene continued before Aiden's eyes. That illusion that he detested, the black smoke, gave no signs of calming down. Cold sweat ran down his body and soaked his clothes; although he remained still, at all times that person maintained a predator's presence, making it difficult to breathe.

It was a complete senselessness. After having seen true monsters, to be consumed by fear in this way something was not normal, even for a magician, whatever that means, however he was, in front of this man Aiden could not think straight. Many questions were swirling in his mind, but these and other thoughts were interrupted by the mysterious man.

—I come from a certain institution, we have been protecting and nourishing you since before you arrived in this city… Seriously—with a slight irritation, he sighed before continuing—, you were close to ruining everything when you used the alchemical circle at school, but it's nothing that can't be solved.

Aiden could not understand what he was saying. He knew the meaning of each word, but together and coming out of this man's mouth, they made no sense. What was I supposed to think or not think? That circle had no end, so I decided, for what he believed, was the best action to take. Of course, it wouldn't be easy, however, whatever the situation, losing his composure was not good for Aiden. He decided to go with the flow of the "conversation", as looking for answers on his own was futile and only consumed his mental state faster.

—What business does someone so important have with me? —His tone was sarcastic, but his act was not perfect, still, the fear in his words and the trembling movement in his legs and lips were noticeable.

—You have the balls to put on your act, kid, but I don't dislike that. Going back to what's critical, you should have already realized that I have knowledge about the events of the last few days.

The man in the lab coat spoke with a tired and raspy at edges voice, as if he had been awake all night doing a tedious and boring job in a cold laboratory; but, at the same time, gave off this feeling as if the horrors that were happening in the city were of no concern to him.

—That hallucination of yours, could very well mean your ability, but they serve no purpose without projecting those illusions into reality. Take the headphones, now that it's activated, the frequency they play will help keep it going. Think of it as a small battery until you can recharge from a stronger source. Let's find out together what your power is, Aiden.

Before he realized his own actions, he had stretched out his hand. When he reacted, he pulled back abruptly and stepped back. He couldn't explain what had happened, at some point, he had a big smile on his face, which was then replaced by an expression of horror. Aiden stared, incredulous, at his hand as if it were someone else's. He couldn't help but curse himself inside.

—I… What is this shit!? I'm not a hero! Even if it's true that I have some power, it's too late! How am I supposed to control it? Why? Maika is probably fighting those monsters alone.

Tired of seeing the boy's indecision, the lab coat man subtly licked his lips as if preparing to speak, and that's exactly what he did.

—As I mentioned —said the wizard, offering the contract—, don't you want to save her?

Worthy of a wizard, the magic words that would set everything in motion reached Aiden's ears and immediately caught his interest, perhaps more than anything else that had been said about his true potential.

—To be honest, I don't want anything to happen to her, either. Maika is an excellent apprentice, but she is still green, which is why I'm concerned. You are proof of that. Seriously, how could she leave evidence? She already has the cleaning team working overtime. Now even I am forced to come into play.

The man sitting casually in front of him, a complete stranger who appeared and started talking nonsense, was sure he couldn't trust him completely; however, the real question is: Is that man an enemy or not? He was concerned about Maika, had called her his apprentice, but suspicious didn't fit him.

Without giving him time to sort out his thoughts, the man in the white coat shook his arm and a handful of papers appeared in his hand while he continued to talk. His expression said, "what a lovely thing" mixed with irony one second and disdain the next, which irritated Aiden. He felt that he was underestimating Maika's determination.

—I would like to do something about it; more so, I would like to capture the specimens for my experiments and find out more about that species.

The lab coat man let out a small smile, the small act made one of Aiden's most primitive functions, the one that prepares humans to flee or fight, which was already active, intensify by ten.

—The information I have is mostly legends and grimoires, it can't be compared with firsthand experience, do you understand? But Maika's growth is more important, and if you can start being useful, why not try? That's what I thought. I'm sorry, I think I'm drifting off again. I have the bad habit of rambling.

As he spoke, the situation became more and more chilling for Aiden, and his emotions turned darker as well. He had mentioned something essential to then go off on a tangent. It seemed like he was purposely trying to irritate him. His small act of bravery that he had put on earlier didn't take long to be dragged into oblivion by the terror and anger of being the predator's toy in front of him.

—Stop talking nonsense and tell me the reason you're here!

—I want you to go and do something about the wizard who created the creatures before he causes more problems —Unfazed by Aiden's outburst and with confidence, as if he knew his answer in advance, he continued speaking—. Maika won't be able to catch him on her own in the state she's in. What do you say? It would be cheating if I intervened, but you're perfect for the role.

These were the words he wanted to hear. Everything he needed to venture, no, throw himself into that world.


—I can't… Are you telling me to do that and spit in Maika's face? I don't have the right! —These words did not come from whom he wanted to hear them from—. I don't know what you're playing at, you say you're her master, and that you're worried, but you don't respect her decision. Your actions tell me that you don't understand her, you don't understand her at all. It's just too much, what she's willing to sacrifice to keep us… keep me safe.

—Are you so certain? That you understand every one of her actions, her concerns, that you understand her. I don't know the details, but that she left you behind is a fact and also that she left something only for you —he said referring to the worn papers still in his hand.