Demon (1)

The pair managed to dodge at the last moment thanks to Maika's forehead magical device, the problem was that they had been separated again. The invisible sword bathed in fire divided the street in two parts, concrete and asphalt flew everywhere.

—Even after the shot on the forehead, it's still alive! How can we kill that thing!? —said Aiden. He couldn't believe the scene in front of his eyes.

Likewise, the anxiety on Maika's face was such that it could disfigure her if it stayed that way much longer.

—There has to be a way! —She spat through her teeth, quickly searching for resources in her mind. If she didn't think of something fast, this would be her and Aiden's end.

The exhaustion from using her blood in the bow was too much, she couldn't hide it anymore. Her heavy breathing and trembling body gave her away.

Of course, the angel wasn't intact either. Several lines along the angel's mask had been left from the previous attack, the previous white skin too had a strange appearance, like it was corroded, but that had nothing to do with Maika's attack.

Before she could even start running to regroup, Aiden became completely still, he wasn't breathing either, all of his concentration was placed on what was in front of the wild-haired boy.

At some point, precisely the moment he took his eyes off it, the angel appeared in front of Aiden.

Even now, it was covered in fire and blood. When did it happen? How did it happen? What the hell? That's what Aiden would think if he could think clearly.

His mind was in absolute silence.

The heavy wind current hit him. The angel had been so fast that it even left the wind behind; first its image appeared, and the current followed shortly after.

The terrifying image processed by his brain stopped all functions in his body. He couldn't breathe, swallow, move, shake, he even thought he had felt his heart stop for a second. He thought he would cry at any second, but he couldn't even do that. All of his senses felt like they were failing, and his emotions were out of balance.

He gathered all the strength in his body to articulate his jaw and let out the last drop of air in his lungs.

—Th-this… An angel?

Motionless and examining it, the horrifying creature, the angel simply watched. At least that's the impression that Maika had while looking on helplessly. Only God knows what kind of expression it had behind the mask, really.

It had developed an interest in Aiden. Thanks to that it hadn't killed him yet, the fact that it had sought him out was proof of that, it hadn't paid any attention to him until now. Then the unimaginable happened.

—"Hj7 ?QUE''//$erERESll#"

Those words shook his body, his mind, every single part of his existence shook. He felt his consciousness sway. The sound of something breaking made the young man's heart return to reality. From the upper-left corner, the completely broken mask fell off in parts, showing Aiden what was hidden behind it.

Aiden's expression darkened even more, something he didn't think was possible. What he saw almost made him vomit, if he didn't, it was because he couldn't in his rigid state of terror. His body had been acting strange for a while now. It was like facing a grotesque realization, he could feel something crawling under his own skin. It was an unbearable feeling, horror. He felt his mind, which until now was blank, being swallowed by the abyss of the multiple eyes of the angel.

Without even giving him time to mentally prepper, the angel flapped its wings covered in flames, creating a 360°-degree wind current so strong that it sent Aiden flying several meters through the air.

After the rough fall, Aiden rolled on the ground a few more times. When the angel sent Aiden flying with the ridiculous wind force created with its wings, the fire that surrounded it was forced to disperse and the iron feathers that were everywhere flown in all directions.

Maika was also pushed back by the wind, if she hadn't been prepared, she could have been thrown similarly to the young man. Again, she showed the difference between an amateur like Aiden and a more experienced player of this deadly games.

She managed to come out unharmed due to her ability to manipulate electricity to stabilize her body in the air and block the sharp feathers, flying indiscriminately everywhere.

But Aiden wasn't so lucky. While rolling on the ground, numerous iron feathers caused cuts all over. One of them got embedded in the back of his left leg, and the worst happened when his body landed abruptly on the ground. He fell with such force that the tip of the feather, now covered in red vital fluid, found its way through flesh and bone to the other side.

When he stopped being dragged by the air pressure, Aiden applied force in the muscles in the lower part of his body and in his arms, uselessly to move. The result was deplorable, and he only managed to get tearing pain.


He tried to reach his leg, but as he continued to move, the only thing he achieved was that the incredible pain increased. If he kept this up for much longer, it would drive him crazy, it was something he understood instinctively, so after the devastating scream, he stopped trying to move.

Without strength or desire to keep trying, the black smoke had disappeared, everything became blurry and his senses seemed to be turned off except for the pain. He could feel his consciousness, coming and going over and over again without completely fainting.

In such a state, he couldn't comprehend the situation he was in, the only thing clear was the iron taste in his mouth and the crucifying pain in his leg.

—AIDEN! —Maika diverted all her attention towards where the boy had been thrown. Even leaving the angel to the side.

She called the name of the dying and bleeding boy over and over again, his leg pierced, his torso, abdomen, and arms full of deep cuts. Things didn't look very promising for Aiden.

The angel continued to turn his back on Maika as she shouted euphorically with all her strength the name Aiden. He was still interested in the boy, so much that the hunter became less than a second thought for the angel.

Without rest, the girl who came to protect called his name, but for now, no sound reached his ears, all he saw was a dark world.

—… Angel… What kind of rotting world could call something like that angel? —said Aiden, emphasizing the horror he saw inside the sack that made up the creature's skin.

No matter how much he spoke, his words didn't echo in his ears or emit any sound in the distance. Was he really talking?

Despite not emitting any sound, he continued talking, despite being aware that at this point, he may not have a voice and was only moving his lips uselessly, Aiden continued talking in that dark world.

—Every time I think about it, I'm more confused… Something is wrong with the world we live in. —In response to his words, something resembling smoke began to appear around Aiden—. I'm sure of it now.

But it wasn't like before, the color was different, completely white and emanating a blinding silver glow, it was something that Aiden had never seen before, and yet he didn't pay attention to the smoke. His will continued to dig elsewhere.

—Monster. Now I understand the true meaning of that word. —Then, as if responding to that same will, something else caught his attention—. What…? To turn everything back to normal? To restore? To deny it? No, I'm sorry, but now that's not what I want… Now I want…

The white smoke started to change color.


It was turning black, even the silver glow from before changed to a dark green.

—What…? Can you do it? I see, you were also listening. What…? I&()$·#Lo+P? … It doesn't matter, I have to protect her. She must be fighting alone against that monster right now.

The black wind continued to accumulate behind Aiden, on his back, and he started to become more and more dense.



At some point, Aiden had stood up. With wounds like those, it should have been impossible, and still, here and now, he was standing up against the angel.

—I'll rewrite everything, what comes next in my story, even if I have to twist the laws of this world even more —His voice couldn't be heard, however, his will continued to formulate another sentence—. An angel, that thing? If that can be called an angel, then… If you're an angel…!

The black wind started to take the shape of wings. Completely black wings.


From Aiden's back grew a pair of wings completely opposite to the pure and beautiful ones that the angel originally had.