First Time In New Orleans

"It's not a joke, I used a spell." Bonnie told her.

"So, in eight years." Elijah stood in front of her, "You didn't kill a human?"

"No...I don't want to turn into a ripper." She told him, "Like Stefan…..I controlled. And I am not adopted!"

She held her finger angrily.

"Very impressive, Charlotte!"

"Caroline!" Caroline snapped, "It's Caroline...Forbes. Caroline."

Elijah took a step back, he was believing this more and more, she was fierce like Hayley. Strong Like Hayley. Defensive like Hayley.

"He's right, Caroline." Bonnie told her. "He's right….You were adopted. Your blood matched this girl's!"


"Your sister, Caroline." Elijah told her, "Andrea, a wolf, just like you…..otherwise known as Hayley."

"I don't…"

"Please...Just come with me," He begged Caroline, "She's in trouble, if this doesn't go through, you can always come back."

"You are crazy!" Caroline threw herself on the couch, "Both of you."

"You can just visit her, Caroline." Bonnie told her, "If this doesn't turn out what it is….or you don't like it….You can come back."

"Fine!" Caroline shook her head, she was going to go, and prove them wrong. "Be prepared to be disappointed."

"On the contrary!" Elijah smiled, "I think you'll be most surprised."

"I doubt that!" Caroline rolled her eyes, "Where are we going?"

"New Orleans!"

He waited for a second

"Are you going to come with me, Caroline?" He asked.

"I will." Caroline pointed a finger in his face. "Just to prove you wrong."

"Thank you, Caroline." He smiled.

He liked this girl. She was much like Hayley. Independent, fierce, protective and controlled.

Caroline Forbes and Elijah Mikaelson arrived at New Orleans a few hours later.

The cab stopped in front of an old fashioned house.

"Come in, Caroline."

She liked the look of the house, it was beautiful. She followed Elijah inside.

"Please...Make yourself comfortable." he showed Caroline to the living room. "Hayley must be in the Bayou, she'll be back soon."

She sat down, as Elijah went to get some coffee. She looked at a canvas in the middle of the room, she looked at it intently. An incomplete painting. There was something familiar about it.

"You know what, I knew this guy who painted like this."

Elijah came back with two mugs in his hands, he set one down in front of her.

"He was a great artist, even though I didn't understand much of it." Caroline picked up the mug, "I liked the drawing he made me."

Elijah didn't know who she was talking about. But both of them knew him.

"Klaus Mikaelson…" Caroline told him. "You might know…."

"Neeklaus?" Elijah looked at her in surprise

"Hello, Love!"

Caroline Forbes turned around in surprise.


"You two know each other?" Elijah looked at Klaus and then Caroline.

"Caroline Forbes…" Klaus turned to Elijah. "I have mentioned her….a lot."

"Is this?" Elijah was surprised. "That Caroline?"

He shook his head,

"What a small world!"

"After I have invited you….Like a thousand times." Klaus stood in front of her, "You come here when Elijah invites you?"

He demanded.

"I didn't know he was your brother." Caroline was as surprised as Elijah. "This is the first time I have met him….and He told me that…"

Hayley Marshall came inside the house,

"Caroline Forbes?" She raised her eyebrows.

"A minute, Klaus…" Elijah told him, "Let's go."

Klaus reluctantly followed him, he wanted to know why Caroline was here. Despite the fact that he called her to New Orleans several times, she never accepted, why would she come now?

"I don't know what Elijah was thinking!" She shook her head at Caroline, "But there is no way you are my sister!"

"That's what I thought." Caroline told her. "But Bonnie did a spell check."

"You are not even a wolf!" Hayley scoffed, "I don't know what Elijah was even thinking."

"I haven't killed a human." Caroline murmured softly.

"But it doesn't mat…." Hayley was walking around the room, "You haven't killed a human…eight years being a vampire...You haven't killed?"

Caroline shook her head.

"I haven't…"

"Still!" She shook her head softly, "I don't believe that you are the other wolf!"

Hayley didn't wait for an answer, she went outside, shaking her head,

"Elijah is going craz…." Caroline could hear her mutter.

Caroline sighed, and threw herself on the couch. She didn't know what was happening.

Elijah came back inside the room,

"Where is Hayley?" He asked,

"She left…" Caroline said vaguely.

"She doesn't believe me!" Elijah looked at her, "Does she?"

Caroline shook her head softly.

"It's because you are insane, Elijah!" She sighed, "Me and Hayley….sisters? That's crazy!"